Why Weight Loss is Harder for Some People than for Others
Saw this article today in my email and thought it may be helpful for some folks out there who may be noticing this. Lots of good points and help put our weight loss journies into the proper perspective. Hope some find this helpful and as a way to reenergize their weight loss efforts! (Sorry it's a bit long, but it's a good…
Logging food
I know I should, and it doesn't really take that long, but I'm just finding it difficult to get motivated to log what I eat every day. In fact I know I put more effort into making sure I drink enough each day than I do logging my food lol. I eat when I'm hungry and stay mindful of how many cals are each meal to give me an…
Baby Names
At what point did you start considering names for your babies? Was it right away, sometime during pregnancy, on delivery day? I've been making a list since we got married 9 years ago because my hubby has only one rule: the kids cannot share a name of any relative (he's got 8 aunts/uncles, 27 cousins, and he's including…
Feedback on Single Umbilical Artery (SUA)
During our 20-week ultrasound (and based on feedback from the tech/dr), there didn't seem to be any issues/reason to worry (baby was exactly where she should be at 20 weeks growth wise, organs, spine, etc. that they were looking at looked good). However, at our 20-week appt with the midwife the following week to discuss…
Creative ways to tell coworkers about pregnancy?
Hey all, I'm almost out of my first trimester, and other than my supervisor and his boss, no one else knows I'm pregnant. We've been so busy being the end of the fiscal year that I don't want them worrying about me and our crazy work schedule when there's nothing to worry about (it's not like I'm 38 weeks pregnant and it…
To Succeed, You Must First Be Willing to Fail
Received this in my email and wanted to share as it may help someone today :) SparkPeople.com - Week of 01/10/2013 - Featured Blog Post One thought that I have been mulling over for quite a while is that success comes when we embrace failure, both real and perceived, as part of the process. I have spent a lot of time…
Picotin to induce labor
A friend posted this on FB and it's an interesting read. Sharing only to provide food for thought... http://briobirth.com/articles/21-scary-reasons-say-no-pitocin-according-manufacturer?page=0,0
How Soda Is Making You Fat
I came across this article and wanted to share what same say is the link between soda and gaining weight. Interesting read, though doesn't affect my diet soda consumption as I've never like the taste of it anyway ;) The Strange Reason Diet Soda Makes You Fat…
Chocolate Yogurt
Yogurt you'll love with the protein you need! Since I started eating healthier my taste buds changed and foods I used to love and eat all the time no longer appeal and foods I never thought I'd eat I love! Well, here's a concoction that I threw together tonight for a snack because it sounded good in my head and would help…
Newest Research On Why You Should Avoid Soy
Jillian Michaels posted this on FB today and I thought I'd share in case anyone's interested. http://www.mercola.com/article/soy/avoid_soy.htm
Chewy Molasses Ginger Cookies
I get daily recipes in my inbox from Sparks People and this particular one I had to share as it reminds me of the molasses cookies my dad, brother and I would pilfer from the cookie jar when visiting my great-grandmother while growing up. Minor tweaks to the recipe can lower the calories (e.g. splenda brown sugar) and…
Why You Can't Lose Those Last 10 Pounds...
Got this article from a friend of mine and thought someone might find it helpful. Why You Can't Lose Those Last 10 Pounds by The Staff at wowOwow.com, on Wed Jul 7, 2010 7:24am PDT by: Stephen Perrine and Heather Hurlock (http://shine.yahoo.com/event/loveyourbody/why-you-cant-lose-those-last-10-pounds-1964849/) On May 11,…
John Goodman: How I lost 100 lbs. -- and counting
It's great to hear about Hollywood actors taking the smart healthy approach to losing weight as opposed to using/condoning surgeries and fad diets! Article excerpt and link to full article is below: (PEOPLE.com) -- John Goodman is no longer a couch potato. "I know it sounds sappy, but it was a waste," the 58-year-old actor…
Healthy Alternative to Meatlover's Pizza
I was a HUGE fan of Pizza Hut's Meat Lover's Pizza, but since I joined MFP in January I haven't had any. Well, tonight I had the dreaded craving, but I decided to make my own Meat Lover's pizza using healthier versions of the same toppings. The ingredients I used are listed below with baking instructions. Hope you like it…
Attn all San Antonio, TX MFPers!
