Ego`s of the past

Am I the only one, or, are there more of you out there?

Ok now here is the description. Back in my 20`s and 30`s I was 10 ft. tall and bullet proof. I was the baddest man walking this stinking planet! Knew in my heart that I would be dead by 40! Why dead? Well either because I got killed in some insane way or someone shot me (probably justifiably) or, I figured that my body would be worn out by then. Live hard and fast everyday!

And NO WAY I would ever slow down or break my stride! No way I will ever get old! No way I will ever be one of those old grey haired geezers! And don`t let me for get the big one, oh yeah, the young girls will always love me!

I`m guessing the vision has been cast! LMAO......

So now being I have past that 40 mark and shadowing the 50, things have changed. Like I need a new deal with the devil or something! Or maybe rethought the first one a little better! :laugh:

So fess up, come out and show yourselves! Or, am I the only one?