i know i darent even lift a weight up or even do cardio in the gym anything to do with top half i want to get this sorted out , i know how the spine carries everything that controls the body and i dont want to end up in a wheelchair i know thats extreme thinking but i allways think the worst , i feel like im healed now no…
my weight loss has done wonders when i first started off i was 29.9 stone 6ft4 big lad anyway but far to much weight , i went down to 20 stone in weight i felt fitter healthy better even looked better could exercise more but the biggest diffrence was my heart !! i wear a heart rate moniter for training since i started ,…
Cheers i need a smack and a kick now and again , 5 times this week been to the gym back on it now just need to sort me food out and i will be melting like the polar ice cap
Very wise words powefull when i thought about them
I know i can win this battle mind over matter Thanks
Feel free to add me i need a boot up the behind did really well last year but since easter i seemed to have went backwards adding on 56 lbs after losing 125lb this time in looking at losing 80lbs can any of you help motovate me and help me along the way please im male married 46 years of age train 3 to 4 times a week and…
Hi Paula we all ahve bad days but ive had a few bad months it seems ,i need to be hard on myself as from now got lazy unmotovated , lol i havent been truthfull on food logging of late but as from today the 30th day i have logge din is a TRUE fresh start new me new goals new gains or losses all will be good Thanks
p 1 jump off wagon Step 2 Brush self off, breathe and be thankful you can stop Step 3 Log all food accurately(you do not gain 20 pounds in 2 months on 2100 calories a day right ;) ) True i lost control of my calories and dident care about them or the effect of them Step 4 Find what you enjoy in terms of exercise and pursue…
Thanks guys what ive done is got back on the training wagon im making it so i train every day trained 5 days in a row last week had a 5 mile walk for a rest day , food is perfect dureing the day its nighttime i suffer and become like a food hoover go around hoovering food up as in bad foods biscuts crisps . this is my…
Rotor cuff i have this it started with stretching to reach a bar behind my neck to do a squat, went to physo he massaged it felt ok then , then went achey again, went to another physio she said massage wont help you and i needed to do streteches for it , its been over 6 months and still aches at night or first thing on a…
It is a lot of weight just researched it online thing called edema Physical inactivity - edema is more prevalent among people who do not exercise at all, and walk very little.this was me i did hardley anything while i was away complete rest. Standing or sitting still for long - if you stand or sit still for a long time…
Thank you all all these comments make me think im thin again, another 50lb to go and im there ,its amazeing not carring all that weight around 125lb i cant imagine grabbing hold of it and walking more than 50 yards with it now ! feel better fitter more energy and drive to do things now Thanks all...
hey thats great work thabnk you very much for doing that fix
i once lost 9lbs overnight no one beleives me about it !! i often lose 5lb from going to bed to getting up weird but true , i can also can add 5lb from one morning to the next with a bad food day , nothing to worry about i dont think in fact i got got weighed friday morning had a small coffee went to gym 40 minutes workout…
This is all good advice, the shoes are quite important i have noticed over the last 18 months that my new balance trainers are not as good as they used to be. had 3 pairs ! i went to a store on sat picke d up loads they where all very light no suport so im looking at gettinga foot fitting for some sturdy trainers as this…
i try not to blame the jumping jacks box jumps and everything else i do as i know they really tire me out and i progress with them but deep down i know im to heavy for them skipping is ok as well Thanks for advice
Thank you good solid advice
i do believe it does exist the best senario i heard was from a pt , he said you can give up drugs , smoking , drink and never touch any of them again but with food we need it which makes it hard to give up , we can swap addictions around from sugar to fats etc or even choose excerise. we have to start with knowing how our…
ahhhh i see why you dont exercis emuch now , i once broke my back and was laid up in hospital for 13 weeks , i lost weight in there so i know its possible to lose weight while not exercising , if you have proper portion control and eat the right foods the weight will drop off like a polar ice cap melting on a sunny day ,…
Hi Thanks for the support its great and welcome , its a long journey but worth it i want to live longer and be healthy in years to come i dont class it as a diet its a full on lifestyle change that i ahve done diets do not work for me. the cheat meal is my enemy as once i get the taste of treats/crap i cant stop but my…
Some chemists have scales boots in darlington has a set and BHS do as well most gyms do or any health center they are pretty cheap in asda under £10 even cheaper on line . take measurements and go by that see if they go down or up !!
Thanks for the tips and advice i think i just need trhat push and im stalling myself becaus ei know its really hard when i am probally 6 stone overweight its a lot to carry BUT it will only d me the world of good i used to love running, looking back i shoudl have never packed it in and let me self get in this state , its…
thanks for advice my old injuries worry me a bit dont want to stop exerciseing if i get injured
Thanks for the replies i would love to eat that extra 1400 calories a day but feel i can’t stomach it , give me a mars bar pack of crisps pizza or something really unhealthy high calories i could consume it in one sitting probably. but to eat 1400 calories of a good clean food is hard work after you have all ready eaten…
Hi thanks for reply i dont wish to eat the extra calories i burn im just wondering if other people eat them , if i train and burn 800 and walk the dog and burn 600 thats a extra 1400 a day , also wondering if im doing more harm than good or am i placeing my body in starvation mode by not eating enough calories Thanks Dave
Treat meals turn into treat days then nights then all day i can do it all wekk long lose weight then on a sunday i fill up like a king on a feast which takes me 3 days to lose the weight i put on by pigging on its a strange cycle i go through but does work , but would work better if i just had one treat a week which is…
Hi every one I get weighed every day and it goes up and down it is annoying to see and makes me angry some times as i feel i have eaten right trained hard, i one weighed before bed and weighed again in the morning lost 9lbs overnight people dont belive it but i can do 5lbs easy over night it goes back on dureing the day !…