HELP!! What's Your Best Non-Cheat TOM Craving Pleaser?

Okay, campers, we are heading into that TOM! And it's already starting -- yes, you guessed it, that monthly visit whose favorite three food groups are fat, salt and sugar. UGH! It's already hitting me, AND I am heading into a triathlon on Sunday. So -- I cannot afford to gain weight six days before my tri!

Please post your favorite NON-Cheat craving busting meals, snacks, drinks, etc. Shakeology does help me some, but mainly during the OTHER three weeks of the month. This one week (i.e. THIS week) turns me into a crazy eater who would consume anything that I could slather butter, sugar or salt on. Seriously. The kids are beginning to eye me suspiciously. Help! :frown:


  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    Im glad you posted this....TOM just decided to show up today!! GRRRR..anyway...for sweet craving I like skinny cow products. I freeze their candy and it lasts longer that way.
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 913 Member
    I don't know what you consider a cheat, but I have 2 Tbsp of all natural dark chocolate chips as a treat. It really helps satisfy my craving for chocolate and I eat it slowly because they're small. For 140 calories I don't think it's bad!!!
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Frozen grapes.
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    i add a couple spoons of chocolate protein powder in my coffee, it saves my life sometimes. no joke.
  • jagh09
    jagh09 Posts: 555 Member
    Salty/Savory: 1 corn tortilla, 1 oz reduced fat shredded Mexican blend cheese, 1 tsp salsa - microwave for 20 seconds, wrap and enjoy

    Smart Food single serve popcorn

    Wasa Cracker with laughing cow cheese spread on

    Sweet: Skinny Cow ice cream products! Love them
  • anastasiaBH
    anastasiaBH Posts: 268 Member
    a few snacks:
    - whole grain toast and a tablespoon of peanut butter....
    - two (yes, I really take only two) dark chocolate hershey's kisses (don't chew, suck them like hard candy)....
    - a little serving of low fat chocolate soy milk.... (90 cals / 8 oz)

    and when all else fails, I cheat with ice cream or a home made choc-chip cookie, and work out harder the next day :smile:
  • Phera
    Phera Posts: 269 Member
    This weekend I discovered strawberries and a 100 calorie chocolate bar eaten together is fantastic.
  • TheNewLK
    TheNewLK Posts: 933 Member
    Lowfat pudding wtih nonfat whipped cream....stir it in chilll...almost like a mousse and super low cal
  • Tams297
    Tams297 Posts: 15
    For me a tiny bit of 70 or 75% cocoa dark chocolate helps and chocolate cravings. A small square is usually all i need of that and the green and blacks one is only 20cals per square so it's not cheating.
  • csmith4567
    csmith4567 Posts: 82 Member
    I'm a peanut butter hound at my TOM ... I found a Tbsp of Peanut Wonder and a slice of Nature's Own 100% whole wheat bread (only 50 cal per slice) ... gives me a nice snack for about 100 calories ...

    Also, I get high concentrated cocoa bars (over 75% cocoa) all dark with hardly any sugar and use those to satisfy my chocolate cravings ... one or two frozen squares helps me quench the craving monster.

    Another good find ... Galaxy Nutritional Foods - Veggie Slices - substitute for cheese ... no trans or saturated fats!

    PS I started on WW before joining MFP and had lost several pounds before the switch. (Why pay for what I can get for free ... and the support system here is much better!) It has been a healthy, successful summer ... and I am constantly scanning the nutritional information on products looking for those that help. Lord knows we need all we can get.
  • skinnywithin
    skinnywithin Posts: 1,392 Member
    little vodka and grapefruit juice has always worked for me....just saying after a while all the craving will be gone !
  • Fiber One Oats and Chocolate bars. :) Like a candy bar. Yum!
  • tamheath
    tamheath Posts: 702 Member
    little vodka and grapefruit juice has always worked for me....just saying after a while all the craving will be gone !

    There's my girl - lol!!! :laugh:
  • tamheath
    tamheath Posts: 702 Member
    I also like the WW chocolate toffee bars. A big tablespoon of mini chocolate chips, mixed with a spoonful of almonds helps the chocolate craving. For salt fix: some olives and turkey pepperoni drizzled with a tsp of sesame oil. Ahhhhh, yum. Way too high in sodium, I know, but, damn, can't give up EVERYTHING! :wink:
  • Queen_JessieA
    Queen_JessieA Posts: 1,059 Member
    I am old school ~ Ovaltine w/ skim milk is a nice, chocolately treat now and then!!

    And I just discovered Skinny Cow's Dreamy milk chocolate clusters. 120 cals! Oy! So good :)
  • frozen banana with 1 TBSP cocoa powder and splenda, mixed with the magic bullet and put back in freezer. Top with ff reddi whip and a few mini chocolate chips....taste just like ice cream!
  • Charlie175
    Charlie175 Posts: 232 Member
    Any flavour ff jello with lite/ ff whipped topping. .
  • Caro239
    Caro239 Posts: 46 Member
    Mini Milks, especially the chocolate ones... only 30 cal each.
  • Queen_JessieA
    Queen_JessieA Posts: 1,059 Member
    frozen banana with 1 TBSP cocoa powder and splenda, mixed with the magic bullet and put back in freezer. Top with ff reddi whip and a few mini chocolate chips....taste just like ice cream!

    THIS sounds yummy!!
  • I like my homemade smoothies -- any fruits you like........and sweeten with Agave nectar -- you control the sweetness.