This section is dedicated to sharing information and helpful tools to assist us on our 100 day Turn up 2 Slim Down challenge! Please feel free to share relevant resources here! #turnup
Do you know your body type? Are you an endomorph, ectomorph, or mesomorph? How many calories you need to lose weight? Whats your BMR? All of these factors play a key role when it comes to nutrition and weight loss. Not knowing could hinder you from seeing results. Simply exercising ultimately cause you to work harder while…
Over the next couple of days I will be posting nutrition routines that you can use for the Turn up 2 slim down 100 day challenge! Check these nutrition guides out..... choose the one that best fit your needs (copy and Paste) 1.The 100 by Jorge Cruise (or)…
Welcome to the 30 Day Turn Up! 2 Slim Down Challenge, If you are serious about your health and are ready to make necessary changes then you have come to the right group! We will be supporting one another in reaching our goals( FOR REAL) and encouraging each other over the next 100 days. Whew! I know it sounds like a long…
30 Day Turn up 2 Slim Down Challenge! Here's how this challenge is going to work. TAKE a before and after picture of yourself COMPLETE your profile JOIN this group POST in the " Introduce yourself" topic so that we can get to know one another over the next 30 Days! FOLLOW a fitness and nutrition routine for 30 days. I'm…