Ate 1500 calories for breakfast today. What should I do now?



  • Use all those carbs to your advantage and hit the gym hard! This would be a good day to pump some iron but don't skip the cardio!

    Try to set yourself up for success by buying some healthier snacks, and get the junk food out of the house. I find it a lot easier to resist temptation if I have to leave the house to get it.

    By posting here about you're indicating you are in the right mindset. Keep up the good work and don't stress about today. Eat healthy the rest of the day (don't skip meals!) and hit that gym, and you'll be right on track to stay successful.
  • Serenitynow29
    Serenitynow29 Posts: 119 Member
    Log the food. Someone on another thread said they log everything before they eat it. I think that's a great idea. Sometimes seeing it in the log, before you eat it helps a lot. Do I really want to eat this? Answer this question before you eat. it.

    Now about today, if you aren't already someone who has fasted in the past or you have EDs, then no, no fasting today. If you are hungry eat. What I found when I ate heavy hitting nutritious food, that I also liked, was the desire for less nutritious food went away.

    If you are a juicer/smoothie person, start the day with one.

    The local juice bar charges $7.50 for a drink, but I figured out my own version and it is delicious and comforting, even on a cold morning. It's 1 banana,(129 g/4.5 oz) 16-20 grams of pitted dates, 2 oz. of TJ's unsweetened coconut milk(the kind you would use instead of dairy milk so it doesn't taste particularly coconutty), and 1/8 c./11 grams of TJ's organic rolled oats, a splash of vanilla extract, and a sprinkle of cinnamon on top after pouring it into a glass.

    I bet something similar for you with a bit of cocoa & perhaps coconut extract would do the same trick and come in under 300 calories for you.

    Good Luck! And don't sweat the 1500 calories today.
  • VelveteenArabian
    VelveteenArabian Posts: 758 Member
    Get rid of the snacks in the house if you can't eat them in moderation.
    Drink lots of water. Next time you feel giant cravings, drink water instead.
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,268 Member
    It's that time of the month again and I've been craving so much chocolate and sweets. I ate half a bag of coconut chips, chocolate and 2 cookies along with breakfast. This is all around 1500 calories. Should I fast for the rest of the day? Or would I be better off burning 400 calories through exercise and eating 200 for dinner? I feel super duper guilty for eating so much. Help?

    Okay for one: start your workout by getting a sweat on and emptying out your cabinets of that empty calorie junkfood. Then go work out for real. You can not starve yourself for the rest of the day. Just do the time at the gym or wherever you work out and move on. Eat apple slices if you get hungry or another low cal snack idea and drink a lot of water. Go to bed as early as you can and then just start over new tomorrow. That is all you can do. Take this as a learning process and make a plan on what you could do better next time. YOu like sweets? try sugar free cocoa for that fix and make yourself have an apple BEFORE you reach for a junkfood item. It will be okay, we all have slipped.
  • Orion782
    Orion782 Posts: 391
    Don't fast, it's not healthy and will just cause problems.

    FALSE. :noway:

    The misinformation out there about fasting is unbelieveable. I would say for you to exercise, eat a small afternoon meal(or dinner), and do some research so you don't get bad gouge about things like fasting.

  • tpligon
    tpligon Posts: 8 Member
    Although I am for fasting from food or something specific and believe it to be a healthy tool that creates discipline and confidence, it should be a planned event not a spur of the moment quick fix. If you want permanent results, you need to make permanent changes. Don't live in the past, learn from it and move on. Learn a sustainable and healthy balanced lifestyle. I removed those trigger foods from my house. If you are an alcoholic that is sincerely trying to quit drinking you don't fill your shelves with vodka. I gave up the trigger foods until they stopped calling my name, retraining my taste buds. The brain has the same type of reaction to sugar as it does to cocaine. When I indulge now it is planned out so I don't go overboard. I get one specific amount of one specific thing and it is not called a treat. Don't treat yourself with food, make treats a real reward to a hard fought goal like buying smaller clothes. You can do this.
  • I agree that you shouldn't skip any meals. I also have food cravings at TOM. I eat what I am craving in moderation. Then when I do my workout for the day I do more Cardio to balance the extra I ate. This works for me and I haven't gain. Just remember you are going to have days where you are going to eat more. Just take a note and workout a little more. I use to feel bad if I went over my calorie count and then I would give up. Now if I eat more then my calorie count I just workout more. Now if I'm in a situation when I might go over I think twice. I think is it worth me having to workout more to break even. Sometimes I do. My way of thinking is working for me. I use to think I couldn't have anything and instead of losing weight I would start gaining and say screw the diet. Now I give myself choices and I have lost 23 pounds. You have to find what works for you. But remember this process is a one day at a time. Keep up the good work.
  • Orion782
    Orion782 Posts: 391
    Although I am for fasting from food or something specific and believe it to be a healthy tool that creates discipline and confidence, it should be a planned event not a spur of the moment quick fix. If you want permanent results, you need to make permanent changes. Don't live in the past, learn from it and move on. Learn a sustainable and healthy balanced lifestyle. I removed those trigger foods from my house. If you are an alcoholic that is sincerely trying to quit drinking you don't fill your shelves with vodka. I gave up the trigger foods until they stopped calling my name, retraining my taste buds. The brain has the same type of reaction to sugar as it does to cocaine. When I indulge now it is planned out so I don't go overboard. I get one specific amount of one specific thing and it is not called a treat. Don't treat yourself with food, make treats a real reward to a hard fought goal like buying smaller clothes. You can do this.

    ^^THIS. :drinker:
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    go work it off
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I would recommend eating normally for the rest of the day. Exercise more if you want, but otherwise put it behind you and move forward as if it never happened. Remember the awful feeling you have now and use it as a deterrent for the next time you feel the need to binge on sweets. Though honestly, during TOM that’s not always going to help. Hormones can be a mighty force.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Should I fast for the rest of the day?

  • Thank you for this thread! I've been battling binge eating for a while, I'll binge eat for a couple of days, then diet for couple days, and the cycle continues. I've recently joined MFP and some days are good, but yesterday my diet went out the window. Oreos, Pop-tarts, and Cheese-its are my mortal enemy.

    It made me feel better knowing that other people here fall off the wagon. The next day I was tempted to eat badly, however one trip at the gym completely stopped the urge. I plan on going to the gym more this week to makeup for bad day I had, and reach my calorie goal better.