fort Myers Florida
how many people here are from fort Myers? I ask this because in a few months I will be moving to fort Myers myself and am looking to make some friends there. I would like very much to have a little more local support. online friends are great and all but its not the same as having real life support and k knowing that where…
30 day water challenge
So this was something I stumbled across on Facebook or pinterest one, I can't remember which. But the idea is to drink one gallon of water a day, for 30 days, and only drink water. No juice, soda, etc. You can drink flavored water, but preferably only naturally flavored, no added sugars or sweeteners. I'm going to start…
upper body strength
What's the best way to build upper body strength when you don't have any? And when I say I don't have any, I mean none, like I can't even do a single push up, so I'm looking for some exercises that will help me build that upper body strength
Interested in Yoga
so I don't know if a similar post has already been made, I apologize in advance if Im repeating someones post. But im interested in giving yoga a try. ive kinda always been interested in it because was worried about trying it because some of it looks pretty difficult. I don't know of any local classes, and honestly…
Any time fitness
So I have 3 of these gyms all within a very reasonable distance from my house. Two within walking distance. One within walking distance of my home, the other my job and then the last one a bit farther away is over near where my dad lives. How many people use this gym? Is it a good one? I like the idea of it being 24hrs. on…
I really need some help
so as of late this past week or so ive kinda taken over cooking dinner at my house. Recently my mom was told she has high cholesteral, or something like that, and was told to cut out white foods and starches. when i cook my typical meal has meat as the main dish, a veggie side, and sweet potatoes to replace regular…
Fitbit does it really work?
ive been hearing about fitbit over and over again on this site and a few others I want to know if all the hype about it is really true. After checking out the fitbits website it sounds really cool and it sounds like it would be very useful but Im not sure if it would actually be worth it to buy it. For the people that have…
Planet Fitness
hey guys. Anybody here a member of the planet fitness gym? Id recently been seeing their ads around saying that you could join their gym for only $10 a month so i did some checking around on their website to see if there were any catches. From what i could tell their were none. aide from their annual fee that i believe…
Lunch ideas?
Hey all, I recently got a new job at a local petsmart in my area and this is the first time in almost 10yrs that i wont be working at a restaurant. Because of this i will have to start bringing my own lunch to work. Ive never had to do that before because i was always able to eat for free at work, hence why in my journals…
Quick and Easy lunch recipies
Hey guys, i just recently started working for Subway. Anybody whose ever worked there you know you get one free sub a day. But ive been making restaurant subs for nearly 10 years and to be honest i am sick and tired of sandwiches and i eat the same kind of sandwich all the time because i dont eat pork, and i dont like…
Your diet plan and why
Not sure if this topic belongs here or somewhere else, but with that being said: What type of diet are you using to loose weight, if your really using one at all, and why did you choose to go with that particular diet/lifestyle. there are so many different types of diets out there what made you choose the one your…
Where to Start
im trying to get myself back on track here. Its been a couple of months since ive honestly cared about trying to be healthy. with all the family drama ive had going on,(my step-niece almost dying, my mom being suicidal, and my own personal stay in the hospital to name a few things) dieting and exercising just have not been…
Does weightwatchers really help?
Ive been seeing more ads for weight watchers lately. Whats peoples oppinion on it? Does it really help?
I wrote a poem!
this has nothing to do with weight loss or anything of the sort, but I wrote this today, literally, the second I got off work. It came to me while I was thinking shortly before time for me to clock out. Please let me know what you think. And just so everyone knows this poem is the truth. Nothing in it is made up. This…
Alli weight loss plan/pill
I bought a book from a yard sale today about the Alli weight loss plan. I seen it was the book they normally give you when you buy their starter kits from the store. I've never tried alit though I've been very curious about it, mostly cause I felt it was to expensive and I didn't want to spend a lot of money on diet pills…
Weekly Motivational Quote
This here is just a fun little thing I decided to do. Every Sunday im going to post a quote that I really like and one that I feel moves me in some way or another. Ive been a fan of finding and collecting quotes for many years. These are just a few of the inspirational quotes ive collected. I hope they move you In some way…
Zombie run!
how many people have come across this app? its supposed to make you feel like your in the middle of a zombie apocalypse all while turning your normal run into a game. I found this app recently and watched the preview for it and honestly it seems really fun. ive been thinking about buying it and downloading it onto my phone.
Started running today
I did my first run today! I downloaded that Zombies run! app and did Mission 1. It was 30 min long and you jog the first 20/25 min and then sprint the last 5/10 min(depending upon your music playlist and how long it takes you to progress through the story) I wound up sprinting the last 10 min. Considering it was my first…
beginner running
well ive finally taken that step and am deciding to start running. thing is outside of the forced runs I was made to do during PE classes at school ive never ran for exercise or whatever(minus the couple of times I had to run to catch the city bus) so what are some tips and pointers you suggest for the first time runner?…
self sabotage
I dont know what it is lately but I just cant seem to stick to my diet. I try and I start off good but then by the end of the day ive blown it completely and I hate myself for it. I dont know what to do! How can I make myself stick with this?
Shake replacement diets...?
To all those who have tried the diets where you replace two meals a day with a shake do thoe kinds of diets really work? Ive been thinking about trying one cause I almot never eat breakfast, my lunch is almot always small so those two meals I could easily replace and tgen just have a decent healthy dinner in the evenibg.…
Central Florida area
How many people on here live in the central florida area? Im from polk county myself
Yoga newbie
Hey guys i was thinking about starting yoga. Its been sometjing that ivefound intresting for a long time but it always,aand kind of still does,seem, quite.difficult. Alot of the poses seem to twist ur body into unatural and painful postions . Im curious about it thougj and i do want to try it but is it really a good…
Quick easy recipies on a budget
Hey all, im looking for some recipies that i can cook at home. I eat a lot of fast food, and when i say i alot i mean almost everyday. I dont have alot of time to cook at home because of the hours i work. Usually as soon as im up im gone and by the time i get home its too late and im too tired to cook. what im looking for…
Excersise suggestions
i was looking for some exercise suggestions or routines that would be good for me. I have bad problems with me feet, especially my left foot that makes doing alot of things extreamly painful and being on my feet for an extended period of time, especially when im doing something stressful like exercising will almost make me…
New to the site and just starting out
hello everyone, i just joined the site here yesterday and ive only really offically started my diet today. Its something ive been wanting to do for a long time and just decided that now is as good a time as any to start. Ive dieted once before in the past and lost 20lbs but then i got frusted and stopped when i got stuck…