Bone Marrow - yum and yuck
Stopped in at my favorite steak place and decided I just wanted an appy - and their roasted brussel sprouts which are delicious and cooked in bacon grease. I see bone marrow on the menu. Maybe I haven't been paying attention, but I've never seen that on a menu.. sorry for the blurry pic, but they delivered some femur…
Annual blood work - still exceptional after 3 years
I eat a sick amount of butter, eggs, red meat and bacon... 3 years paleo/primal. Just completed my annual physical. Doc loved my blood work and called it perfect. Said I was the healthiest person in there and just keep doing what I'm doing. I asked if my daily bulletproof coffee might be going overboard. He said, "No, keep…
Exciting Paleo Book week in Seattle
My to do list for the week of January 19th. Sunday - 1) Complete day 18 of my Whole 30. 2) Meet Michelle Tam and have my Nom Nom Paleo book signed. 3) Watch the Seahawks send the 49'ers home crying while eating sweet potatoes Monday-Friday Workout a bunch and eat great food Saturday - Attend Chris Kresser book signing and…
Proof sugar is as addicting as heroin
Simply try to take it away from a sugar addicted person. I haven't seen reactions like this since watching the TV show Intervention. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/11/05/jimmy-kimmels-halloween-candy-prank_n_4218181.html
Your fitness age
This article: http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/10/31/how-old-is-your-health/?_r=1& makes use of correlative data to determine some trends. They found that Vo2 max had a huge correlative indicator to heath and age. It directs one to this calculator: http://www.ntnu.edu/cerg/vo2max I of course like it because being almost…
Dr. Oz, Carbs & Alzehimer's
WHAT??? I have long considered Oz a nut and a shill for the SAD diet (especially the whole grains are good for you). He had frequently bashed paleo even though he has once in a while presented some good info. Then I saw this - is he really saying he has been wrong?…
Saturday is national smores day.
http://livinghealthywithchocolate.com/desserts/honey-graham-crackers-marshmallows-and-smores-recipe-1977/ Made both - they are delicious. I actually find smores disgusting usually - something I eat just because of the social pressure of some kid making them around the campfire. These were pretty dang good. the graham…
Apparantly we are doing it wrong - MFP numbers
goo.gl/l1Nx1 While a nice marketing piece - what it fails to show is weight loss relative to energy expended and caloric deprivation. Saying MFP'ers eat "this way" - on average fails to demonstrate that this approach is working for them. How many people join mfp, don't lose weight and/or quit logging. How many eat this…
NSV's - What symptoms got better for you?
Lets not talk weight at all ok? (Inspired by recent my heartburn is gone post) So many people say, "oh but going off grains when you aren't a celiac is not recommended by nutritionists". Oh that pisses me off ;) For me my list of symptoms. My finger and toe nails are growing MUCH more rapidly and stronger (sometimes more…
First. - and a great whole9 post
Funny how when mfp goes down, I get a little twitchy. When I check the group and see no one posted for 3 hours - you know something is wrong. http://whole9life.com/2013/07/with-friends-like-these/ I dealt with exactly this. "You are not fun anymore now that you don't eat XXX" Seriously, what I eat determines your happiness…
My new favorite paleo toy - soda stream
I switched to carbonated water (without any flavor or sweetener) a long time ago. Soda and lime is a great social drink and no one gives you crap about not drinking. I then started drinking it at home in great quantities and we started trying different brands. Seems like I go through a 2 liter in just a couple days now. So…
I had an actual DR visit (annual - well kinda)
Just had my first "annual" physical exam in over 22 years. Dr. told me I am literally the healthiest patient he has seen this year of any age. Loved my blood work and couldn't believe my results. Said my results were "ridiculously stupid good". Told me not to bother seeing him in the future, just don't change my diet or…
Paleo is making me heavy- or... psychology of the scale
For well over a year, I have been very proud of my MFP ticker showing 30 lbs lost (it once said 38). I have been very consistent at keeping the weight off and keeping my bf% in line. Earlier this year I started eating more, working out more, and lifting very heavy 3x a week in addition to lots of crossfit. I have not…
My Lipids after 16 months of Bacon, Eggs & Ribeye
As background, I got my blood work done 4/2012 after having been paleo for 3 months (I don't have a pre-primal baseline-but I know they weren't great - I am not a young pup, and have significant family history of diabetes, multiple cancers, cardiac disease, heart attacks at early age, COPD bla bla bla - I got crappy genes…
People I follow on facebook.
