Will this work.
My maintenence caloires are 2500, im currently looking to lose fat so i need to be in a deficit of 500, so that means i need to eat 2000 calories. Can i do 3 hours of cardio a day and burn 1000 calories, then eat 3000 calories and sitll lose fat wouldnt i still be in a deficit? I would keep lifting weights and keep my…
Confused about,Glycemic Index, Blood sugar spike
people say when you eat carbs they raise blood sugar and cause fat storage even if your in a defecit i dont understand this, i know they say you should eat most carbs in the day less at night, please explain how it stores body fat what carbs can i eat all day and night without worrying about blood sugar also RICE CAKES…
whats more important
People say you can eat whatever you like as long as your in a deficit you will lose weight, so if i ate 4 snickers bars and stayed in a deficit i would lose weight? so what about the high amounts of sugar and fat? the snickers bar has 20g sugar , and 15g fat , and its 260 calories, so if i ate 4 witch would be 1040…
What foods can you eat alot and not get fat?
What foods apart form vegetables ,rice cakes,popcorn, can you eat alot of without worrying about counting the calories or worry about getting fat?
Is chicken skin relly that bad
I am now going to eat a whole chicken everyday , i know the skin has saturated fat, witch will add more calories, i understand that the skin adds about 100 calories from any part of the chicken. thats almost double the calories if i eat the skin is it really worth it? the skin tastes so good, it makes the chicken less dry…
Is chicken skin worth it?
I am now going to eat a whole chicken everyday , i know the skin has saturated fat, witch will add more calories, i understand that the skin adds about 100 calories from any part of the chicken. thats almost double the calories if i eat the skin is it really worth it? the skin tastes so good, it makes the chicken less dry…
people say you can lost weight as long as your in a calorie deficit, so can i eat a chocolate bar everyday and if i stay in a defecit can i still loose weight?
oranges a waste of calories?
Oranges have 70 calories eatch, all they are is sour water basically, same for grapes and other watery fruits, it seems like a waste of calories as eating 3 oranges would be 210 calories, of basically water , why would you waste 210 calories when you could of ate 2 chicken breasts , 2 cans of tuna 1 container cottage…
my mom fed me unhealthy garbage my whole life , when i turned 17 i finally realised i was gaining weight and needed to change the food then lost some weight and now i have stretch marks all over my stomach , sides of my hips, and around the waistline and on the front of my arm (forearms) also on my knees and calves, what…