mojo gone disapeared lost reward for its return

lost me mojo for diet training weight loss fitness put on 21 lbs over 2 month how do i get back on the focus truck feel like im on a wagon going backwards down a hill with no brakes going out of control , just been to the gym did a session not high intense stuff but non stop weights and a bit of stair master and treadmill then went to asda to buy CHOCLATE as reward whats happened to me ?


  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    You have brakes but only you can apply them. Stop put the brakes on now before you gain anymore. I know this has happened to me. I lose and feel and look better and think "This is good enough" or "i'm done". Truth is I am never done and will be a work in progress until the day I die. There are always new goals to set or more weight to lift or muscles to define. Find something to inspire you - whether it is a smaller size pant or a 5K race but don't stop there.
  • PaulaJ1986
    PaulaJ1986 Posts: 5 Member
    I know you can do it, you have to believe that too, you have done amazing. I've tried to get out of the "ill start on monday" cycle and now each day is Monday, if I messed up yesterday (which I did lol) I start today fresh and Im going to try and get some more exercise in to counter yesterday. You do amazingly well with exercise and from the days you have logged you have been doing well, your generally eating less than you burn so dont be too hard on yourself x x x x x x x
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    Step 1 jump off wagon

    Step 2 Brush self off, breathe and be thankful you can stop

    Step 3 Log all food accurately(you do not gain 20 pounds in 2 months on 2100 calories a day right ;) )

    Step 4 Find what you enjoy in terms of exercise and pursue it

    Step 5 Review goal(10K in 60 minutes seems like a fun goal)

    Step 6 Be realistic and patient

    Step 7 Next time do not get on the wagon

    MACJL Posts: 13 Member
    I just the last 60 days got back on the track myself! I got some new weight workouts, working in some of my aerobic DVDs and making a plan for each day. My issue was being over the top........workout, workout, eat less, eat less......and I burned out and like you jumped on the weight gain wagon. So, this time I am limiting my workouts to 60 min. a day, hard workouts, but only 60 min. Now, I may go outside (or inside) and do some projects that require physical effort, but not a sanctioned "Workout" and my mind likes that. Because I keep busy and log, religiously, ALL that enters my mouth I am feeling much more in the stream.

    I am trying to be patient, I lose a pound or a half and lose a few inches and rejoice in that, because it needs to be a lifestyle not just a pass thru point! Maybe a "Ok, I'll work out today and see how I feel" then tomorrow "Ok, I'll work out today and see how I feel"....hmm? It's that "Every day is Monday" thing. Good Luck and be patient.........did not get out of whack in one day won't get back in in one day!!
  • davecando
    davecando Posts: 46 Member
    Thanks guys what ive done is got back on the training wagon im making it so i train every day trained 5 days in a row last week had a 5 mile walk for a rest day , food is perfect dureing the day its nighttime i suffer and become like a food hoover go around hoovering food up as in bad foods biscuts crisps . this is my first day with no rubbish food for a long time so im gonna lose these pounds quicly again Thanks once again Dave
  • davecando
    davecando Posts: 46 Member
    p 1 jump off wagon

    Step 2 Brush self off, breathe and be thankful you can stop

    Step 3 Log all food accurately(you do not gain 20 pounds in 2 months on 2100 calories a day right ;) ) True i lost control of my calories and dident care about them or the effect of them

    Step 4 Find what you enjoy in terms of exercise and pursue it , i enjoy all exercise the harder the better need to sweat

    Step 5 Review goal(10K in 60 minutes seems like a fun goal) great idea i used to run many moons ago my goal is to get below 20 stone ASAP

    Step 6 Be realistic and patient ,its a long slow process but the rewards are much better for beig fitter and lighter

    Step 7 Next time do not get on the wagon ,im strapped in with a harness now wont be falling off again.


  • davecando
    davecando Posts: 46 Member
    I know you can do it, you have to believe that too, you have done amazing. I've tried to get out of the "ill start on monday" cycle and now each day is Monday, if I messed up yesterday (which I did lol) I start today fresh and Im going to try and get some more exercise in to counter yesterday. You do amazingly well with exercise and from the days you have logged you have been doing well, your generally eating less than you burn so dont be too hard on yourself x x x x x x x

    Hi Paula we all ahve bad days but ive had a few bad months it seems ,i need to be hard on myself as from now got lazy unmotovated , lol i havent been truthfull on food logging of late but as from today the 30th day i have logge din is a TRUE fresh start new me new goals new gains or losses all will be good Thanks
  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    First off you have done amazing!
    Now time to get back on track...Have you tried pre-logging? I do this. I log my pre-workout snacks, lunch, and after workout snack ahead of time. When I fix dinner I make sure I log it before I eat it to keep my portions in check.
    Have you tried treating yourself with a lowfat dessert or frozen yogurt nightly so you won't feel deprived. I like the sugar free russel stovers , frozen yogurt with fresh berries, or a weight watchers smart ones dessert ( don't know if you have those around your area).

    Good luck!