How do I maintain my weight and muscle?
Sorry all a bit new, so very basic question. Ok so I have reached my goal. I've been eating at deficit (1500 cals) for a while and been working out hard. I still want to exercise a lot (because I enjoy it), but I don't want to lose any more weight. I will keep watching my protein and carbs. But shall I just eat my regular…
Survey time: Would you buy homemade protein cookies at your local gym if they were for sale?
I've had the idea of making high protein/low carb cookies at home and try sell them at local gyms. Ingredients would be peanut butter, eggs, whey protein, maybe some flaxseed, syrup and natural sweetener (more experimenting needed). No preservatives, so would be fairly perishable. Don't know how people would feel if they…
Creatine and Apple Cider Vinegar.
I was just wondering, can you mix the 2 together in a glass, or should you have them at different times of the day? Or do they have negative effects when taken together?
'Light' food products
What do you think of them? I wanna watch my calories, but at the same time not put too much artifical crap in my body. Do you substitute with 'light' products (margarine, sweetener, light yoghurt) or do you think they are bad for you? What products do you particularly hate/ love.
How do you eat yours? And please don't say you're putting peanut butter on it.
Who is watching 'Food Facts and Fiction' on itv1 (UK)?
On right now. I'm never gonna eat processed food ever again.
Adapting to high protein/low carb diet?
I used to be a reasonably healthy eater, with terrible biscuit cravings in the evening where I'd easily eat half a pack. Recently started eating like a bodybuilder (I do work out) 5x a day,1-2 shakes a day etc. I haven't had any cravings and didn't find it hard to stick to. I'm on about 300 cals per meal. Today was the…
Whey protein for girls
Thinking about mixing some whey in my porridge before the gym and have a bit after my sessions. Goal is to look slim and lean (not muscely). I'm eating quite clean (fish, chicken, brown rice) most of the time, but also have treats sometimes. So anybody knows what whey does to girls? Will it be too much if I add it to my…
Where am I going wrong with my exercise please?
Hi, I'm a girl, tall and if you look at me you'd call me slim (yea I know what's my problem then). Started gym about a year ago, initially started looking trimmer, but also bulging really quickly with the weights, which I don't want. I go to the gym 2x a week 2hrs each time. Until recently 80% of my time I spent on cardio,…
Muscles are heavier than fat, right?
I've been going to the gym for about 4 months now, really enjoying it. Trying to watch what I eat, but I like my burgers and biscuits and I don't want to become a gym fanatic. I was actually quite normal size before I started and just wanted to tone up a bit and lose a couple of kilos. I've noticed I tone up really…
When to eat what foodgroups before & after workouts?
I go to to the gym 2x 2hrs a week, doing mainly cardio. I don't want to achieve anything too extreme, just tone up a bit. I don't count calories and don't cut anything out of my diet, just trying to watch it a littlebit. My question is when shall I eat which food groups before and after workouts? And the days inbetween? I…
Let's talk weight loss supplements
I don't mean muscle builders, I'm a girl and I just want to tone up a bit and accelerate the process. Has anyone tried any weight loss supplements? Which ones? Do they work? Anyone tried any supplements that include appetite suppressants? What's your experience?
Why do we get plateaus?
Assuming we are doing regular exercise with a regular decent diet with the goal to lose weight. Why is it that at different points we're losing more, less or no weight?