23 stone running is it wise ?

Hi im 23 stone well 22.12 i used to run years ago im itching to run again do little bits on a treadmill now 1 minute on 1 minute off x 4 as part of a circuit i do get out of breath hauling 23 stone about , i dont want to damage my knees or achiles tendons i say achiles becausei broke my back and pelvis many years ago my pelvis never got set straight and one leg is shorter by 10mm which can make my ankle and heel ache after exercise , i currenty bike ride walk fast as i can for a hour covering 4 miles , do a metabolic session twice a week which i love pushes me over the limit where i cant breathe or talk and it exausts my muscles , i once ran a 10k 59 minutes at 20 stone 15 years ago it wasent fast but i was heavy and did used to enjoy it loads ,im older now not as fit what would you recomend to get back into it , i fear damageing my legs as i have a rotor cuff injury that stops me doing a lot of upper body work i just have to work around it and adapt best i can


  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    As long as you take it easy there should be no problems I started running around 280/290 pounds and there are many people on this forum who started heavier. Make sure you have appropriate shoes and just be sensible.
  • jennalink807
    jennalink807 Posts: 226 Member
    Get fitted for a good pair of shoes and just start slow. Your weight shouldn't hold you back from running, but listen to your body. Start to mix some running in on your walks and see how it feels, take it from there. If you're sore- that's normal, if you have sharp joint or muscle pain, not so normal. If you have pain that persists- see a doctor. Best of luck to you! You can do it!
  • mulchingoverwinter
    mulchingoverwinter Posts: 45 Member
    Hey, I'm about 19 stone and I've always done running, though only on the treadmill in the gym. I have to say I love it, even if the machine makes dodgy noises and I look awful while doing it. I would take your time, my normal time is 10 minutes running though on occasion (when I've been feeling ultra mad at something) I can run up to half an hour. If at any point you feel pain or that your overdoing it STOP! you don't want to just go through it and then find out that your out of commission for a while. HTH oh and I would wear some tight pants, my normal ones tend to fall down with all the flubber moving around!
  • _Danno_
    _Danno_ Posts: 165
    Be careful I wrecked my knee running at a similar weight!
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Since you have a good walk base set up, there shouldn't be any reason why you can't slowly bring in running. With your previous injuries and current situation, you will really need to focus on stretching and making sure you do it very well after each run. Since you are a previous runner returning to the sport I will say to remember what you learned before and don't go out too fast or too long, work up slowly.

    Welcome back to the running world!
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I would take it ready on your joints by doing loads of different types of exercise. I have paranoia over an Achilles tendonitis I picked up andvit took me a long time for it to go. running is great though but if I was you (well I am me and I did it I would do a lot of walking and throw in a few paces of running and then gradually over a couple of months increase the running. also do other things...swim, bike crossctrain, jump up and down and look silly watching fitness DVDs in front of the TV. also eat more prontien than MVP suggests. alwasys remember your cardio fitness and muscle strength will most probably increase faster than your tendons and ligaments. increasing your exercise at the maximum level your cardio system increases can really mess you up so increase the exercise stress just a little slower than you feel you can will pay dividends. all exercise containsvris of injury and injury puts your fitness back.you need to minimise risk while increasing fitness so your fitness improvement can continue when otherwise you would be sitting back on the couch with an injury. really good luck, this sounds like the start of your new life. it will be the best thing you have ever done :)
  • davecando
    davecando Posts: 46 Member
    thanks for advice my old injuries worry me a bit dont want to stop exerciseing if i get injured
  • davecando
    davecando Posts: 46 Member
    Thanks for the tips and advice i think i just need trhat push and im stalling myself becaus ei know its really hard when i am probally 6 stone overweight its a lot to carry BUT it will only d me the world of good i used to love running, looking back i shoudl have never packed it in and let me self get in this state , its all forward now the weight came on slowly will come off slowy. i do plyometrics i think its called that box jumping , jumping with olympic bar squat and jump etc so i think my legs will take the strain of running they do on the treadmill , with my pants fastened extra tight lol cant wait you guys and girls do inspire me lots Thanks once again feel free to add me to help me motovate myself and stop putting stumbling blocks in myway.....