Ate 1500 calories for breakfast today. What should I do now?

It's that time of the month again and I've been craving so much chocolate and sweets. I ate half a bag of coconut chips, chocolate and 2 cookies along with breakfast. This is all around 1500 calories. Should I fast for the rest of the day? Or would I be better off burning 400 calories through exercise and eating 200 for dinner? I feel super duper guilty for eating so much. Help?


  • rebeccatackett
    rebeccatackett Posts: 37 Member
    Don't skip meals today. Try to eat healthy for the rest of the day and get in some exercise. Fasting for the rest of the day could throw you off track even further. When you finally do eat, you'll end up with another bender. Start fresh tomorrow with a healthy, low calorie breakfast and chalk it up to a learning experience.
  • Jgal8123
    Jgal8123 Posts: 1,378 Member
    I vote for the exercise option. And don't beat yourself up too much...just get back on track and keep pushing ahead =)
  • I'd opt for the exercise...I know how you feel though... Yesterday's calorie count kind of went off the rails. Just dust yourself off and keep on with the good fight.
  • nikibean123
    nikibean123 Posts: 81 Member
    Don't worry about it - we all slip sometimes :) Don't fast, it's not healthy and will just cause problems. Eat as healthily as possible (without starving yourself) today and exercise if possible to help make up for breakfast. Think of calories when they're averaged out over the week. Be uber healthy over the next few days to make up for it :)
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    I honestly think that with everything our hormones put us through we need to be able to balance things as much as we can during our TOM, don't stress about this morning, try and balance it out over the week!

    Drink water, and if you need treats throughout the next few days, try what I do - log it first and wait 10-15 minutes or until you finish some small mundane task. This along with looking at the calories usually will alleviate the desire, not always but when I find I eat it anyway I don't even enjoy it. It's a learning/training process we are going through, but there's a learning curve called that time of the month!!!
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Skipping meals really messes me up. I vote for some exercise and if you go a bit over make it up tomorrow or the next day. I look at the week more than one particular day.
  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member
    Don't stress out about it!

    It helps me to set weekly instead of daily calorie/macro targets. That way I can go way over one day and compensate on others days while remaining on target for the week!

    Exercise is always a good thing but there is no reason to deprive yourself of food if you want to eat more later today.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    It's that time of the month again and I've been craving so much chocolate and sweets. I ate half a bag of coconut chips, chocolate and 2 cookies along with breakfast. This is all around 1500 calories. Should I fast for the rest of the day? Or would I be better off burning 400 calories through exercise and eating 200 for dinner? I feel super duper guilty for eating so much. Help?
    No, just eat smaller meals in the day and get some exercise. I would also make sure to log all that food for accuracy. It may be less, it may be more, but it will help you plan the rest of your day.

    Remember, you have control over food, it does not have control over you. :smile:
  • I'm with everyone. Move on, get back on the wagon the rest of the day and make sure you get a work out in -- if nothing else, it will help ease the guilt ;)
  • AutumnFrostfall
    AutumnFrostfall Posts: 25 Member
    Don't skip meals today. Try to eat healthy for the rest of the day and get in some exercise. Fasting for the rest of the day could throw you off track even further. When you finally do eat, you'll end up with another bender. Start fresh tomorrow with a healthy, low calorie breakfast and chalk it up to a learning experience.

    What they said in the quote. Changing your lifestyle is like learning to ride a bike. You're going to fall now & then. Just don't stop working towards your goal.
  • jos05
    jos05 Posts: 263 Member
    Personally I would just say screw it! And keep moving forward. Drink your water!! And stay on track for the rest of the day... It happens to everyone! But I wouldn't skip any meals.

    It's a lifestyle... not a diet... and don't derail because you're human and you had some snacks... Just get back on track! I wouldn't even think about it for another minute. It happened... keep moving forward! :)
  • eddiesmith1
    eddiesmith1 Posts: 1,550 Member
    Just move on like a regular day focus on healthy meals and water intake, get some exercise in. what matters is you have a weekly deficit inline with your goals. I blew it on sunday by a fair bit but have still kept on track for the week for example
  • 1shauna1
    1shauna1 Posts: 993 Member
    Don't skip. Work out and then eat lots of veggies with some protein.
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    It's not a big deal, just log it and move on, don't skip or even skimp on meals the rest of the day, you'll be fine.

  • Eat healthy the rest of the day and get a workout in, you'll feel better after the workout. I wouldn't fast, its not good for your metabolism. Give yourself a break... its just one meal. :)
  • Lunira
    Lunira Posts: 33
    In the future, you might want to get some sugar free chocolate pudding mix from Jello, and keep a couple boxes in your kitchen. If you use 1% milk it's only 90 calories for half a cup, and most of that will come from the milk.

    Or if you drink 8oz of milk with breakfast or dinner normally, just turn your milk into 1 cup of pudding instead, and consume it that way. 1 cup of chocolate pudding, for only 70 more calories than the milk has on its own. That way you can get your chocolate on without eating way more calories than you intended.
  • Toblave
    Toblave Posts: 244 Member
    Exercise and count it as a re-feed day. Don't stress out about it and do better tomorrow.
  • Make sure you get to the gym!!!! Don't skip meals just be more aware about what you eat the rest of the day...
  • Wiseandcurious
    Wiseandcurious Posts: 730 Member
    Focus on feeling better today. You ate the chocolate because you needed it - that's not a bad thing at this TOM, there are good reasons why we crave things sometimes. Now don't punish yourself, eat lighter may be today but don't skip meals, get in as much exercise as is comfortable in this condition, may be do something nice and pleasurable that does not involve food i.e. light a candle... take a bath...

    And read this thread if you haven't already:

    Life will happen, even after we lose the weight. It's about picking yourself up and dusting yourself off and moving on with it, without exaggerating the drama of it all. What happened is really not such a big deal. The big deal is how you will take it and what you will make of it.
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    Ditto everyone else. Eat salads and veggies the rest of the day, and try to get some protein.

    I've been there. It's not the end of the world. You have to eat 3500 calories over maintenance to gain 1 lb, so don't worry if you go over by a few hundred today. Drink some hot tea the next time you get cravings, it always helps with my insane TOM cravings.

    Next month plan ahead and have some craving food set aside in Ziploc baggies that are pre-measured. That's what I do. Then I pull a bag out and already know what I'm eating, when the bag is gone and I'm still craving more I exercise and that usually helps to kick the craving. If it does not I go for the hot tea, then more exercise, then a protein shake, etc. I keep myself busy until the craving goes away. Usually allowing myself the said food does the trick and does not derail my day.