Does Housework Really Count as Exercise?
Well, I have been having an ongoing debate with one of my MFP friends, and I'm wondering where everybody else weighs in on this subject (no pun intended). My friend counts housework or cleaning as exercise and logs it as such. I just don't buy that cleaning the house is a fat-burning, metabolism-churning bona fide form of…
Suggestions on How to Celebrate my 1-year MFP Anniversary?
So I'm coming up on my one-year mfp.com anniversary. I love this place and all my buddies here! It's been 99.9% amazing and .1% . . . well, not so much. Monday is a year. Suggestions? Thanks, and to all my friends here -- love you guys, thanks for the love & support, you're amazing!!:smile:
Sticking To MFP!
Well, I was looking for other forums to post in, so I googled "weight loss forums" and ended up in a place where everybody thinks they know everything, and the moderators are SNARKY and mean. That will show me to "cheat" on MFP! I've had very little times when people have been nasty on here. It's happened, but thankfully…
All Veggies, All Fruits, All The Time?
Okay, campers. It's getting down to the wire here. I've noticed in the last month since I've restarted my ChaLEAN Extreme 90-day Challenge that my body is kind of at a sticking point. I've been reading up on nutrition, listening to a LOT of Jonny Bowden info (jonnybowden.com, worth the look) and I am considering trying…
Weight Lifting Question -- Anybody Else Had This Problem?
Okay, so I am 21 days into my 90-day FIT Challenge. I am doing ChaLEAN Extreme and am lifting heavy (for me) dumbbells. A few months back, I had a bad scare where basically I had pulled my pec muscles, then got something called chondocondroitis (sp?) which is inflammation in the cartilage of your pec muscles. It hurt so…
Why Haven't You Reached Your Goals Yet?
Okay, so this is for people like me, who have a ton of KNOWLEDGE about fitness and exercise, but still have not achieved the physique of their dreams. I am on my way to where I want to be, but yesterday, I ate everything that did not eat me first. It felt like my brain was trying to drag my body back to what had gotten me…
Advice from Triathletes
Okay, so yesterday, my friend & I did the Osprey Sprint Triathlon in the lovely waters of the Chesapeake Bay (and yes, you are allowed to say ewwwwww). I finished 2:07:10, not even really thinking about my time, just wanting to finish, and I ended up walk/running with a lady who was a lot slower than me but was great…
The Meaning of Food
Hello, campers! I am currently studying for my personal training certificate while getting my own behind back into shape (back from a 12 now to a 10, working toward a 7/8, which will be in sight after another round of ChaLEAN Extreme, Turbo Fire and P90X2 in January). With all the emphasis on exercise, I am really starting…
Best Clean Eating Recipe Websites?
I discovered a real find yesterday -- a website that is free (she does ask for a donation if you'd like, but it's optional) that has a ton of great clean eating recipes on there. I made the clean chicken & dumplings yesterday, and it was GOOD. So I was wondering -- anybody else have a great online recipe resource for…
Can You Learn to Love It?
Running, that is. To paraphrase a friend of mine (who's not on here): Biking is my lover, swimming is my spouse, and running is my b****! I do not like it, Sam I am. Is there any way to learn how to love it? I missed my tri on Sunday due to illness, and I'm signed up for another one in a month, which means I need to keep…
HELP!! What's Your Best Non-Cheat TOM Craving Pleaser?
Okay, campers, we are heading into that TOM! And it's already starting -- yes, you guessed it, that monthly visit whose favorite three food groups are fat, salt and sugar. UGH! It's already hitting me, AND I am heading into a triathlon on Sunday. So -- I cannot afford to gain weight six days before my tri! Please post your…
What's A Great Non-Food Reward?
So my goal is 135 lbs, which is am almost exactly 20 lbs. away from. I was just thinking, what am I going to do when I hit 135 lbs.? What is a great reward? So I thought I'd ask for help from my MFP buds: I'd like to reward myself when I hit 135 lbs. with something that's non-food, $50 or under and gratifying. Any ideas?…
How Do You Handle Saboteurs?
Okay, so my BF and I are starting our 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge officially tomorrow, but yesterday I thought I'd get started early, after a month of eating total CRAP. I was doing REALLY well until my Mom called (she's visiting and leaves on Monday) -- "We MUST go to lunch!" I was like, "Um, can we eat here?" "NO!! I…
Ladies -- TOM bloating
Okay, girls. This is serious. I am getting healthier, but every month, that one week before my TOM, I look like I'm five months pregnant. it doesn't seem to matter how much water I drink, etc. Exercise helps somewhat, but does anybody have any great secrets to getting that belly to un-bloat during that oh-so-special…
Where do you get your motivation from?
So I'm getting ready to head into this Beachbody $100K challenge (which probably means P90X), and I'm psyching myself up for it. I'm also getting ready to do my third Iron Girl triathlon at the end of August. But I'm not NEARLY where I want to be with my physique. I've been struggling this summer with finding motivation,…
P90X or Insanity?
