Veggie Dips
What is your favorite Veggie Dip Recipe? What is a serving of it? How many calories does it have?
NSV -what's yours?
So this morning I got dressed as usual and my husband stops me while staring at my pants...So I check to make sure nothing was spilled...and he says "You are going to need new pants really soon." (I just got these pants in December out of the box that was labeled 'too small') I asked "Why, what's wrong with them?" I was…
What do you add to your coffee?
How do I stop over eating?
I can't seem to get this right in my head, I know I shouldn't eat and my calories say I am not hungry but....I eat until I almost feel sick and then I feel disgusted with myself. I try eat well, fruits and veggies, limiting portions, logging it, and I do really well until about 7 pm. Later in the day I just am tired and it…
first thing you changed to start the healthy new you?
What was the first thing you changed to get healthy? What was the hardest for you to change? what is your start weight? What is your current weight? What is the best part of your journey?
3 kids, no sleep, no motivation, no willpower, HELP
Anyone else out there w 3 kids under the age of 6? Baby still doesnt sleep through the night...up 2x at least. I'm so tired and discouraged. The few days i do good I'm so proud, then I lose any sort of self control and just eat and eat and eat. (ps i'm nursing) And I'm ashamed of my lack of will power...what do u busy moms…