Frustrated with Pleateau!
I swear, my body hates me!! It seems when I gorge myself on coffee, pizza, chocolate, and pasta these days the weight does come off.. but when I eat totally clean and healthy the scale doesn't budge. Of course I am still running 5k a day but it ain't moving. Grr!!!! Sometimes I ask why bother eating so healthy when…
Small NSV Success..
5 weeks ago I couldn't run more than 60 seconds at a time, and now I can run 1.5 km at a time! :D Wahoo~!
I'm done with you.. bloody scale!!!
I decide to treat myself and have one little ice cream cone for weeks of hard work and some how I am up 7 lbs. YEAH! I'm done with the scale I tossed it in a box in the basement. I know its not 7 actual lbs of fat but it's still a frustrating thing. Just had to rant. :D
Sort of a NSV..
I haven't been for a physical in about 7 years because I hate getting naked at the doctors. Well I made an appointment for next month. I've lost 60 lbs and still not too comftorable but I really, really need to do a pysical. Some people have them like every month and I've kept it off for 7 years. :X
Is a break day neccessary if I am sedentary otherwise?
I goto the gym everyday at 8am and then just sit around all day (lol..) and then I run at 8pm. Is a break day neccessary if I am pretty much sedentary all day anyways?
Can't catch a full breath when running?
I run outdoors, and am still new to running (well, I can only run at most 2km at a time). I am 249 lbs. Anyways, I can't seem to get a full breath of air. I end up just getting many small ones is annoying because I feel if I could get a full breath of air it would help me running and I wouldn't be panting the whole time.…
Salty Sweat Stains..?? LOL!
Ok, I know this sounds gross! Does anyone else experience this? I wear black when I exercise (naturally slimming makes me look 30 lbs lighter! lol) anyways.. I notice after I have sweated a large amount and once it dries there is a white trace of where I sweated! Its quite odd, really. I don't eat anything high in salt and…
Lack of B.M?
Sorry for the rather personal question.. ;) Since I started eating extremely healthy about three weeks ago, I seem to have a lack of Bowel Movements. At most I go once a day now, and before I was going like three times a day. Is this normal? Should I do an enema or something? I don't feel blocked up or bloated. I have been…
Question about Weight Loss/Cardio/Weight Lifting
Ok through my reading on here I have read a few things. I have read that if you are eating at a defecit you can't gain muscle, but its neccessary to do weight lifting while losing weight. I've also read that the only way to gain muscle is to be eating above daily allowance. So what is the point of doing weight lifting…
Do you do cardio before weight-lifting, or after?
Looking to see what people say they do .. :) I usually do 20 minutes of cardio before weight lifting, then 60 minutes weights then 20 mins of cardio again. I`m thinking of changing it up, though.
Today I bought a Coconut..
and it was deliciouss!! I hammered a hole into it and took out all of the coconut water. Drank that all right up, I wish there was more. Now I'm munching on the coconut meat. It tastes like almonds. Its a bit of work but its fun and you get satisfaction. I hope the coconut meat isnt fattening cause I ate a lot of it so far…
Knee cap hurts when bending?
Today my kneecap hurts when I bend (such as getting up from sitting down). I don't remember hurting it at the gym or anything, any reason why it might be? I have been running everyday and I weigh 260 lbs. Should I be concerned?
What is this cardio machine called?
Its somewhat like a crosstrainer except the footholds dont go forward like it, instead it goes in small circles sorta. There is one at the gym I attend but no identification of what it is.. thanks
Forgetting old habits is hard..
Today I worked really hard at the gym, and on my way home I said to myself I worked out so well today that I am going to make a big pot of pasta tonight. It took me a few moments to realize that those days are long gone. I used to always reward myself with food when I did something good, and I would always turn to big…
I just dont understand calorie counting..
How do you count calories unless you know everything you are cooking ahead of time , and then weigh and count the calories of everything in it from spices to the food itself. And how can you make a meal plan ahead of time if you don't know how many calories a meal will come out to. And if you make meals and count calories…
Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss edition Season Premiere
http://beta.abc.go.com/shows/extreme-makeover-weight-loss-edition Just started 15 mins ago. Tommy weighs 398 lbs. Lets discuss!! :)
Please tell me if I have this right
First, I know this topic has been beaten to death. I have spent the last 6 hours or so (yes, that many) reading up on this and trying to figure it all out using a few different sites. I believe I have come to understand it but I need clarification to ensure that I am right. Theres just so much to grasp and understand it…