Bikers anyone?
Anyone else biking for exercise and fun? Really got into it the last 2-3 years, did our local ACT(AIDS Cycles Together) 300 miles in 4 days last year and this year. Next June I am signed up to do AIDS Lifecycle - 545 miles in 7 days between SF and LA.
Biking 50+ advice
ok, I did it. I bought myself a bike for exercise - one of my goals for the year. I've not had a bicycle since college. I'm going to throw it open for advice to make this a positive experience !
How are your lipids/cholesterol on Paleo?
Been evolving into low-carb paleo the last 9 months or so. Just got my blood work back for my annual physical and my LDL has gone up over 200 from 170 last year. My HDL is in the 50's (higher) and my triglycerides are 90 (same). Wondering what my Doc is going to say. I will not go back on statins.
Partner Sabotage ?
ok, what do I do... how do I interpet this... 'Someone' put/left a piece of home made apple pie on top of my berries in the fridge. I'm home alone until evening... what do I do? a. quickly put it down the garbage disposal ? b. just eat it and take the 450 calories... c. lock the door to the fridge ?
San Francisco - Eating Healthy while Traveling
ok, I'm going on a trip to San Francisco in a week, 5 days for work/training, 3 days for fun. I have been there before but not since I've lost weight - there is a lot of great food out there - i'm not use to eating out that often much less 9 days in a row. Ideas on how to pull this off without blowing my weight, what to do…
Sweet Potato Power ?
Anyone read this or heard about it? Thinking about picking it up. Hear an interview with the author. http://sweetpotatopower.com/
Garlic scapes.... what to do ?
Pulled them all in. Googling up some recipes. what do you do with them?
Gardening this Spring ?
I see a number of people doing gardening as their activity, I'm a long time gardener and farm boy, interested in hearing how your garden grows.... How is your spring going? what kind of plans do you have for the year? How has your weight situation effected your gardening ? --- We are having an early spring here in south…
Summer Salads
Looking for good/healthy recipes ideas for cold dishes/salads to replace all the creamy potato and pasta salads I use to make during the summer. For example - I had a great cold Red Curry Tofu at a local Co-op - will post the recipe, if I can get it. what are your ideas? Thanks!
Perez Hilton weight loss
I don't follow this guy, I don't really know anything about him... but he's looking great and thought it was an impressive accomplishment. Though, I'd like to know more about how he did it, and how he got rid of the sag from loosing that much.... being only 34 probably helps alot...…
Running/Jogging after Hip/Back Surgury
Is anyone who has had either or both lower back surgery or hip surgery - taken up running ? Long Story/Old motor cycle accident. I've really only been only walking since surgeries - Now finally I'm feeling pretty good and would like to step it up a bit. 2 of my Doctors - my Chiropractor and PCP are ok with and and even…
... Sag...
OK, maybe an uncomfortable subject... I lost about 90 pounds in about 7 months last year... does your body/skin ever tighten up much ? How long does it take ? How much comes back ? Short of surgery, What do people do? Does that 'cold laser treatment' do anything or is it a scam ? Thanks, K
Healthy wild rice recipes?
want to come up with something healthy using wild rice. the soups and casserole I usually make is off limits! thinking wild rice, mushrooms, spinach, need something to hold it together and flavor. spices: Tarragon ?
Recipe calorie calculator for real cooks
I'm looking for a good recipe calorie calculator for people who actually, really cook.... And I cook the 'old fashion way' - I don't use many processed food ingredients, cook from my own garden or the farmers market and I rarely measure anything except for baking. I'm having trouble coming up with accurate calorie counts…
Very Low Calorie Diet - Medically supervised
Looking for others on a Medically Supervised Very Low Calorie Diet - to see how it's going and to share advice: - 49 yo male - ideally would loose 90-100 pounds according to the chart... I am on week 13 of 18 with the full program before going to a modified program for an additional 6 weeks. It is a 830 calorie program…
The End of Overeating: Taking Control of the Insatiable Amer
Anyone else reading/read this ? just picked it up on kindle interesting but not completely surprising so far.
Cravings !
I've been on a VLCD for going on 11 weeks now and I'm starting to get some rather intense cravings: There is a crab salad in the fridge that is singing rather loudly.... the peanut butter is talking to me when i walk by also.... help! what do I do?
VLCD week 9
I have been on a medically supervised VLCD for 9 weeks and have lost about 50 pounds since March 10th. Can I go back and enter my history or can I only make entries going forward?