In Search of Ketogenic Dieters
I need a small support group of Ketogenic dieters that have figured it out. My doctor has placed me on this program, and I'm super nervous, but also excited to see how this will work for me. I have researched it for several days now, and I'm getting close to feeling comfortable enough to start it. However, if I got a small…
Ketosis already?
I started my keto eating on Tuesday - I checked for ketones today with the urine strips - it showed I have a small level (15) of ketones. Is it possible I'm in ketosis already? I did it only because a friend that started a day before me said she was showing that she was in ketosis. Do you want to be at a moderate or large…
Switching up a weight loss plan...
I started using Herbalife products a year ago in July. I have lost almost 90 lbs drinking the meal replacement shakes and working out. However, I want to stop drinking the shakes, because now that I understand weight loss, nutrition, and such better, I realize I don't HAVE to use these products to lose weight. BUT, I am…
Is this really me?!
That moment when you see a picture and don't believe it's you. I have a hard time seeing my weight loss. I still see the "old" me when I look in the mirror. Today I had my daughter take a picture of me before I went for my jog. I wanted to make sure I didn't look too gross so I didn't scare people out of the town - haha. I…
Body Image
Favorite Fit Camps and Why
I have started holding Fit Camps in my small town - just a way for those working on their health and fitness to get together and exercise. There are SO many different ways to do this. If you have attended Fit Camps before, what were some of your favorites and why? We do not have machines - this is simply body weight…
Pain in my foot....
I have been losing weight (currently over 75 lbs), but still weigh over 200 lbs. I recently started speed walking/jogging. The past week the top of my foot from my outer ankle bone and around the top of my foot to the other side of my inner ankle bone has been hurting. After my jog last night, it started to cause even more…