Positive vs Negative & Motivation
I want to share a little secret with everyone. Its not all about what you can`t eat, or how much you have to exercise! Without a positive attitude and the "WANT" everyone fails. Weight loss does not happen over night, getting lean, cut or getting big from lifting, does not happen fast. If your goal is running a marathon,…
Free Beer and pizza! Eye candy for all. Who`s in?
Sorry, I lied on the free beer and pizza and eye candy headline. But being your here, please read. Hope everyone had a great weekend. I posted this in my news feed, but decided it should go here as well. Here is what`s on my mind going into the week, and invite you to follow my lead. We have a holiday coming in this…
Your Brain
I want to post on a subject that everyone seems to overlook when it comes to diet and exercise and loosing or gaining weight. And that`s our mental conditions! People gets on new diet plans and health kicks and goes full bore. They eat great, exercise and drive themselves crazy making sure they`re doing and eating all the…
Once when I was a kid, I reached in the toilet and picked up one of my turds. Because I wanted to see what it felt like! Next.........
YUMMY at Anytime
1/2 cup of oats 1 cup of water Microwave for 1 minute and 30 seconds Stir Microwave for 1 more minute and remove. Add 1 packet of splenda Add 1 tablespoon of chia seed and stir. Now eat. Wash it down with 32 oz of water. Any questions?
Blood Sugar
I will just put this here.... 7 months ago my blood sugar was 177, my Dr. checked it this morning and it was 108. First time I should not have eaten anything, but I did. So I also ate the same thing as then this morning before I went to be fair. Exercise and a better diet pays off. I refuse to be another diabetic in this…
Motivated Needed?
Ok here`s how this works. I have available both hugs and boots that I can give out with equal enthusiasm. So tell me which you deserve and why. And I will be more than happy to address you with the fitting praise. So don`t be shy, step up and lets hear which you want or need. I`m here for you!
How much do you drink a day, and what all do you drink? I drink a gallon of water daily (sometimes more). A cup of fat free skim milk most days and usually with protein powder. And a cup of hot tea (herbal) usually in the evening. Rarely drink any soft drinks, but if I do its a diet Pepsi. Rarely meaning never over once a…
Introduce yourself it says. Ok, you asked for it!
Ok, I will give it a go being I have always hated site lurkers. Everything has a bad and good, so being I am open and honest, I will give both and start with my bad. And this comes with a "Warning" if you are sensitive and get your feelings hurt easily, PLEASE stop reading now and move on. And whatever you do, please don…
Ego`s of the past
Am I the only one, or, are there more of you out there? Ok now here is the description. Back in my 20`s and 30`s I was 10 ft. tall and bullet proof. I was the baddest man walking this stinking planet! Knew in my heart that I would be dead by 40! Why dead? Well either because I got killed in some insane way or someone shot…