Will it work?

Hello everyone.
I just stared counting my calories and eating 1200 diet.
I am currently 148, up from 138 in November.
I'm not sure how I gained the weight but I am a first year teacher and have been eating huge lunches at work and I suspect that has something to do with it.
I don't exercise at all currently. I know if I want to do it I will, but maybe I am not just there yet.

My question is, do you think by simply cutting back my calories, I can lose 10 pounds or maybe a few more? I never exercised before, either.
Also, on the weekends I tend to drink a bottle of rum with friends..I don't know that I can stick to 1200 calories on Friday night.
Please don't lecture me. I know it's not good to drink that much, but I do. :/

Anyhow, just looking for advice, tips, etc, from people who are willing to give it. I have never dieted or counted calories, or anything.

Thanks so much!!!!


  • lolacommander2

    I just started today too. I'm currently 130 up from 115 a year ago. I'm in law school so I know that stress has a large part to do with it but I really think my problem is portion control. I work out pretty regularly (yoga/ pilates) 3-4 times a week. I just can't seem to lose the weight. I quit drinking a few months ago do to a health issue but saw no change in my weight. Hopefully being conscious of how many calories I'm consuming/burning will help!
  • Wandering_1
    Wandering_1 Posts: 95 Member
    It's only going to work if you really want it to. It not just about losing weight it's about learning how to get & stay healthy. Eat 1500 calories if you want but stay within your macros & exercise too. You will hear people say eat what you want as long as you don't go over your calorie count. Yeah you'll lose weight but it doesn't help your body. Ask yourself why you want to lose the weight & go from there. Good luck.
  • PDXteacherANDmom
    What are macros? And when I am adding my food into my diary and it says a number in red, for instance, "fat -1," what does that mean? That I am eating too much fat?

  • PDXteacherANDmom
    Good luck!
  • fivethreeone
    fivethreeone Posts: 8,196 Member

    Read this to get you started.

    Yes, counting calories is all that is necessary to lose weight, but you likely need more than 1200 calories. The link will explain that.

    Macros are macronutrients: carbs, fats, and proteins. Fat and protein recommendations are minimums.
  • sue_ham3
    sue_ham3 Posts: 10
    Hello from California. Instead of focusing only on calories, focus on eating "real" food that is nutrient dense. Things your great grandmother would have eaten - 100% grass-fed/pastured/humanely raised meats, real fats (grass-fed low pasturized butter), lard. Try to eliminate gluten. Eat fermented foods like kefir, kraut, kombucha, raw dairy, etc.

    I was not trying to lose weight, but by following the Weston A. Price way of eating and the G.A.P.S. diet for health reasons, I ended up losing 26 lbs without exercise or counting calories, fat, carbs, etc.

    I know it's expensive to eat organic/humane, but we're eating A LOT less because what we're eating is nutrient-dense. And it's cheaper than buying pharmaceuticals and we feel better too. We've actually healed ourselves just through our food choices over the last 3 years.

    Right now, I'm in month one of a new eating program through renewhope.org (they are the non-profit part of a supplement company). No, I don't work for the company. I went to their talk at Whole Foods and the non-profit was mentioned so I applied. I'm learning a lot.

    It's low carb and no sugar, no grains, only berries and apples. I must have some protein between meals to maintain energy/digestion/sugar levels. Protein with each meal too. Now that I'm using My Fitness Pal, I can really see a pattern and how bad it is to miss a meal and a snack.

    There's hidden sugar in what you eat, so if you use the calculation I was given and try to stick to 8 - 12 teaspoons a day...and only eat "good fats" in moderation...you should be on your way.

    Calculation is Carbs minus Protein divided by 5 will give you the "sugar" amount. For example 12 Carbs minus 6 Protein is 6.
    Divided by 5 is 1.2 teaspoon.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member

    Read this to get you started.

    Yes, counting calories is all that is necessary to lose weight, but you likely need more than 1200 calories. The link will explain that.

    Macros are macronutrients: carbs, fats, and proteins. Fat and protein recommendations are minimums.

    OP listen to this. I've lost 46 lbs and kept it off for 18 months following these guidelines and they don't involve cutting out any foods.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Hello from California. Instead of focusing only on calories, focus on eating "real" food that is nutrient dense. Things your great grandmother would have eaten - 100% grass-fed/pastured/humanely raised meats, real fats (grass-fed low pasturized butter), lard. Try to eliminate gluten. Eat fermented foods like kefir, kraut, kombucha, raw dairy, etc.

