PINK Method
I am watching Dr. Phil and the show is on this new workout program. I am wondering if anyone has tried this plan.
Turning Point, The Straw that Broke the Camel's Back
Was there one incident where you knew you where done gaining weight? What was that thing that triggered your journey? Mine was on Jan 2, 2011 when I got on the scale and gained 5 pounds in two days. I was back in my 14s and I was done. It did not help seeing all my childhood friends(not all of them) post pictures on…
Am I Nuts about Exercise
Seriously am I the only who exercise so can eat more. I see all these post by people who do eat their exercise calories because they are not hungry. Am I the only one who works out harder so I can have more at dinner or a snack?? Plus when I exercise, I am hungrier.
iPod Thingy - Can't get it to work
So I bought the iPod tracking Nike+ thing. I did not have the right shows. I asked for help and this community came to the rescue in typical MFP form. I bought this bean pouch thingy for my shoe. Excited I tore into the pack, put the little orange iPod attachment in the pouch and went for a run. Nothing.......am I missing…
Nike/IPhone + GPS Insert
So I bought the Nike/iPhone thingy for my running shoes. I do not have Nikes, but I thought I just stick it in my regular shoes. Well not so much. It is suppose to go in these special Nike shoes in the bottom. I cannot find the shoes and the person at the shoe store looked at me like I had lobsters falling out of my eye…
So Dang Frustrated with Food
I love food but it hates me. First I find out I am Gluten Intolerant. Fine, I gave up all wheat products. I lost a bunch of weight and then started gaining it back because I was substituting chocolate for donuts. I joined MFP in Jan and have lost 31 pounds. But I still like my chocolate. Well I started getting sick again…
What is your Favorite thing about.....
As we all drop, we see new and great things about being fit and healthy. I saw a post about the things people hated about being fat. Now that you are dropping the weight, what is your favorite thing. Personally I would never walk around naked before or look at myself in the mirror. When I hit the 20 pound mark, I started…
What the heck was this strange thing
So I have been running three times a week. I have come so far. I have lost 39 and have 12 to go. I was getting out of the shower and I put my hand on my waist. I noticed this hard lump on my side. I panicked. I ran to the mirror and was surprised to see that there these hard lumps on both of my sides. I then realized, oh…
Couch to 5K Week 4.....who knew
So I have a story that I must share for all those beginning runners. I have never ever been a runner. I did not really believe I could do it. Well on my March 18, I tried to run and it was a complete disaster. I thought I was going to vomit when I ran one minute. Well my wonderful MFP family turned me onto Couch to 5K. I…
GYM Vs the Food Network
So I did not have time to run tonight, so I went to the gym. I noticed that lately when I go the Food Network is always on. Tonight it was some cake off with Red Velvet cake. Isn't that like sitting in an AA meeting and watching how they brew moonshine? I do not get it, anyone else notice anything weird on television when…
So Bummed
So I went to college for Public Relations at the University of Florida. Since I got out , there has not been one job out there for me. I did really well in school and had a high grade point average. I gave up and just went on with my life and I fixed me. I lost weight, I focused on the only things in life I could control.…
Running Question
So I am on week 4 of my Couch to 5K. I am waiting on hearing about a job today. My stomach is doing all sorts of cartwheels. Well I want to run today but I am scared it maybe a bad idea with my stomach being all nervous. However running always cures my nerves. So should I run or not?
Need Some Emotional Support
So I am waiting to hear from a company today about a job I interviewed for last week. It is my dream job and I am nervous as all heck. My old self would have broke out the chocolate and soda. Have not done that at all today. I have stayed on my regular schedule. The positive thing, I have not started stress eating. The…
After You Run??
I just started running for the first time in my whole life. I am on week 3 of the C25K. At first when I ran, I itched like crazy afterwards. Now when I run, my hips tingle for awhile. Has any one else dealt with that? Is it normal?
Training and Running Question
I started the couch to 5K application. I love it. I got behind last week. So I had one to make up from last week and I did it earlier. I wanted to do week 2 tonight. I feel up to it. Should I wait on doing the second one today or try to do it later in the week?I am feeling ambitious.
Just felt like Running
I am going to start running tonight. I have lost 23 pounds and I feel like I am ready. Does anyone have any good tips? I am a little nervous.
Gluten Free and Loving it
Hi Guys, I have a challenge, I have celiac disease. I could never lose weight before I found out. Now I feel great and I am losing. But I found it is hard to find lower calorie meals with my restrictions. In fact to gluten free cookies are 160 calories. Anyone else facing the same issue or some sort of food intolerance. It…
Couch to 5K ap question
I have been on the site daily and now I am starting my running adventure. I wanted to add the ap to my iPhone. Problem is there are two aps, One is made by Felt Tip and the other by Bluefin. Anyone use either of these and know which one is better? The are the same price and have the same rating.
I need some Clarification
I am a bit confused about the calorie goals. Should I aim to get 1270(which is my daily goal) in food alone, or should it 1270 after to exercise. My mom use to lose her hair when she ate only 900 calories a day and her exercise plan was 8 miles of walking. This is how I have been doing it, I ate 1600 calories yesterday and…
I need some Clarification
I am a bit confused about the calorie goals. Should I aim to get 1270(which is my daily goal) in food alone, or should it 1270 after to exercise. My mom use to lose her hair when she ate only 900 calories a day and her exercise plan was 8 miles of walking. This is how I have been doing it, I ate 1600 calories yesterday and…