Has anyone experienced any side effects from Shakeology?? Racing heart - jitterness - anything weird - I'm interested in trying the 21 day fix - but am skeptical of all the "natural" ingredients!! There are a lot of "roots" on the ingredient list!! Please do not try and "sell me" - I already have a friend who is Team…
What does everyone list CROSSFIT as on the exercise tracker? I've been listing as Calisthenics (push ups- sit ups) vigorous effort BUT - we do a heck of alot more than that!!! Any suggestions?
How accurate do ya'll think WII Fit is???? It's telling me I lost 13lbs???? Which is awesome...but shouldn't I be down a clothes size???? Surely all my working out didn't make me build that much muscle???
Hey there...I'm switching out 30 DS with Biggest Loser Walking Workout...it's 4 different 1 mile walks that progressively get harder...the first one is basically walking wtih a few variations and arm movements and I just listed it under "walking" on the calorie counter...but Walk 2 incorporates weights and Walk 3 throws in…
I had crackers for breakfast and a salad for lunch and totally had my dinner planned out because I THOUGHT we were going to IHOP for dinner...BUT change of plans and we ended up at WOW Wingery!!! and I totally pigged out!!! Why do I lose all my senses when I don't know what to specifically eat when we eat out!!!!!!!!!!
I want to do a colon cleanse of some kind...but I am too scared to try any kind of "packaged" product or "herbs" - does anyone know of a plan were you just eat fruits and vegetables for a week or something?? Or another website with some info??? Thanks!!
Can you eat to much of it??? I had a little snack about three, then suckered myself with some trail mix so I'm very LOW on cals - so I was just gonna have another yogurt - but....is there such a thing as too much of a good thing???