How much will I gain on a 3 day binge?
I was super depressed this week and felt restricted with my diet these past 2 months. I averaged around 2000 calories for 2 days, but today topped both of those days; I ended up eating 3000. My maintenance calories are around 1500-1600. I was told to gain 2-3 pounds, but I don't want to and I feel absolutely TERRIBLE about…
When should I stop?
I started at 120 and am now 112-113 pounds at 5'4. I know this is barely a loss, but it took 7 months to get to this weight. I don't know whether to continue with my weight loss journey and reach my second goal of 110, stay at this weight or gain a few pounds back. I don't like the thought of gaining weight, but I've lost…
Ate 3/4 of my calories for breakfast. Help?
Home-made almond butter is my biggest weakness ever. I ended up eating 1000 calories this morning thanks to it. And it's not even close to noon. Should I fast for the rest of the day, hit the gym for 2 hours or eat normal sized meals for lunch and dinner? I feel super guilty. The last time I binged during breakfast was a…
Stopped getting periods. Help?
Sorry if this is tmi, but I haven't had a proper period in over 2 months and I don't know why. I've lost only 3 pounds (went from 116 to 113 at 5'4) in the 2 month time frame, but I've been exercising a lot more intensively. I lift weights for an hour each time 3 times a week and do some light cardio on rest days. I don't'…
Do carbs make you fat?
The new paleo/keto fad has been going on for a while and it's making me feel guilty about eating carbs. As a vegan, it's almost impossible to do low carbs because most of my diet consists of them. My main question is, do carbs make you more susceptible to gaining weight even if you don't go over your calories? Thanks to…
Is high fat, moderate carb, low protein diet bad?
Will eating this way affect weight loss negatively because I'm not doing low carb? I've heard of paleo, keto, high carb low-fat, but never this combo. My diet consists of a lot of fats (mainly from healthy sources), but instead of moderate protein and low carb, I eat moderate carbs and low protein. Is this unhealthy in the…
Binged today. :( How shall I punish myself?
I ate too much manuka honey today and went over my calories, carbs and worst of all, my sugar (by 100). This rarely ever happens. I feel extremely horrible about my binge. Should I go on a 2 hour long walk/cardio to compensate for what I did? I'm in maintenance right now and tend to gain very easily if I go over my…
Calorie counting is making me insane.
I've completely lost desire to make nice healthy home cooked meals ever since I started counting calories because it's extremely time consuming and sometimes inaccurate, but if I stop, I'll gain weight. I'm obsessed with the scale (both food and weight); I can't live without either. Sometimes I have a strong urge to binge,…
Gaining while exercising and eating at maintenance. :(
I exercise 3 days a week (2 consist of resistance training and one consists of cardio). I started this slightly more intensive workout out plan a week ago and I've been gaining weight since then. I've gained 2 pounds so far and I've been eating anywhere between 1400-1700 calories a day. I'm getting really discouraged and…
Scared of eating over maintenance on active days.
I did 1 hour of weight lifting this morning and was on my feet all day working as a server. I usually end up feeling super hungry by the end of the day craving everything in the fridge. I don't know whether to give into these cravings or eat above maintenance. This only happens on days I've been more active as opposed to…
Maintain my weight while lifting and eating at maintenance?
I made a work out plan consisting of upper and lower body resistance training exercises that I'm willing to do 3 times a week. I do 10 mins of cardio beforehand and spend one hour lifting weights (including breaks and stretches between sets). My goal is to become more "toned", but maintain my current weight because losing…
Weight loss after stomach bug temporary or permanent?
I just got over a mild stomach bug, but lost 4.5 pounds in one day. I didn't eat much these past 2 days. However, most of my weight loss is just water (I'm assuming). Is it possible to keep some of this weight off or will I go back to my normal weight once my body restores the fluid it lost? What are the chances I'll just…
Can you exercise with a cold and dry cough?
I started having cold symptoms last week and stopped my exercise regime. Some of the symptoms have subsided, but I have a lingering dry cough. Can I still exercise? If not, would I at least be able to do something light, like walking (I plan to do it all day)?
Gained 2 pounds in one day. Help?
I usually eat around 1400-1600 calories a day, but yesterday overate by around 200-300. I ended up eating 1800 calories. Yesterday I was 115 pounds, but this morning I'm 117. I don't know why or how this happened. I haven't gone over 116 pounds in 2 months and it's definitely not the tom. I didn't even over-eat on my…
Does meal timing matter?