    I was not trying to lose weight, but by following the Weston A. Price way of eating and the G.A.P.S. diet for health reasons, I ended up losing 26 lbs without exercise or counting calories, fat, carbs, etc.

    I know it's expensive to eat organic/humane, but we're eating A LOT less because what we're eating is nutrient-dense. And it's cheaper than buying pharmaceuticals and we feel better too. We've actually healed ourselves just through our food choices over the last 3 years.

    Right now, I'm in month one of a new eating program through renewhope.org (they are the non-profit part of a supplement company). No, I don't work for the company. I went to their talk at Whole Foods and the non-profit was mentioned so I applied. I'm learning a lot.

    It's low carb and no sugar, no grains, only berries and apples. I must have some protein between meals to maintain energy/digestion/sugar levels. Protein with each meal too. Now that I'm using My Fitness Pal, I can really see a pattern and how bad it is to miss a meal and a snack.

    There's hidden sugar in what you eat, so if you use the calculation I was given and try to stick to 8 - 12 teaspoons a day...and only eat "good fats" in moderation...you should be on your way.

    Calculation is Carbs minus Protein divided by 5 will give you the "sugar" amount. For example 12 Carbs minus 6 Protein is 6.
    Divided by 5 is 1.2 teaspoon.

    No. To ALL of the above....x1000000000


    Read this to get you started.

    Yes, counting calories is all that is necessary to lose weight, but you likely need more than 1200 calories. The link will explain that.

    Macros are macronutrients: carbs, fats, and proteins. Fat and protein recommendations are minimums.

    Go with THIS^
  • ihad
    ihad Posts: 7,463 Member

    Read this to get you started.

    Yes, counting calories is all that is necessary to lose weight, but you likely need more than 1200 calories. The link will explain that.

    Macros are macronutrients: carbs, fats, and proteins. Fat and protein recommendations are minimums.

    I endorse this post. This is where you want to start.
  • ihad
    ihad Posts: 7,463 Member
    I think this blog I wrote would also provide you some good perspective:

  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Yes to the sexypants thread - that's all you need.

    No to cutting out any foods.
    Stick to your calorie count/deficit. That's what you need to do, and you'll lose the weight.

    also read this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1235566-so-you-re-new-here
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Hello from California. Instead of focusing only on calories, focus on eating "real" food that is nutrient dense. Things your great grandmother would have eaten - 100% grass-fed/pastured/humanely raised meats, real fats (grass-fed low pasturized butter), lard. Try to eliminate gluten. Eat fermented foods like kefir, kraut, kombucha, raw dairy, etc.

    I was not trying to lose weight, but by following the Weston A. Price way of eating and the G.A.P.S. diet for health reasons, I ended up losing 26 lbs without exercise or counting calories, fat, carbs, etc.

    I know it's expensive to eat organic/humane, but we're eating A LOT less because what we're eating is nutrient-dense. And it's cheaper than buying pharmaceuticals and we feel better too. We've actually healed ourselves just through our food choices over the last 3 years.

    Right now, I'm in month one of a new eating program through renewhope.org (they are the non-profit part of a supplement company). No, I don't work for the company. I went to their talk at Whole Foods and the non-profit was mentioned so I applied. I'm learning a lot.

    It's low carb and no sugar, no grains, only berries and apples. I must have some protein between meals to maintain energy/digestion/sugar levels. Protein with each meal too. Now that I'm using My Fitness Pal, I can really see a pattern and how bad it is to miss a meal and a snack.

    There's hidden sugar in what you eat, so if you use the calculation I was given and try to stick to 8 - 12 teaspoons a day...and only eat "good fats" in moderation...you should be on your way.

    Calculation is Carbs minus Protein divided by 5 will give you the "sugar" amount. For example 12 Carbs minus 6 Protein is 6.
    Divided by 5 is 1.2 teaspoon.

    What in the world is this nonsense?
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Hello from CRASEYVILLE. Instead of focusing only on calories, focus on eating "real" food that is nutrient dense. Things your great grandmother would have eaten - 100% grass-fed/pastured/humanely raised meats, real fats (grass-fed low pasturized butter), lard. Try to eliminate gluten. Eat fermented foods like kefir, kraut, kombucha, raw dairy, etc.

