To lose 10 stone in 10 months and win money from it
Hi name is dave tried everything to lose weight have lost out on over and over again can’t seem to get started so I’m at it again had to bet £ on myself to motivate my self to do this chaos he will win enough to pay for a holiday to USA next year Wish me luck and add me on here and Instagram
trapped nerve stopping me training physio said dont train! my mind is saying get back at it
proper sick not trained for over 7 weeks had a sore shoulder back and arm pain in shoulder ache had it since october but just trained away , 6 weeks ago woke up couldent move my top half was locked up in pain never went out of the house for two weeks with it ,went to doctors x 3 nurse 2 physios few sessions hydro pool…
need a kick up the behind
Feel free to add me i need a boot up the behind did really well last year but since easter i seemed to have went backwards adding on 56 lbs after losing 125lb this time in looking at losing 80lbs can any of you help motovate me and help me along the way please ,46 years of age train 3 to 4 times a week and know exactley…
mojo gone disapeared lost reward for its return
lost me mojo for diet training weight loss fitness put on 21 lbs over 2 month how do i get back on the focus truck feel like im on a wagon going backwards down a hill with no brakes going out of control , just been to the gym did a session not high intense stuff but non stop weights and a bit of stair master and treadmill…
is there a reset button anywhere
Any one know how to reset my thinking pattern on weight loss , ive lost just over 9 stone and now need 7lb of to hit a target of 20 stone once im there i will be pleases as it will be 9 stone 9lb off , ive been a bit off it lately not training as hard and as much as i should and having the odd snack and prolonging my treat…
massive weight gain and loss in 10 days
Being doing really good recently untill i went away for 1 week in scotland and relaxed ate loads of food and had about 5 pints of beer to be socialble with the group i was with anyways i put on 22 lbs in 10 days however after being back since tuesday this week i have lost 16lbs upto now , my weigh day is sunday so i have…
picture before and after 125lbs loss
https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/t1.0-9/10155431_10152401470362059_9143865214957985869_n.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc1/t1.0-9/10177989_10152401470217059_118250992403881632_n.jpg
300lb runner wise or unwise ? all tips welcome please
Hi im 300lbs 6ft 4 ive dropped 118lbs in weight , i want to start running again but im a bit worried if i do i may damage my legs ankles knees etc , why i say this is every now and again my achiles tendon aches or i pull my calf this is just with walking the dog for 1 hour at a fast pace ! , i do high intensity training…
112 lost 52lbs to do not to far away on this journey!
What a journey this has been nearlly there now was 409lbs 29 stone.9lbs now 306lb 21stone .9 massive diffrence.will break the 300lb barrier soon and the 50 lb barrier all little goals that help me suceed all i need now is another 52 lbs then i will be at target weight , now fitter feel better and cant wait to break the 20…
100lb goal smashed took since xmas to lose 8lb
Another milestone passed its hard work the food bit only another 50lb to go or so, does any one else set huge targets or small targets , i set small targets 1 stone at a time im now 11lb away from the next stone making it 8 stone
Are my calories correct on mfp
Hi are my calories correct on my fitness pal the reason I’m asking is because I workout 4 times a week quite active walking i weigh 22.10 6ft4 mfp says I should eat 2300 a day other sites I’ve come across say i should eat 3000 plus i can manage quite easy on 2300 most days I’m not doing above 2000 . I’m not losing weight…
23 stone running is it wise ?
Hi im 23 stone well 22.12 i used to run years ago im itching to run again do little bits on a treadmill now 1 minute on 1 minute off x 4 as part of a circuit i do get out of breath hauling 23 stone about , i dont want to damage my knees or achiles tendons i say achiles becausei broke my back and pelvis many years ago my…
calorie burn question for fitness people
Hi my weight is 23 stone 6ft4 i should eat around 2300 calories for the day acording to myp BUT the question i have is i use a polar heart rate moniter and dureing a hard pt session where i get beasted untill i cant breather i use up 800 calories if i leave the watch on i continue to burn more maybe registers 1300 calories…
carbs v sugar
Quick question my sugar is allways high but my carbs low i seem to be increaseing it with fruits and the sugar in my coffee and tea which i cant really live without is this ok for a lot fructose from fruits i dont really want to give up frut just started getting me head around eating it again instead of junk food ? its a…
Tea coffee and sweetners which is the best
Hello which is best sugar supplement that does not leave a aftertaste in your mouth , i drink loads of tea and coffee every day probally 8 cups maybe 10 each with 2 sugars if i can get rid of the sugar i should think i will lose a bit more weight every month ,70 cups a week is a lot of sugar =3500 calories =1lb weiight…
6 stone gone was 409 now 322lbs
This has been hard work loseing the weight not been on here for a while now does any one else have a day where they eat what ever they want i have done this but then the days starting spreading into 2 days then 2.5 days im back down to 1 day now i am finding it hard work though
Not losing weight allowed 2600 have1700
Hi im Dave im allowed 2600 calories a day im consuming about 1500 to 2000 per day , today i exercised and it gained me a extra 1000 so now i have 1900 to consume today i just cant do it i train hard at the gym do a hard 30 to 40 minutes with a personal trainer based on metabolic training once a week i do the same again 2…
How to convert strentgh exercises to show calorie burn
Hi been on this app for a month its great one thing im struggling with is how do i get the exercises to show calorie burn i can do it for walking jogging bikeing but cant seem to grasp the strengh side of it can any one help please Cheers Dave