Haters - You Don't Have Them
I have seen a lot of people mentioning haters in threads. "You are all a bunch of haters! or "Ignore the haters!" But I'm not seeing much hate. Most of the time, it seems to me me, these declarers of hate are doing something clearly wrong or dangerous, or just being a complete jerk, and when someone points that out,…
Mean Eating
I've been hearing a lot of people talk about this concept I think they called Mean Eating. They eat really plain, bland, tasteless foods, and that makes them kind of grumpy. Then they get the value of not only eating those super low calorie foods like celery and freshly squeezed carrot juice, but they also get the bonus…
I Am Mean
I was watching a few of my grandkids this weekend. They wanted to eat leftover Easter candy for lunch, but I insisted that a balanced meal would be more appropriate. So they called me mean. Later on, I made them go outside and play instead of sitting around watching yubetube all day because exercise is good for you. More…
The Doctor of Oz
The other night I was up late after the hockey game looking for something to watch on TV. Nothing was on, so I checked the Tivo and found that my wife had recorded a bunch of episodes of some Doctor of Oz television series. Now I really liked the original with Judy Garland, so I thought let's give it a try. Maybe my wife…
America Is Blessed
Despite all the complaints and whining, the failings and struggles, we as a nation are truly blesssed. We have an abundance of food widely available at very reasonable costs. We have the freedom of choice, and the ability to define our lives through those choices. We have opportunities to pursue our dreams and so many…
Aren't You Freezing?
I'm certainly not complaining, I mean I was in my prime in the 60's when modesty went out the window, but all you young ladies running around here in bikinis all day, and all you shirtless guys, don't you get cold? I know it's Spring and all, but I have to wear a jacket still. You don't want to catch a cold just as the…
From the TV Table of Sad Grandpa
I don't have a desk like some people, but I can scootch my plate over and make enough room to write here while I relax after a fantastic lunch. I am here to help. Here is my advice on this sunny, glorious holiday. Enjoy your meal and time with family and friends. Don't stress over the calories. Enjoy some ham. Or lamb. And…
Low Sugar Diets Resulting in Voodoo
I was reading the daily news this morning while enjoying my usual coffee and prune danish, and I saw an article on the today show site revealing that people with lower blood sugar are more likely to attack their spouses using pins and voodoo dolls. This explains a lot of my aches and pains.…
Crock Pot Armageddon
My wife left town to visit her family, but before she left, she said she would put a pork loin in the crock pot for me. But she forgot to do it before she left. So now I'm sitting here looking at a pork loin and a crock pot. I don't do cooking. Do I just put the pork loin in the crockpot?
Potato Famine
Potato Famine I am desperately hoping you good people can help me. A few months ago my wife joined this fitness buddy site here. She thinks she needs to lose weight. I don't see it, but I try to support her. Women and their weight loss. Sheeesh. But ever since then, I haven't had a decent meal to eat. First it was the…
How does this work?
That's a lot of forums.