February 10, 2012 Results
Happy Friday!
February 12, 2012 Results - We Need You!!
Come on team! We need you!!
February 11, 2012 Results
Who's in today?
February 7, 2012
Day 7....go!
Leap Year Challenge - Who's In??
Ok, I have excercised every day in January so far and despite 28 straight days, 1,378 mins and 21,831 cals burned, I haven't officially lost a single pound! However, I am nearly certain this is due to the adjustment to a more accurate scale and some muscle gains...right? Anyway, my plan is to keep at it and excersice EVERY…
February 1, 2012 Results
Just in case we have any international friends, here we go. Good luck to everyone!
Completed my first Trail Race!!
Tonight I ran the Planet Adventure Winter Trail Marathon in Indy in wet, icy snow and DEEP sloppy mud! I ran the Quarter (6.55 miles) Marathon and it kicked my butt! But despite the fat lip and twisted ankle, it won't be my last!
Clean up suggestions
Ok, my pants and shoes are still covered in mud from Saturday night's run! Any cleaning suggestions - especially for the shoes?
(Not quite) Half of Me w/pics
Well, my tagline is "Half of me by 43" and while I had hoped to be done by my 43rd birthday (today) and I didn't quite make it. I still have 35 lbs to go; but, I am VERY happy with what I have acheived to date! And I am certain that I still will officially acheive the "half" while I am still 43. It will still count, right?…
2011 Year-In-Review and Future Goals
=================================== 2011 ACCOMPLISHMENTS =================================== Biked or Ran 1021.6 miles Lost 157lbs Dropped 16" off my waist (54" > 38") Went from 4x clothes to "Large" Ran 6 organized races ranging from 5K to Half-Marathon Droped run pace from 13:18 mins/mile to 8:59 mins/mile…
Winter already sucks: Indoor Bike Trainer Suggestions?
I have looked at many and can't make up my mind. I do like the Kinetic Rock-n-Roll trainer, but it is a bit pricy.
Completed my first Half-Marathon!!
Just completed my first Half-Marathon!! I have to say that I could have never imagined doing this just 14 months ago 150 lbs heavier than I am today!! 10k time:1:02:33 (pace: 10:06) Net time:2:17:38 (pace:10:31)
Where to run in Seattle?
I am visiting Seattle/Redmond this week and looking for a couple of good outdoor runs. Any suggestions?
My 1-yr MFP Anniversary - Before and After
Today is my 1-yr MFP Anniversary! Accomplishments: * 142 lbs lost * Size 40 pants - down from Size 54 * Size 'L' shirt - down from 4XL * 2 - 5K Races * 1 - 10K Race * Long Run: 7.5 miles * Avg Run Pace 10:30 min. mile * Training for Half-Marathon in November * 50 lbs. until goal weight of 190
Finally trying my HRM. Is a resting rate of mid-40's good?
I got a HRM last Christmas and have never really tried it before tonight. My resting rate is about 39-45. Is that good? I will be using it on my short run tomorrow...
Two NSV's this weekend!
1. Ran my first 10K. 2. Started buying size "L"....no X's for the first time in 23 years! ....Up next: Half Marathon on Nov 5th!
Anyone tried Kickboxing? Suggestions for other Cross-trainin
I am thinking of trying something totally different this fall/winter for a cross-train sport. Anyone tried Kickboxing? If so, does it produce a good burn? Is it hard on your knees? If not, do you have any other suggestions? Thanks!
My first plateau
Well, it is the start of my fifth week and I got off to a really good start (13% of my goal) on my journey. Unfortunately, when I weighed in today, I had a net loss of 0 pounds and I am frustrated. I have done this before, of course, and I remember hitting plateaus for sure, but I wasn't expecting one so quickly -…