Sonogram scare
We had our anatomic sonogram scan this week. I was so exited to another opportunity to see the little person hiding inside me, but it turned out to be a really scary experience. I just wanted to share, in case other people have similar experiences. My husband could not take time off that day, so I went by myself. First it…
Oh no! back to bad habits
Ive been a terrible fitness pal the last couple of months! Life has gotten crazy busy, which is great, but unfortunately career focus has pushed my health focus far from sight. Stress makes my sweet tooth grow into sugar craving fangs, and workouts have gotten totally down prioritized. Or maybe its the pregnancy hormones.…
Boy or girl. Does it matter to your?
I had an early ultrasound and was told that we probably are having a girl. Having a boy already, that made me very exited. However, I'm pretty sure that if our 20 week scan shows its a boy , Ill be equally thrilled. There are things that make me exited about both having a boy or a girl. But thinking more deeply about it.…
Something better than Tums?
I'm so happy that by 15 weeks, most of the nausea is gone. However, acid is killing me. Especially in the afternoons. And for some reason I have real aversions to Tums. I cant stand their taste, and I don't think they make any difference either (last pregnancy I would chew them as candy). Has anybody else found a good cure…
Are you still tracking your weight?
Just wonder what other people do. I'm currently 9 weeks pregnant and has not yet started gaining.I've unintentionally lost a couple of more pounds due to morning sickness, rather. I can't decide what to do, plot in the numbers gained ( or lost)or just wait til baby is out and then start over. I want to keep track of my…
Baby shower
Question from an immigrant in America for you of you who already have kids. Are you having a baby shower? I'm so unfamiliar with the baby shower tradition, but I just got invited to my friends baby shower for her 2nd and am puzzled. I know she has bags, and bags of baby stuff and doesn't really need more. I decided to…
Any bikers out there?
I biked all trough my first pregnancy, up to my due date. My doctor hated it, because he meant it was extremely dangerous. I did a lot of online research about it, and felt it was still right and safe for me. You're balance might not be so good when you're pregnant, and a fall can harm the fetus. fair enough. But driving a…
Taurus and gemini
I'm one of those who claim I don't really believe in astrology, but still secretly read my horoscope when I come across one:) I'm interested in any clues, fiction or not, about who this little alien growing inside me will become. So if our May babies are born before 5/20 they will be Taurus. If they are born later they…
Removing the ticker
I want to remove the weight ticker from my posts for now, but just cant figure out how. Cant even remember how I got it on. Can anybody out there help a clumsy, frustrated soul with some hints. Thank you!
How much do you sleep?
I have to admit, I really love sleeping. I'm like a cat and could basically sleep anywhere, anytime. But when awake I have lots of energy and get stuff done. Being pregnant however, I feel like a really old cat. I just want to sleep, sleep, sleep.. I'm 10 weeks now, and lately I have been sleeping on average 11 hours every…
setting calories
I'm confused.. So I adjusted my weight loss goal as recommended to maintenance, as recommended and I got 1200 extra calories to consume per day (total 2600). 1200 more... really? Doesn't seem right. And then in 2 weeks I have to add yet another 300 calories for 2nd trimester. Does this match your numbers? The only way I…
Your favorite cures for queasiness.
Just curious to hear what other people find useful. I like peppermint tea with fresh ginger when I feel sick, but now that gives me a heartburn. So now I'm looking for other smart ideas.
Using body media band while pregnant
Ive heard so many great things about the body media band (http://www.amazon.com/BodyMedia-Armband-Weight-Management-System/dp/B0049POHK6/ref=sr_1_1?s=hpc&ie=UTF8&qid=1379964876&sr=1-1&keywords=body+media+fit) and I really would love to get myself one to figure out how much calories I am actually burning, so I can be more…
Anybody doing Kettlebells?
Cool! So now that I feel pretty chilled and inspired to continue lifting heavy stuff throughout my pregnancy, something I really love, I move on to my next question. Are anybody here doing kettlebells while pregnant? What are your experiences? I really want to try it, but I know it challenges the body in very different…
kettlebell class in Manhattan?
Just wondered if by any chance there were any NewYorkers here who could recomend an affordable place to go to get started with kettlebells right. I have looked at books and videos, but want to make sure I do it right so I don't hurt myself. Im newly pregnant so its extra important. ( I know some people say not to start kB…
OK to lift heavy weights?
I love, love, love my most intensive gym classes. Like kickboxing ( in air, no partner/ no real hitting) and weightlifting. I'm just really addicted to it, and need them to relieve stress. As far as I understand I can do these as long I listen to my body. Im just halfway through my first trimester. I wear a pulse watch.…
Books to read on pregnancy and exercise
I recently found out that I'm pregnant. This is of cause wonderful, but I'm also a little frustrated. I had finally gotten some momentum, good habits and success in both my weight loss and exercise habit. Now I'm trying to figure out good advice on how active I can be, because I really, really want to remain active.…
A great podcast
I also just wanted to share i podcast i love. Its called "half size me" and is by Heather who is a mother of 3 and has lost 170lbs over the years. Her mission is to educate and inspire especially mothers to loose weight, stay healthy and be strong. I find it incredibly inspiring! You can listen on her web page…
Friends (and May babies 2014)
Hello. I'm looking for friends. Wo-men. Im kind of desperate.. I live continent away from my friends and family and is feeling sometimes a little alone in the world. So I'm looking for some travel companions in this weight loss/ healthjourney. Especially now that I realized I have taken on a little passenger:) Have not…