    I was not trying to lose weight, but by following the Weston A. Price way of eating and the G.A.P.S. diet for health reasons, I ended up losing 26 lbs without exercise or counting calories, fat, carbs, etc.

    I know it's expensive to eat organic/humane, but we're eating A LOT less because what we're eating is nutrient-dense. And it's cheaper than buying pharmaceuticals and we feel better too. We've actually healed ourselves just through our food choices over the last 3 years.

    Right now, I'm in month one of a new eating program through renewhope.org (they are the non-profit part of a supplement company). No, I don't work for the company. I went to their talk at Whole Foods and the non-profit was mentioned so I applied. I'm learning a lot.

    It's low carb and no sugar, no grains, only berries and apples. I must have some protein between meals to maintain energy/digestion/sugar levels. Protein with each meal too. Now that I'm using My Fitness Pal, I can really see a pattern and how bad it is to miss a meal and a snack.

    There's hidden sugar in what you eat, so if you use the calculation I was given and try to stick to 8 - 12 teaspoons a day...and only eat "good fats" in moderation...you should be on your way.

    Calculation is Carbs minus Protein divided by 5 will give you the "sugar" amount. For example 12 Carbs minus 6 Protein is 6.
    Divided by 5 is 1.2 teaspoon.

    FIFY. You do NOT get to represent California. Not with all that nonsense.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Hello from California. Instead of focusing only on calories, focus on eating "real" food that is nutrient dense. Things your great grandmother would have eaten - 100% grass-fed/pastured/humanely raised meats, real fats (grass-fed low pasturized butter), lard. Try to eliminate gluten. Eat fermented foods like kefir, kraut, kombucha, raw dairy, etc.

    I was not trying to lose weight, but by following the Weston A. Price way of eating and the G.A.P.S. diet for health reasons, I ended up losing 26 lbs without exercise or counting calories, fat, carbs, etc.

    I know it's expensive to eat organic/humane, but we're eating A LOT less because what we're eating is nutrient-dense. And it's cheaper than buying pharmaceuticals and we feel better too. We've actually healed ourselves just through our food choices over the last 3 years.

    Right now, I'm in month one of a new eating program through renewhope.org (they are the non-profit part of a supplement company). No, I don't work for the company. I went to their talk at Whole Foods and the non-profit was mentioned so I applied. I'm learning a lot.

    It's low carb and no sugar, no grains, only berries and apples. I must have some protein between meals to maintain energy/digestion/sugar levels. Protein with each meal too. Now that I'm using My Fitness Pal, I can really see a pattern and how bad it is to miss a meal and a snack.

    There's hidden sugar in what you eat, so if you use the calculation I was given and try to stick to 8 - 12 teaspoons a day...and only eat "good fats" in moderation...you should be on your way.

    Calculation is Carbs minus Protein divided by 5 will give you the "sugar" amount. For example 12 Carbs minus 6 Protein is 6.
    Divided by 5 is 1.2 teaspoon.

    What in the world is this nonsense?

  • Sad_Grandpa
    Sad_Grandpa Posts: 129
    Hello from California. Instead of focusing only on calories, focus on eating "real" food that is nutrient dense. Things your great grandmother would have eaten - 100% grass-fed/pastured/humanely raised meats, real fats (grass-fed low pasturized butter), lard. Try to eliminate gluten. Eat fermented foods like kefir, kraut, kombucha, raw dairy, etc.

    I was not trying to lose weight, but by following the Weston A. Price way of eating and the G.A.P.S. diet for health reasons, I ended up losing 26 lbs without exercise or counting calories, fat, carbs, etc.

    I know it's expensive to eat organic/humane, but we're eating A LOT less because what we're eating is nutrient-dense. And it's cheaper than buying pharmaceuticals and we feel better too. We've actually healed ourselves just through our food choices over the last 3 years.

    Right now, I'm in month one of a new eating program through renewhope.org (they are the non-profit part of a supplement company). No, I don't work for the company. I went to their talk at Whole Foods and the non-profit was mentioned so I applied. I'm learning a lot.

    It's low carb and no sugar, no grains, only berries and apples. I must have some protein between meals to maintain energy/digestion/sugar levels. Protein with each meal too. Now that I'm using My Fitness Pal, I can really see a pattern and how bad it is to miss a meal and a snack.