Okay, campers. I have a major decision to make. I am starting the Beachbody $100K challenge August 1st, and I need to choose a program. I want to lose weight, get major muscles and FINALLY look like a personal trainer (which I'm studying to be, but I don't look like it yet). I've narrowed it down between P90X and Insanity.…
Shakeology, Day 1
Okay, so I signed up as a beachbody coach in March and am almost at the end of ChaLEAN Extreme. My own coach (you know who you are!) has been bugging me since I signed up to try Shakeology and has touted how amazing it makes her feel. So -- I broke down and ordered it and started out today having one after lunch. I'm going…
What is your "reason" for losing weight?
So I'm listening to this book on the brain, and he's talking about left brain & right brain. For weight loss, left brain is having a plan, how many calories you eat, how long and hard you exercise, which exercises you do. The right brain is your emotional side, the WHY you're doing what you're doing. I think this is the…
Non-Scale Related Goals
I have been listening to Jonny Bowen's fantastic "9 Essential Rules for Weight Loss." He talks a lot about things OTHER than weight loss, which I love; I find that losing weight and getting in shape helps in other areas, too. I'm hearing from him and a lot of other success writers that writing down your goals & sharing…
What Do You Do When Relatives Sabotage You?
Okay, so my Mom, bless her heart, who is wonderful, brought a crap-load of food to my house that is most definitely NOT wonderful: a loaf of homemade white bread (like my grandmother used to make!), a BOX of pizelles, a loaf of cinammon-raisin bread with that goopy sugary stuff all over the top, and cookies. I love her…
Did Anybody Catch Dr. Phil Today -- What did you think?
Okay, so now that Oprah's gone, I'm stuck with Dr. Phil. Kinda like him, kinda hangs on my last nerve. ANY-who -- for those of you who caught today's show, it was about one partner not loving the looks and/or body of the other. There was a lady on there who had lost a ton of weight and now has skin flaps -- really flappy,…
Visualizing Your Goals
I was just thinking about what I want my body to look like when I get to my goal (which is 135 lbs, size 7/8 by August 25th, my birthday); I can see all of my body, except I cannot see my pooch (lower tummy) going away. So I was wondering, how does everybody else do this? How do you see yourself as you want to be? Is it…
Does muscle really "weigh more than fat"?
Okay, so I went to my doctor's office today (allergies, YUCK) and allowed them to weigh me. Yes, I regularly refuse to get weighed at the doctor's office. I figure I will just need depression medicine in addition to what I'm already being seen for, so what's the point? At any rate, I weighed 10 lbs. less than the last time…
The Thing I am Looking Forward to Most When I Reach My Goal
I was thinking today, what am I really reaching for with this weight loss/fitness journey? So I thought I'd fill in the blank for myself & ask you all to do the same. The thing I am looking forward to most when I reach my goal weight is looking in the mirror and thinking I look great! That doesn't happen that much right…
What Do You Love About Your Body?
I was listening to a Jonny Bowden CD on weight loss today, and he said something that really made me stop & think: Name three things about your body that you LOVE. It took me a moment to think of three good things, but then I realized, I only think about what I *don't* like about my body. So here's my three things I…
How to Cook Grass-Fed Filet Mignon?
Okay, so I am trying to buy & eat better meat cuts (although good grief, you'd think they're feeding these flippin' cows GOLD, as expensive as grass-fed beef is) -- so I bought grass-fed filet mignon. I'm getting conflicting information online as to how to cook them. Anybody have a great recipe for this? And do I need to…
Emotional Eating
My hubby & I were talking about this yesterday. Why is it that being upset or frustrated makes us want to eat crap? I had a VERY bad eating day yesterday, and a big part of it was emotional eating. The stress of a 5-hour drive turning into an 8-hour drive did not help, either. Anybody else have some insight as to what that…
Please Feed the People!
Okay, I know I am on the same high horse as usual, but I am TIRED of seeing diaries where my friends are either: a) not eating NEARLY enough -- we're talking under 1,200 calories a day -- to LIVE, let alone thrive, and everybody "woo-hooing" them and giving them "way to go's" for starving themselves and/or b) staying…
Calculating Calories Using HRM
Okay, so I have a heart rate monitor, but it isn't the kind that calculates calories for me. I have a friend (you know who you are!) who has a HRM that does everything but exercise for you. So -- my resting heart rate is around 55, I think; yesterday, I got my heart rate up to 150 while doing ChaLEAN Extreme Burn…
Yes, You CAN Do It!
Yesterday was one of "those days" for me. I ran into someone I hadn't seen for a number of years. She looked at me like she didn't recognize me, and said, "I wondered, could that be Beth . . . " Well, the old insecurities reared their ugly heads, and I went over and over in my mind, do I look *that* different? Do I look…