Adrenal Fatigue
I've recently realized I have almost all of the symptoms for Adrenal Fatigue/Exhaustion. I haven't been "diagnosed" by a doctor, but I've looked at tons of websites. I have been to the doctor, however, and I basically paid a lot of money for no answers. One thing I'm NOT clear on, is how do you treat/cure it? Have any of…
Running Apps
I lost my Garmin :( SAD DAY!! BUT... I have an iPhone which I run with anyway...so until my Garmin returns to me, what apps do you iPhone users to map your run/chart your race paces, etc. Thanks!
I have an upcoming triathlon and I haven't paid the one day USAT fee yet. I am contemplating getting the annual membership because I am thinking about doing a few other triathlons this year. Really, $45 isn't expensive, but if I only do 2 triathlons, I would be paying double for the fees. I haven't done one yet and I think…
High protein, easy snack
I came across this recipe for Turkey (or chicken) Meatloaf Muffins. They are a low cal, high protein snack. I haven't tried them yet, but I :heart: meatloaf...so I'm sure it will be great! http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/video-jamie-eason-turkey-meatloaf-muffins.htm
The Everything In Moderation Myth
I came across this article today and was floored, because it basically established what I had already kind of thought. (Ya, I know, I'm so smart.) I've had a lot of discussions about this as of late and I guess I just thought and accepted that I was kind of obsessed and too much into the fitness world as opposed to "real"…
30 day shred vs. 30 day shred with weights vs. Ripped
I've seen so many people have great results with 30 DS. I'm just curious what you all think would be a better investment of the three. I have a kettlebell and a set of dumbbells, so the weights are not an issue. What are the pros and cons of them? Thanks in advance!!
13 year old weight lifting GIRL
http://www.9news.com/news/local/article/244661/222/13-year-old-girl-becomes-record-setting-weight-lifter- Check out this story on a 13 year old girl who has set records in weight lifting. She says her down fall: BACON!! LOL
Which would you choose?
I have about $75 to spend on exercise equipment and I am faced with two choices. 1. Bosu + free weights for home I have a gym membership that I use everyday but I want to focus on weights and try to do strength training every other day. I don't feel like I have enough time at the gym to focus on strength and also my…
it realy anoys meh win peopul mispell werds
Don't it get ur goat win ppl use bad gramar 2?
Good bye love handles!!
So recently I have noticed that my love handles are like disappearing!! This hasn't happened since I was pregnant!! :) Here's what I'm contributing to losing my muffin top. Now, I don't believe in spot reducing, I just think my core is getting tighter. When I lift weights I almost always use the BOSU ball. I do squats,…
What would you do?
Here's my situation: I absolutely love my job. I have 3 day weekends. I am off before 5pm and never work nights. I never ever have a bad day at work. My boss is great. I love the location, it's close to home and my daughter's school. My tasks are simple and allow me enough time to do other things (like MFP or knit or read…
Fat Smash by Ian Smith
Just curious if anyone has done the Fat Smash by Ian Smith. I have done it several times. I really favor it. I am thinking about doing it starting Jan. 2 when I begin a 2012 Challenge for Health. It does not encourage strength training during the first three phases which I disagree with and will disregard. What are your…
CDC stats
I guess this is more for chit-chat...I didn't know which topic to post this in. I recently read on the CDC page that low income women are more likely to be obese than high income women. Also non-Hispanic black and Mexican-Americans are more likely to be obese if they have higher incomes. It's interesting to see complete…
I honestly have never seen a post on here about swimming, but I know there are a lot of "tri"ers...so if you can help, please do... I'm doing a triathlon in May and because swimming is my weakest (ok non existent) sport I have started swimming 30 minutes three times a week or so. At first it was rough, but I got some good…
There's cake in the teacher's lounge...
I'm not really a cake fanatic, but I want some. Problem is, I've committed to no added sugar until the 22nd. I want to throw it away. No one else here needs it either. AHHHHH! Can I really throw away someone else's left over cake?