Recently while talking about cows - someone asked me to post "who" I follow on FB (other than the obvious). Well, to many newcomers - Nom Nom and PaleOMG are NOT celebrities. Shocking I know. So here is my exhaustive list. Some are pure paleo, some are fitness/wellbeing and health but generally a clean eating approach. Not…
Side effects of cholesterol drugs can be dealt with
I thought that article title was an April Fools Joke! Check out this great article on "how to get back on statins" - "Those side effects are really just in your head". and SURPRISE, "Author received a grant from Merck". Maybe I'm a conspiracy theorist, but I see the denials around statins paramount to the cigarette…
I'm trying WellnessFX.com - interesting site.
Some time ago I read an article by bulletproof executive (Dave Asprey) and/or Tim Ferriss (4 hour body). They reference doing good data analysis of lab results as part of their personal bio-hacking. I signed up as an early "tester" in my market (not available everywhere). It was free to upload my prior clinical data and…
My Sleep Journey. (sorry for the length)
Primal/paleo for 16 months. Great weight loss, great blood work, good bf% and feeling fantastic. I kept reading about sleep. get good sleep. Well of course I do. Then I heard for the third time the nonsense, "use complete blackout shades, not a peep of outside light, black tape over your alarm clock and smoke alarm".…
Kobe Bryant goes Primal.
Stolen from the middle of an article on nba.com"My wind feels even better," he said postgame after the Lakers 111-98 victory over the 76ers. "I feel like I can run all day long. A lot of that has to do with diet and being committed to it, and watching what I eat." The advancements in sports science and medicine,…
Why I ended up here - Consumer Reports.
Well that is a little deceiving of a title - but Consumer Reports rated several commercial and do-it-yourself dieting approaches. (that isn't the reason I ended up here) As previously posted Myfitnesspal and paleo both scored basically 1st and 2nd place for popularity. (that is why) Testament to this group is the…
PaleOMG cookbook - I'm kinda excited.
If you don't follow paleomg you should. She has a blog and facebook page and some of the most amazing recipes. It all started from her love of food and she just started posting things ( like nom nom paleo ). It is turning into a money maker as she was contacted about publishing a cook book. It comes out in April and I…
I'm back from vacation and I was bad :) My Whole 21
Went on a week vacation and didn't get a single workout in. I started the week with a nice tight core - and ended up 10 lbs on the scale and pants that were loose, now just fit. I indulged in a couple non-paleo things, but kept the grains mostly at bay (some cuban pop-overs were a must) - and rice was everywhere. I found…
The best use for GMO corn.
I am putting new carpet in the house. While speaking with the carpet salesman, he explained that the new carpet fibers are actually made out of corn and they are incredibly stain resistant. The salesman said, "But don't worry, they only use corn that is not food-grade and is inedible". I replied, "you just described most…
Don't Die Early - Book
I have become a bit of a book hound lately. Reading everything paleo-ish I can get my hands on. While they pretty much all say the same thing, some are more scientific, some are more about exactly what is happening in your body. Most recently I had read It starts with food. I really like their "don't be a baby" approach.…
When does the pain go away ;) (doms)
I am pretty fit (or so I thought), and used to working out 5-7 times a week. Lifting, some cardio, heavy bag kickboxing. I have been having a hard time putting on muscle, so I am trying crossfit. I am or course hooked and disappointed every time I can't RX (which is 90% of the time). Doing 3x a week and I am so sore. I…
What is worse than Zombie Apocolypse? Bacon Shortage.. duh.
http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-202_162-57519703/global-bacon-shortage-unavoidable-group-says/ Guess I am going to go buy my own pig too.
Story on labor day - CBS Wheat Belly.
While a bit of a short piece, I'm so glad to see exposure in mainstream media. I LOVE the title "Modern wheat a "perfect, chronic poison," doctor says" http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-505269_162-57505149/modern-wheat-a-perfect-chronic-poison-doctor-says/?tag=stack My only objection to the story is, while wheat is bad, so is…
Corn fed cows bad? Candy corn fed cows must be better.
This cracked me up. Several thoughts... It sounds like it is one guy so not a trend. But... 1. Highly subsidized corn is too expensive? 2. He is worried about thr fat content and not the sugar? 3. If the cows are gaining the same weight when eating candy as eating corn.. what is that telling you about corn…
Took the crossfit plunge
3 years ago I met a trainer that was a professional crossfitter and talked about eating paleo. I thought she was nuts but was intrigued. A year ago I tried a groupon for crossfit but only did 4 sessions and my shoulder pain was so bad I would take a cooler with me with ice packs so I could immediately ice after the…
Ancestral Registry - primal/paleo peeps should register
I saw this on MDA. Thought it was a cool idea. Bottom line they are trying to collect anecdotal evidence from subscribers in order to have a larger data set on paleo or lower carb type "diets". Since it isn't a clinical study, it is a giant collection of N=1's studies where "you" enter your experiences and results from…