    There's hidden sugar in what you eat, so if you use the calculation I was given and try to stick to 8 - 12 teaspoons a day...and only eat "good fats" in moderation...you should be on your way.

    Calculation is Carbs minus Protein divided by 5 will give you the "sugar" amount. For example 12 Carbs minus 6 Protein is 6.
    Divided by 5 is 1.2 teaspoon.

    What in the world is this nonsense?

    Personally, I'd stick with leeches before trying this route. But you know me, I'm kinda old fashioned. Still, leeches would probably work better.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Hello from California. Instead of focusing only on calories, focus on eating "real" food that is nutrient dense. Things your great grandmother would have eaten - 100% grass-fed/pastured/humanely raised meats, real fats (grass-fed low pasturized butter), lard. Try to eliminate gluten. Eat fermented foods like kefir, kraut, kombucha, raw dairy, etc.

    I was not trying to lose weight, but by following the Weston A. Price way of eating and the G.A.P.S. diet for health reasons, I ended up losing 26 lbs without exercise or counting calories, fat, carbs, etc.

    I know it's expensive to eat organic/humane, but we're eating A LOT less because what we're eating is nutrient-dense. And it's cheaper than buying pharmaceuticals and we feel better too. We've actually healed ourselves just through our food choices over the last 3 years.

    Right now, I'm in month one of a new eating program through renewhope.org (they are the non-profit part of a supplement company). No, I don't work for the company. I went to their talk at Whole Foods and the non-profit was mentioned so I applied. I'm learning a lot.

    It's low carb and no sugar, no grains, only berries and apples. I must have some protein between meals to maintain energy/digestion/sugar levels. Protein with each meal too. Now that I'm using My Fitness Pal, I can really see a pattern and how bad it is to miss a meal and a snack.

    There's hidden sugar in what you eat, so if you use the calculation I was given and try to stick to 8 - 12 teaspoons a day...and only eat "good fats" in moderation...you should be on your way.

    Calculation is Carbs minus Protein divided by 5 will give you the "sugar" amount. For example 12 Carbs minus 6 Protein is 6.
    Divided by 5 is 1.2 teaspoon.

    What in the world is this nonsense?

    Personally, I'd stick with leeches before trying this route. But you know me, I'm kinda old fashioned. Still, leeches would probably work better.

  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Miss California called, she wants her crown back. And a donut.

  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Hello from California. Instead of focusing only on calories, focus on eating "real" food that is nutrient dense. Things your great grandmother would have eaten - 100% grass-fed/pastured/humanely raised meats, real fats (grass-fed low pasturized butter), lard. Try to eliminate gluten. Eat fermented foods like kefir, kraut, kombucha, raw dairy, etc.

    I was not trying to lose weight, but by following the Weston A. Price way of eating and the G.A.P.S. diet for health reasons, I ended up losing 26 lbs without exercise or counting calories, fat, carbs, etc.

    I know it's expensive to eat organic/humane, but we're eating A LOT less because what we're eating is nutrient-dense. And it's cheaper than buying pharmaceuticals and we feel better too. We've actually healed ourselves just through our food choices over the last 3 years.

    Right now, I'm in month one of a new eating program through renewhope.org (they are the non-profit part of a supplement company). No, I don't work for the company. I went to their talk at Whole Foods and the non-profit was mentioned so I applied. I'm learning a lot.

    It's low carb and no sugar, no grains, only berries and apples. I must have some protein between meals to maintain energy/digestion/sugar levels. Protein with each meal too. Now that I'm using My Fitness Pal, I can really see a pattern and how bad it is to miss a meal and a snack.

    There's hidden sugar in what you eat, so if you use the calculation I was given and try to stick to 8 - 12 teaspoons a day...and only eat "good fats" in moderation...you should be on your way.

    Calculation is Carbs minus Protein divided by 5 will give you the "sugar" amount. For example 12 Carbs minus 6 Protein is 6.
    Divided by 5 is 1.2 teaspoon.

    What in the world is this nonsense?

    Personally, I'd stick with leeches before trying this route. But you know me, I'm kinda old fashioned. Still, leeches would probably work better.

    You're probably right. Which is sad. And hilarious. But mostly sad.
  • PDXteacherANDmom
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    My favorite part of this thread is how she is a teacher by day and a pirate by night...
