I just bought a couple eggplants. Does anyone have any good recipes for eggplants?
Low/No Carb meals/foods
I started P90X last week. The first phase is a low carb high protein diet. I tried to follow the nutrition plan they send but there were alot of things I just didn't like on it. What are some low/no carb meals and foods that I could eat while in this phase?
Tropical Trail Mix
I have been munching on Great Value's Tropical Trail mix. It is nuts and fruit. The calories are outragious. Can it really be that bad to eat Trail Mix.
Jillian Michaels
Has anyone read Jillian Michaels book "Master Your Metabolism". I was thinking of buying the Kindle version but wanted to see if people thought it was good or not.
Campbell's V8 Soups
Has anyone tried the Campbell's V8 soups. I bought some last night and was wondering if they are any good. I brought one with me today to work. I know that the sodium is kinda high in them but the calories for the Butternut Squash seems pretty reasonable. I would love to be able to make these soups on my own but I don't…
Blew it this week....
I did so good Monday and Tuesday. I ate right and exercised both nights. But then Wednesday came and I had a big arguement with my husband (who by the way hasn't talked to me since then) and now I can seem to get back on track. All I want to do is eat (I'm a stress eater). :cry:
Hey everyone. I have read and heard that your supposed to drink a protein drink after working out. Is this true? If so can I eat something high in protein instead like peanut butter or does it need to be a protein drink? Thanks for all your help. :happy:
I just got one last week and finally worked out on it last night. I normally walk on my treadmill for 40 mins. So I walked on that for 40 mins as well. It was so much harder to do then the treadmill. I felt like I got a better workout on the Treadclimber. I would recommend it to others as well.
I just bought a Tread Climber today and I am looking to sell my old treadmill. I paid over $500.00 for it about 5 years ago. It is in excellent condition and runs like it is brand new. Anyone have any ideas on how much I should ask for it? I am clueless.