Signing up for next year's races and...
I have a slight conflict. I participated in my first half marathon in September and loved it. Afterward, I decided I wanted to do the Lincoln half Marathon on May 6 of next year. I also decided I wanted to do a Sprint triathlon in the spring. Well, my local YMCA, where I train, is hosting a sprint triathlon on May 17. So…
What makes you feel like a good parent?
Most days I feel like I would definitely be awarded the Worst Parent of the Year award. Not even kidding. My daughter doesn't even have to tell me, I know it. But SOMETIMES something happens, and I think WOW! maybe I am doing something right! Today I found a "Hitchhiker" for my bike. Essentially it is a small bike that…
Clean eating
Ok, I researched the past three days and didn't find any forum topics on this subject. I know there are people on here who do eat "clean." Does anyone have any suggestions or meal plans for this? How does it work? Does it work? PLEASE help! I've lost over 60lbs and I am kind of at a stand still. I need something to jolt my…
How soon is too soon...?
I ran my first half marathon two weeks ago. I just found out about another one in 4 weeks. I haven't stopped running, but I have slowed down a lot compared to the few weeks prior to the half, largely due to an injury sustained by the training. I REALLY want to run this one...is it too soon? Should I wait awhile? I'm afraid…
Need advise from people who have lost 100 + in a year
I started this journey in January and I've lost almost 60lbs. My ultimate goal weight is 145, about 40 lbs less than where I am now. I would really like to drop those last 40 by the end of the year. It isn't a HAVE TO, but it would just be nice. I want to run another half marathon and full marathon, as well as a triathalon…
Running Diet
I am one of those people that absolutely NEEDS to have a strict diet plan to follow, sort of like a menu. I have been very successful using the Extreme Fat Smash by Ian Smith. Love it and would highly recommend it. However, now that I am trying to use running as a way to lose weight and keep motivated, I am concerned that…
Weight Loss Wars
Has/ does anyone use weight loss wars (weightlosswars.com)? I was thinking of starting an end of the year challenge on it and was just curious how it worked...
New revelation...
I have been on my weight loss journey since January and I've lost about 50 lbs. All summer I have plateaued, but I also got off my diet plan. When I started training for my half marathon, which is now less than a month away I had no clue what to eat. As the saying goes, if you fail to plan...you plan to fail. I failed big…
It's a good day!
Last night I had a date...my first date in, I don't know...years! I really wanted to look good so I went to Maurices for a pair of pants that fit. I fit well in a size 14, which means I am REALLY REALLY close to the "skinny" side of the store! In January of this year my size 20s (same brand) were getting kind of tight and…
Need parenting advise
I'm a single mom of a 4 year old little girl and 2 year old yorkie. I started losing weight in January--and although I've started and given up in March many years in a row, I am now dedicated--I'm going to do it. We have a membership to the YMCA, where they have childcare in the evenings for free. It's a blessing, but…
I have a question... I recently purchased a scale that shows my body fat percentage along with my hydration levels. I have been weighing myself daily this week, in the morning, and I'm not sure how accurate this is. On Sunday, my body fat was 38% and hydration level was 44%--It's supposed to be 50% for my age/gender.…
out of control eating
Now that I have been tracking what I eat and watching what I eat a LOT more closely, I've noticed some really bad habits. Oh this is painful... I will just eat ridiculous crap without thinking, and it is completely out of control. Like yesterday, I ran home from work, I had just had a snack of hummus and cherry tomatoes…
Sugar junkie
I recently changed my settings so MFP would include sugar in the totals. Here's the problem: it allows 25g of sugar a day on a 1250 calorie diet. That is only 2 cups of milk. You add any fruits and vegetables and you are way over. That seems pretty unforgiving if you want a treat. Does anybody else track sugar? If so, is…
Someone brought cupcakes to work for a birthday. I love cupcakes. Who doesn't? If I didn't have to text my accountability partner that I was eating a cupcake, I would totally eat one. What keeps you from staying away from diet crashers?