What's your funniest NSV?
What is the NSV you would never want to admit to anyone but a bunch of anonymous strangers on line? Mine is that I no longer have to hold my my roll of fat back to shave my who-ha! LOL Horrible I know but it makes me happy!
Wine, if you still drink it has it hurt your weight loss?
I miss wine, I really really miss it! I don't have a problem :-) I just really enjoyed have a couple glasses while cooking dinner or while relaxing on a Friday night! I have mostly given it up except for the occasional indulgence about once a month but I was wondering if it has really helped my weight loss.... I never seem…
Carbs aren't evil!!!
Many of my friends are also trying to lose weight at the moment; some have done wonderfully on a program called Dr. Poon. They have tried many many times to get me to join with them but it's just not my cup of tea. I wanted to do something this time that I can envision doing for the rest of my life, in other words eat…
I think I've finally got this!
This weekend was my step son's birthday, I made him a cake as I always do, shouldn't be a problem as it's not like I can cut in and have a piece while I'm baking right? Well the first cake fell apart(ugg so upsetting!) leaving me with a whole chocolate cake in pieces right at my TOM! But I resisted!! I also resisted the…
I was a nonbeliever!
After crying on here for a month about the horrible plateau I had hit I finally decided to head the advice most of you gave me, EAT MORE!! I was terrified, absolutly terrified I would gain but lo and behold one week later I have dropped 6lbs!! I stoped doing the shred, upped my calories to 1400 from 1200 and it worked like…
Unbearable Lightness
Has anyone else read it? I thought it was an amazing book, showed the other side of the coin for me. I know when I get dieting or trying to lose weight I have the tendency to go to the extreme, it really made me look at how I view food and weight loss. Amazing read!
Is it wrong....
That I am choosing to forgo an Easter treat of chocolate this weekend so I can have a couple glasses of wine instead? :P I miss wine........
I have been in a bit of a mood this week, I've hit this impossible plateau that is driving me mad which makes this NSV really matter to me, it's all I have right now! Last night when I went to put the chicken I had pulled out in the morning into the oven to roast I realized it was still frozen solid. It was already 6:45 PM…
Maybe my body has had enough
I"m going crazy, I haven't lost weight in over a month even though I have been SO good with diet and exercise. So I have a new therory, my body is pissed. I have lost and gained so many times in the last 10 years that my body is boycotting, it hasn't been small amounts, I'm talking 40 -80 lbs each time, at least 8 times.…
To exercise or not to exercise
That is my question! I've been doing the 30 day shred but my hip problems were starting to get really bad so I switched to doing it every other day. BUT we had my stepson this weekend and I missed two days in a row. I was going to start back at it tonight but for some reason my left arm is in HUGE pain plus I really just…
I don't believe the calories
Lately I've had the crazy fear that somehow I'm ingesting more calories then I am, for example last night I made a recipe I found on here and I didn't believe the calories they posted so I entered the information in my own recipes. It came out even lower because I used some substitutions, I still refused to believe the…
Dear Scale : Screw You!!
I'm so very frusterated this morning, I'm on day 9 level one of the shred and not only haven't I lost any weight I've gained a pound! (Well I lost a pound and gained two). I have kept tellingmyself that if I just keep pushing through it will happen and not to give up but for some reason this morning something has snapped…
Is eating a late dinner sabotaging me?
My fiancé doesn't get home from work until about 8 or 8:30 and I always have dinner waiting for him when he gets home, I feel eating together is important since we only get a couple hours together every day after work. Some times I find it VERY hard to wait until he gets home so I end up snacking a little when I get…
Shred everyday?
I'm on day 8 level one of the shred, while I'm loving/hating it I really would love to tak e day off! But I commited to doing the whole 30 days and will be very disapointed in myself if I dont' do it. I'm also walking 5 days a week and doing aquafit one day a week on top of the shred. I can't give up the walks becuase I'm…
I no longer eat lunch
I have stoped eating lunch, I now eat small snacks through out the day instead. I just find it feels better to have 4 100 calorie snacks throughout the day instead of a full lunch, keeps the huger at bay all day long. My fiance is freaking out thinking I'm starving myself, to me as long as by the end of the day I've…
what to log Shred as?
