Carb prioritization rules from Men's Health
Carb prioritization rules from Men's Health 1. Foods with added sugar 2. Refined grains 3. Whole grains and starches 4. Fruit (tropical first) 5. Non-green vegetables 6. Green vegetables While I am a believer in IIYFM (aka flexible dieting), I did find reducing #1-2 did help to control my symptoms of Reactive Hypo and…
SAD diet being changed to 1/3 fat, protein, carbs, 10% treat
Hello Board, Note: the information was provided to me by my doc after a recent appt. After a recent medical convention, it was revealed the SAD and ADA diet are too high in carbs for the vast majority of Americans. These diets should be used as treatment for certain medical conditions and not recommended for the general…
Hypoglycemia drink
I will be trying this drink recipe this weekend. Hypoglycemia drink: 1 cup almond or soy milk 1 cup yogurt or 1/2 cup low sugar fruit juice 1 Tbsp brewer's yeast 1 Tbsp sesame, flax or chia seeds 1 Tbsp licorice powder 1 Tbsp Spirulina. Combine and blend.
Just diagnosed with Reactive Hypo. Looking for suggestions
Hello Board, This past week, I have been officially diagnosed with reactive hypo after dealing with a slew of symptoms. As a medium distance runner (daily 5k with 10ks on the weekend), I have always believed a high carb diet was required. After this diagnoses and being informed by my doc to switch to a "lower" carb diet, I…
If eating an excess of macro creates fat, why eat fat
After researching, it is my understanding ingesting an excess of any macros (carbs, fat, or protein) will be converted by the body to fat through the body's various adaptive abilities. I might be misinterpreting and thus creating a false tautology. I acknowledge the statement, "fat doesn't make you fat". Excluding personal…
Suggestions on how to prevent carb overloading symptoms
Hello Forum, For those who have experienced carb overloading symptoms, I would like to understand what techniques you used to prevent or reduce them. Thanks for your time. I look forward to your response.
Boiled silkworms and other insects
I have very limited knowledge in dealing with these insects. I would appreciate some links to websites with recipes for them. In addition, I would also take some recommendation on places in the US which sell and ship edible insects. Thanks for your time and consideration.
Abs min fat required
Hello Board, I believe it has been posted before, however I can not find the thread. Therefore, I feel the need to ask. What is the absolute minimal fat a person requires? I am not advocating a person should strive for the minimal. I would like to be informed for educational purposes. Thanks
What products is the term "processed soy"
Hello Board, When the term "processed soy" is used, what products is this term referring too? I am interpreting the term to include: tofu, meat alternatives (veggies burgers, etc.), protein powder, soy cheeses, hot dogs. I do not believe the term includes tempeh, miso, natto, edamame, or nuts. I have come to the Board to…
Nativity Fast - Going Vegan
Any other fellow MFP-ers doing the Nativity Fast?
Popcorn breakfast cereal
What I feel is the most neglected cereal grain is, to me, a quick, easy, breakfast cereal. I feel this is a perfect breakfast item for us vegetarians and those following a wheat free or gluten free meal plan. Basic recipe 40 g popcorn kernals (1/4 cup) - air popped 8 oz milk. Combine and eat.
Normal weight, normal bmi, normal SMM, low PBF
My PBF is 12.8%; BMI 22.3; "strong type" body composition type. My family doctor isn't concerned with my borderline PBF. However my dietitian is freaking out and wants me to gain. Exercise: 3x a week I run a 5k; 1x a week I cross train Daily: 1 mile or two (walking the dog)