massive weight gain and loss in 10 days

Being doing really good recently untill i went away for 1 week in scotland and relaxed ate loads of food and had about 5 pints of beer to be socialble with the group i was with anyways i put on 22 lbs in 10 days however after being back since tuesday this week i have lost 16lbs upto now , my weigh day is sunday so i have two days to get off 6lb to get back to where i was just thought i would say because this is a huge flucuation in weight loss and gain in a short period of time , my old eating habits are awfull as this shows


  • SnowWhiteFanatic
    SnowWhiteFanatic Posts: 129 Member
    Sounds like water weight.
  • AliciaNineteen72
    Has to be water weight, but as fast as you lose and gain, I seriously would want to check with a doctor about medical issues. Putting on THAT much water weight can be a medical issue. Not that they'll get to the bottom of it...doctors rarely seem to these days - but it might be worth checking into! I don't call that a normal fluctuation when it's that much.
  • davecando
    davecando Posts: 46 Member
    It is a lot of weight just researched it online thing called edema

    Physical inactivity - edema is more prevalent among people who do not exercise at all, and walk very little.this was me i did hardley anything while i was away complete rest.

    Standing or sitting still for long - if you stand or sit still for a long time there is a much higher chance of again then one days driveing on way back and one day driveing there.

    High altitudes - especially when combined with physical exertion. Acute mountain sickness can lead to high altitude pulmonary edema or high altitude cerebral edema.we where high up in scotland

    Heat - especially when combined with physical exertion. During high temperatures the body is less efficient at removing fluid from tissues, especially around the ankles. was hot got sunburnt my skin is still itching now from it

    Burns - the skin reacts to a burn by retaining fluid, causing localized swelling.

    Pregnancy - during pregnancy the woman releases hormones which encourage the body to retain fluids. Pregnant women tend to retain much more sodium and water than women who are not pregnant. When a woman is pregnant her face will typically swell, as will her hands, lower limbs and feet. not me this one lol

    Excessive salt intake - this is especially the case for people who are susceptible to developing edema. dident count any foods just ate lots

    Malnutrition and/or bad diet - dietitians say low consumption of thiamine (vitamin B1), as well as insufficient vitamins B6 and B5 may contribute toward fluid retention. Low levels of albumin levels may also play a part - low albumin levels can also be caused by kidney disease. hmm this one is worth me looking into it.

    i can lose 6lb of water overnight quite frequently been doing that for a long time

    in one sentence i did no training dident drink loads of water and ate comple crap for to long , its defo water