Are you battling obesity? Please join and introduce yourself
Good morning, My name is Julie and I have been battling obesity my entire adult life. My highest weight was 299 pounds and my lowest adult weight was 149 pounds. In 2001, I had gastric bypass surgery, which allowed me to loose 140 pounds and manage the symptom of extra, unneeded weight for 10 years. But, I didn't realize…
Hi there, I had GBS 13 years ago …
Hi there, I had gastric bypass surgery 13 years ago and lost 140 pounds. I kept it off for 10 years, then started to gain back after a number of medical and emotional traumas. Now I'm working to take off 45 pounds and would love to hear from others and their journey with this. My name is Julie and I look forward to hearing…
Are you battling obesity? Please join our group
Hey, I have battled obesity for most of my adult life. Want to join forces with others who have developed their own super powers in their fight? Then join the group, or friend me and let's kick this together!!
Hey group members, introduce yourself
Hey group members, How about introducing yourself to all. Please answer the following: 1. How would you like to be called here? My answer, Julie 2. How much weight are you trying to loose? My answer, 40-50 pounds 3. Age? if you are willing to share? My answer, 50 4. Yo-yo dieter? Yep 5. Highest amount lost during one…
Zigzag dieting
Name your favorite "real" food ...
Hey all, we all know some food that makes us crazy with cravings ... but in stead of triggering that ... let's talk delicious real food, or healthy food, that gives us a great feeling and its good for us too! I love a tomato and avocado salad with olive oil and vinegar! How about you?
5-day pouch test for Gastric Bypass patients who are gaining
Understanding obesity rather than weight loss
I've been doing a lot of reading about the medical approach to obesity, rather than the diet approach to weight loss. It has been eye-opening. I've been dieting in one way or another for 35 years or so and I thought I knew everything there was to know about the subject. I've been on Atkins, Scarsdale, low-fat,…
Treatments from the AMA for obesity
More from the AMA about obesity, the disease: "■ Strategies for Weight Loss and Weight Maintenance. 1. Dietary Therapy: A diet that is individually planned and takes into account the patient’s overweight status in order to help create a deficit of 500 to 1,000 kcal/day should be an integral part of any weight loss program.…
AMA's conclusion on exercise and obesity
You know what I read with interest was the AMA's opinion about exercise and obesity ... Since I was young, I have always been an athlete. I played sports in school ... soccer, tennis, basketball, downhill skiing, softball, etc. ... and through my adulthood I've been involved at various times at marathon walking (10 miles a…
More from the "Clinical Guidelines" for treating obesity
As you know, obesity has been labeled by the American Medical Association a disease and there was a lot of debate about it, but in the end, the panel of doctors and learned men and women voted to name it a disease. The guidelines are what is handed out to doctors who see patients to give them a roadmap for treatment. I for…
How understanding has helped me ... what's your journey?
This weekend I posted on the general weightless board my feelings and experience battling obesity and efforts to be physically healthy. I wondered in writing how some advice about diets and food might not apply to those of us considered obese or once obese and that sugar might play a mighty role in food addition, which…
Understanding my obesity "disease" before weight loss
I've been doing a lot of reading about the medical approach to obesity, rather than the diet approach to weight loss. It has been eye-opening. I've been dieting in one way or another for 35 years or so and I thought I knew everything there was to know about the subject. I've been on Atkins, Scarsdale, low-fat,…
Diet Soda no good for obesity
The side effects of drinking diet soda are no good, most of us have figured out already, but this made me kick it completely: http://healthyliving.msn.com/health-wellness/7-side-effects-of-drinking-diet-soda
Medical treatment of Obesity
This booklet is an amazing read if you want to get to know this disease. http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/guidelines/obesity/ob_gdlns.pdf Some people don't want to spend time educating themselves about the "negatives" in their lives. I'm not one of them. I believe, after 50 years on this Earth, that education is the path to good…
Your emotional pain may not be the cause of your obesity
I read a great article ... actually .. it was the booklet given to doctors with all they need to know on how to treat obesity, now that it has been named a medical disease and not just a behavioral problem. This 200-some page booklet lays out in black and white all sorts of information about obesity for doctors to use…
Managing obesity isn't for the weak!
So, I've turned my thinking in a new direction ... tackling obesity like those who tackle diabetes or any other chronic illness. Even though I lost 140 pounds with gastric bypass surgery 13 years ago, I still have the disease. That means that not all tips for weight loss and physical health work for me. I respect those who…
Why getting started seems so hard
I have been a yo-yo dieter (weight looser and gainer) for 35 years. I had gastric bypass 13 years ago, lost 140 pounds. Kept it off for 10 years, then started to gain again until 40 pounds were back. Now I'm loosing again and feel back on track. But for the last 18 months, I complained that I couldn't figure out the…
I'm two weeks into my weightless journey & need a buddy
Hi, I'm working on loosing 40ish pounds. So far, I'm down 6.5 pounds. I'm not dieting, but have reduced calories. I didn't realize how I'd slowing been adding calories to my diet. Hence, I gained 40 pounds in the last three years. Tomorrow, my new rowing machine arrives and I start adding in exercise. I'm pretty excited…