Freinds around The Netherlands?
looking for more friends around The Netherlands, if there are any:p haha i'm trying to bring all you Dutch folk together. anyway add up!
Shout your gyms out
What gym are you going too? is it any good? or are you there because you don't have alot of options in your area?
Over Training
There's a huge discussion if whether or not over training actually exists but call it whatever you like, what are the signs that you're doing more than you can handle? for me it's a constant hamstring ache and almost a fever like feeling throughout my whole body. Lets hear yours..
Machines in gyms
Ok call me out on this if you disagree but i think machines in gyms are the worst thing for people looking to get better bodies and generally be healthier. I see so many people in gyms come in, sit on machines, get confortable and push the lightest weight possible, training shouldnt be comfortable, I really believe if the…
Intermittent Fasting
So the newest trend on the web IF, i tried it last year, for fat loss it works like a charm, for muscle growth, not so good, plus if you're sensitive to any kind of eating disorder i would stay well away from this. Anyone tried this? people with success stories?
Flex, Muscle and Fitness workout routines
Ok there's something that's really getting to me, I'v been lifting for a good few years now and i'v tried different things and have a good idea of what works and what does not. What i'v come to notice is that magazines and so on promise people great results because the routines they put on pages are what " the pro's do". a…
Kettle bell workouts
I'm heading into a deload week in my training and was wondering if anyone knew any decent kettle bell routines?? it's something i'v never used in training before, was thinking of giving it a shot for a week before heading back into my normal routine.
Hey everyone
I'm Tom i'm 25, this isn't my first time using this site i'v just never posted anything before, my goal is to diet down to 10 maybe 12 percent bodyfat, My long term goal is competitive powerlifting so there's really no need to get shredded but hell even powerlifters want abs for beach season right:p? joking lol but in all…