Or people who know of someone in San Antonio, TX: Today's Groupon deal is for 92% off Fitness Boot Camp Sessions. $20 for unlimited access for a month, as well as personal fitness assessment, and a one-on-one nutrition plan. Check it out: http://www.groupon.com/deals/get-sexy-san-antonio-bootcamps-san-antonio? Limit 1 per…
So about 3 years or so ago, I got a comment about how tight my jeans looked on me. Well, eventually I went shopping for more jeans and realized I had been wearing small jeans for too long and had actually jumped a size! Fast forward to yesterday. I'd been wearing those jeans I'd bought after skipping a size for a while and…
Best Day EVER!
Other than my wedding of course :laugh: Today start's a 4-day weekend for my husband and I. We started it off with taking the dogs to the groomers and my car to get the oil changed. While killing time waiting for the dogs and car to be done, we headed to base for an appt, and then went to a Verizon store to play with the…
Top 6 Fitness Myths and Truths
Here's a great article to help answer many questions I see on the forums by new folks. Enjoy! http://www.sparkpeople.com/resource/fitness_articles.asp?id=354&page=3 Top 6 Fitness Myths and Truths Don't Believe These Tall Tales! -- By Jen Mueller, Certified Personal Trainer Would your friends lie to you? They just might…
Knowledge vs. Wisdom
Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad. :bigsmile: Smile, that's all :drinker:
So I've been chugging along since 15 Jan losing weight and have lost 18 pounds so far. Last week a female coworker noticed and gave me a compliment. Well, fast forward to yesterday where I got two more, one from a friend and another from my husband's cousin's wife, and today from a different coworker. Guess it's easier for…
217 Big Macs can drive a car for 88 miles??
I have MFP update Facebook anytime I log my exercise. One of my friends tonight asked what a calorie is. Well, I know it's a unit of energy, and too much excess will make you gain weight and too little will make you lose weight. But other than that, what really is a calorie? I came across this link that explains is very…
Great compliment!
First of all, today is my weigh in day and I wasn't sure how I do, having overdone sodium by more than double on Saturday and not drinking enough water. Well, I guess Sunday and Monday were enough of a catchup that I didn't have to worry too much - I was down 1.8 lbs this morning! :drinker: A few minutes ago I went to use…
Santa Clara County supervisors ban toys in kids' meals
Main arguement: toys attract kids to eating fried, fatty fast foods. http://abclocal.go.com/kgo/story?section=news/local/south_bay&id=7408403
Giving A Stubborn Body The Message
For those finding themselves in a plateau with their weight loss, I thought I'd share a few words for motivation. I was rereading the "700 calories a day and not losing" post (love it and read it many times lol), and for some reason this particular paragraph just popped out at me. I love the last two sentences. Isn't that…
Wendy's Grilled Chicken Sandwich options
So, my husband wanted to go to Wendy's for lunch today. I said ok, because I knew Wendy's had some healthier alternatives for me to eat. Since I knew in advance we were going, I looked up their nutritional information and decided I was going to get an Ultimate Chicken Grill Sandwich except on the sandwich bun instead of…
First off, I'd like to say MFP is AWESOME!!! It's been a huge factor in me being successful; the other part being my motivation for change! :flowerforyou: With that said, I joined MFP a little over 2 months ago. I think I last used the elliptical in Dec 09 and I kept the incline/resistance at 1/5 the whole time and then…
Peachy English Muffins
Got this recipe out of a Guidepost; haven't tried it yet, but it sounds awesome! Feel free to substitute the peaches for either pears or apples, or the English muffin with your favorite muffin or bagel! 2 whole-wheat English muffins, split in half 2 tbsp low-fat tub cream cheese 1 15-ounce can sliced peaches in juice,…