Never. OK, ONCE. I will never make lutefisk casserole again. But other than that, I feel pretty good about my record. Except for the exploding baked potato. I was hungry.
When I got into an argument with my friend Marty over a misunderstanding, he stopped calling me to talk about bocce league. I complained to a lot of people about how I wished he would call me. I moped around for a while in my yard hoping he would see me down the block and talk to me. Then I walked over to his house with a…
Rhubarb pie!!!
When I eat one meal a day, it's usually lutefisk. Because once you've enjoyed a slimy helping of well aged lye soaked codfish, you're really done eating for a while...
I'm a little senile sometimes, and even I don't get that confused. Have you considered the benefits of actually reading things?
Back when I was young, MFP sent people to your house to do your grocery shopping, cut up your food, and give you massages. Boy, those were the good old days. Every time and every place has people complaining about how things used to be better. Well, honestly, like much of life, it's mostly what you make it. You can…
Well, that Doctor of Oz guy does get on my nerves...
The dog types much worse than me. And you'd know if he was on the computer. He's obsessed with bacon.
Oh, I think I'm hip to the groovy jive. Peace.
See, it's a world of love.
In that situation, I like to pretend I'm dying. When she goes to call for help, I climb out the window and head off to play poker.
Anybody says you're too old, send 'em to me and I'll challenge them to roller derby. One good body check and they'll be rethinking who's old.
I tried up, but cutting off the crusts really didn't save that many calories.
I still think of myself as pretty young, so I can't help you out there. I hope you oldsters work this out though. I'm off for beers with my Senior Division Competitive Roller Derby Team. That's how I roll...
I stopped leaving the spoon in the bowl.
I am confused. Admittedly, I am often confused. But it seems like it is not my fault this time...
Personally, I'd stick with leeches before trying this route. But you know me, I'm kinda old fashioned. Still, leeches would probably work better.
I miss my sixteen year old knees. Appreciate them while you've got them.
I use Irish Spring. It smells nice, and it's OK for everyday use rather than just one or two days a week.
The only thing I can pronounce in that is aqua, and I don't like the sound of it. I'm gonna stick with scotch and potatoes.
As long as she doesn't bring her book club, I like my odds.
Is he taking new patients?
My grandson locked us out of them so we can't stop him from watching pokemon. Those little buggers are creepy.
You're telling me. I've got a big screen, a lazy boy, an elliptical, my handyman workbench, and a refrigerator in the same room. Of course, that room is my garage. It gets kind of crowded when the car is in there.
That is really disturbing.
That is one tremendous beard.
In the old country there was a saying that literally translates as "shun all codfish mongers who lurk under the docks with free samples of lye" If I were to interpret that into your MFP speak, it would probably be something like "If they say message me for the secret - RUN!!!" Although, I kinda prefer the original.
I don't share 'em with anybody. There's barely enough for me.
Even a young man such as yourself, only 55 years old, should have sufficient life experience to know that such language is inappropriate in a public forum.