I usually eat a giant breakfast (700-1000 calories), a small snack for lunch and a light dinner. I'm on maintenance right now and end up eating 1600 calories for the day. Will these giant breakfasts have an effect on my weight? Am I better off eating around 500 calories for each meal? Thanks to anyone who answers.
How to not go over my sugar everyday?
Today, I ate a total of 60 g of sugar, all from natural sources (fruit and a few dried figs). I occasionally indulge in a store bought cookie here and there, but most days, I don't eat processed sugar. Should I reduce the amount of fruit I'm eating? The red numbers below my sugar requirements drive me crazy.
Do you eat your maintenance calories, BMR or TDEE?
I'm so confused. If I'm trying to maintain my weight, do I eat my maintenance, bmr or tdee calories? Thanks to anyone who's willing to clarify this for me.
Protein intake as a vegan/vegetarian
I follow a vegan diet most days of the week, but do eat eggs once a week. I'm having a lot of trouble getting enough protein in my diet. There's nothing (vegan) that contains more protein than carbs. I always find myself going over my sugar or carbs most days and I eat a lot of fruit. Nuts contain some protein, but not…
Climbing 70 flights of stairs makes me want to die. Help?
Today, I walked 70 flights of stairs at home and the aftermath is not pleasant. I feel a little dizzy, lightheaded and extremely tired 2 hours after doing it. It happens every time I do it. But an hour on the elliptical or treadmill (even on high incline) does not give me these effects. Does anyone have any idea why this…
Squats and lunges made my thighs huge. Help?
I did my "research" a while ago and found out that squats and lunges are good for pear shaped women if they want slimmer/toned legs. I started incorporating squats in my exercise plan 2 years ago and increased the my weights by 10kg in the past 2 months. I noticed when I took recent pictures of myself that while I'm at a…
Who's your body inspiration?
Do you look up to a particular person because of their amazing body? I find it motivates me because I want to end up looking like them. Who does this for you? Mine would have to be Candice Swanepoel. .
Is it bad that my breakfast is worth 1000 calories?
I have a huge breakfast that consists of 1000 calories. I don't know why, but I always have a huge appetite when I wake up because I fast during the night for 13-14 hours. Then I just eat a 250 calorie lunch and a 250-300 calorie dinner. Is this bad? I'm pretty much at my goal weight, just trying to maintain. Sometimes I…
Is it ok to eat 2 big meals a day?
I eat about 1000 calories for breakfast and I don't eat anything until dinner (which consists of 500 calories). Is this bad?
Ate 1500 calories for breakfast today. What should I do now?
It's that time of the month again and I've been craving so much chocolate and sweets. I ate half a bag of coconut chips, chocolate and 2 cookies along with breakfast. This is all around 1500 calories. Should I fast for the rest of the day? Or would I be better off burning 400 calories through exercise and eating 200 for…
Impossible to maintain my weight.
I finally got to my goal weight of about 115 pounds, but I find it impossible to maintain. I always end up being this weight for only one day. The next day, the scale moves up even if I eat at maintenance. I really hate this. Looks like I'll never be 115 consistently. I'm happiest and most confident at this weight, but my…
Not losing weight eating ~1400 calories a day.
I've been trying to lose the last 5 pounds for quite a while now, but the scale won't budge. I've been eating 1300-1400 calories a day (for about 3 weeks) all while not not losing anything. I've actually gained one pound this week. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Feel free to check my food diary if it helps. Any reasons…
Are you supposed to eat back your exercise calories?
I'm confused. Anyone willing to clarify this for me?
What grains and legumes are considered healthy
I heard of gluten being harmful to health, but what about other grains? Rice is contaminated with arsenic and other grains like quinoa supposedly contain a lot of phytic acid (blocks absorption of nutrients). Beans/legumes also contain this anti-nutrient. As a vegetarian, I eat a lot of these and feel like there really is…
Weight gain during period is really discouraging.
I gain 2-3 pounds during my period and get extreme cravings the entire week of and the week before my monthly, so it's really hard to control my desire to eat. I usually eat my maintenance calories during those days. I try to exercise it off, but I always end up gaining the "water weight" regardless of how intense or how…
For those who are 5'3-5'5, what's your ideal/goal weight?
I'm close to my goal weight of 115 pounds, but I'm not sure if I should continue losing more or start maintaining. Anyway, what's your ideal weight?