I started the 30 Day Shred yesterday and I'm wondering what to log it as in exercise?
Water aerobics
I treid it on friday and I loved it! I was the youngest one there by about 40 years but it was such a great low impact work out and wow did I ever sleep great that night:happy: I want to find a way to fit this into my work out schedule a couple times a week, anyone else out there do it or am I the only one under 80 that…
Don't steal my milk!
Grrr what a grumpy morning this is! I get into work really early, about 6:45 so to avoid spending time packing a breakfast and lunch I keep food at work. So I go to have my morning bran flakes and someone has finished off my milk!! Seriously if you didn't put it in there why would you think it's ok to take? And it's not…
Fitness Goal
I watch X-Weighted and have really begun to love the fact that the people on the show don't just have a weight goal they have a fitness goal! I have always wanted to run, everyone I knwo that runs loves it, becomes addicted to it and I've always had a reason not to be able to. Before I had a reduction my 40H breasts were…
I know it will happen, I just want it to happen NOW
I have a goal to lose 12lbs this month, yes it's a little much but I know that if I step up my exercise with over 70lbs left to lose its very doable. SO I started the 30 day shred PLUS walking my dog every night and I've GAINED weight, it's not muscle; muscle doesn't happen in a couple days. I know it will pass and in the…
Anyone have a low cal healthy waffel recipe?
I'm having company this weekend and they are very used to me making all sorts of goodies for them! I want to still be able to make the things I know they love but in a way that I can have them too. Does anyone have a healthy low cal waffle recipe? Or other breakfast/brunch recipes?
Friend losing weight helped my wardrobe!
I have a friend who has recently lost a ton of weight and looks amazing! She has decided to get rid of all her big clothes and guess what? She's giving them to me so that when I get down to a 14(hopefully in the next two months) I won't have to buy new clothes! SO I won't have to buy clothes until I'm pretty close to my…
Finally hit 20lbs!!
It seems to have taken forever this time, I'm used to losing much quicker but it's FINALLY happened! I'm down 21 lbs!!! Only 39 to go before my wedding :-)
NSV, Imade the right choice!
I went out to Cora's for lunch with my mom on the weekend (my favorite breakfast restaurant) they don’t have any nutritional information available on line or in the restaurant which really worried me. So instead of getting the spinach omelet (I hear it has cream in it)I love or the banana hazelnut waffle I would kill for I…
Getting married, who knew how much there was to eat before t
I'm getting married in July and am desperately trying to lose 60lbs by then (41 to go!) but it seems everything related to getting married involves tempting food! I've already had to do the cake tasting, one caterer tasting, champagne whenever we go visit someone we haven't seen since the engagement..... And I still have…
RestoraLAX(warning may be TMI)
I found out a product called Restoralax from the people on this board, I have IBS and go between being completely constipated or diarrhea. I have just started taking it and it seems to be helping, not going as much as I would like(still have a sore tummy and I'm uncomfortable but I guess that happens when you haven't gone…
If being FAT wasn't unhealthy
If being fat wasn't unhealthy would you still want to lose weight? If it was only for vanity reasons would you still strive as hard?
Seriously I'm that big???
I've always known I'm bigger then my friends but usually I think of it as a size or two. This weekend I was out with a friend who has recently lost weight(she looks great!) and she informed me she is now 151lbs. OH MY GOD I weigh almost 100 lbs (actually exactly 100lbs from where I started)more then her???? This was a…
Menu Help
My sister in law and her three teenage girls will be coming to visit us next weekend. My SIL was recently diagnosed with diabetes so I want to find some meal ideas that she will have not problems eating. But they also have to satisfy three teenage girls, a four year old boy(my step son) and my bear of a fiancée. I'm…
So close!
UGGGGG I really just want to hit the 20lbs mark already! I'm so close I can taste it! The end of this week marks 2 months that I've been doing this and my goal is to lose 10lbs per month so I can feel better at my wedding in July. I know it's only 2lbs away and it's still possible to get there by Friday but UGGGG You know…