Health Insurance Benefits
Nothing like a call with HR to discuss our new Health Insurance Benefits to make my blood sugar shoot up!! ;) I should have dosed before I even called, I know those calls always last at least 30 mins, are filled with me asking the same question 5 different times because the person I'm speaking with doesn't understand what…
Any triathletes out there?
Has anyone out there participated in a triathlon and have any advice?? I am doing my first this weekend and my plan is to test before the race, have an energy bar that I love that has protein, fat and carbs (32 carbs, not sure if I should have the whole thing - thinking probably 3/4 of it and maybe turning off my insulin…
^^^ I hate that picture up there - of the abdomen injection
But it's made me curious - who on this group is on MDIs, a pump or something else? I started on a pump in 2007 - started on the Medtronic, switched to Animas in 2012 and to OmniPod in 2013 - love being tubeless!!
AND 530G SYSTEMS DUE TO HYPOGLYCEMIA CONCERNS RESULTING FROM DEVICE DESIGN ERROR fyi from this article.... http://diatribe.org/issues/69/new-now-next/13
Glucose Sensor and Infusion Set in One
Have you seen this yet!!?? :) http://www.diabeticconnect.com/diabetes-information-articles/diabetes-basics/1018-new-medtronic-device-launched-glucose-sensor-and-infusion-set-in-one?utm_source=FB&utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=New+Medtronic+Device+Launched I've always heard that they had to be 6" apart to not falsely affect…
Curious about all the pump options - join this 6/29
Which pumps work the best? What are the different features? How do you get one, and will insurance cover it? We'll discuss these questions and more, next Sunday in the TuDiabetes chat room. 1-2pm PT 4-5pm ET 9-10pm GMT This is not a webinar or live interview. This is a discussion among members of TuDiabetes, in the…
Chia Seeds - do you use them?
I just recently started adding to some recipes and I'm a fan... yogurt, leafy salads, pea salad and some energy bites (or as I call them, Granola Balls, that I make for my son). http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2013/06/03/chia-seed-benefits-_n_3379831.html#slide=2525650
Thoughts on decreasing calories through the day?
I get it, it makes sense, I just have a hard time doing it. I don't want a huge breakfast and it feels weird to eat a tiny dinner. Maybe after doing it a few days my feelings will change. I'm all for trying something new, but I just wondered everyone's thoughts on this...? Thanks!
Jogging Stroller Questions - Opinions PLEASE! :-)
I wanted to get some thoughts on a jogging strollers. I used to have one that was a fixed front wheel stroller that could also hook up to a bike. I never used it for the bike part and we moved cross country recently and decided to sell it before we left. I used the jogging part, but didn't love it. The fixed front wheel…