When She Calls and Asks You Out.
Ladies & Gentleman of MFP- Simple Simple question. Not being manipulative or anything I want to take the gentlemanly route - concerning etiquette. - Lady called me last night to ask me to see 'The Fault in Our Stars' with her. - I've taken her out about 3 times now, twice for dinner and she was my companion for a bar…
Hey bro! You a Metrosexual or a Spornosexual?
1. You’re logging into Facebook to… A) ...post a picture of you having dinner with friends. You look amazing in it but that’s by-the-by. B) ...keep up to date with news from friends and family. Your cousin’s just had a baby - maybe a picture will be up? C) …check how many ‘likes’ your gym selfie has got. Your guns are…
From Addict to Exercise Junkie
Has anyone else had a similar experience? I battled with substance abuse through basically a large amount of my teen years. Longest in-patient stay at a rehab was 15months. :yawn: Has exercise also helped you guys suddenly drop all cravings and triggers and suddenly allowed you to grow up? I will say one blessing for us -…
Finding an Exercise Partner/Buddy/Pal/Comrade/Ally/Colleague
How did you go about finding an exercise partner? Typically I try to work with the girl I'm dating my exercise partner to get some foreplay action going, but I never date the same person unfortunately in excess of two-three weeks. Any idea on the best way to find someone, preferably a guy actually so the person sticks…
Supplements and Weight Gain
Gentleman, I have learned a great deal from you. Thanks for your previous input - particularly from the lean MityMax96 I was able to see immediate improvement on my six pack. Since I achieved my goal of getting the six pack I immediately sought to gain weight because I was at one point 146lbs and was initially trying to…
Most embarassing act at a gym?
So yesterday, I'm at the gym doing leg lifts with a medicine ball - and the area in my gym to do ab work is right in front of where all the attractive women are doing cardio... After 10 reps the ball - (8lbs) drops from my legs and smacks me right in the head in front of everyone - who all proceeded to laugh and laugh. - I…
*High Fashion Minded Only PLZZ*
Must attend a wedding this Friday - I'm one of those flashy guys that of course will be there dressed better than the bride and groom. I've purchased two seersucker suits and one traditional suit - My question is since it is after memorial day can I rock the Tommy H. Seersucker in light blue, with a white Hugo Boss dress…
Under Appreciated Must-HAVE Utensils/Routines?
Gentleman & Ladies, prior to becoming a fitness nut, I wish I would have stumbled across a list of recommendations on MUST HAVE fitness equipment/utensils/routines - your tips and input could result in aiding me and others so if you got one - LET US KNOW!!! XD Tier ONE Must Have: Watch/Wristwatch/Stopwatch Blender Bottle…
Fav Super Hero & why??
So who's your fav super hero? Obviously mines Dead Pool.. Spider Jerusalem is the runner up. ^.. no explanation is needed for these guys
SleepingTrouble - Insomnia
So, I suffer from insomnia really really bad, ever since being a child.. my active exercise has made it where I can fall asleep within 2 hours of getting into bed.. but its bad..2 hours still seems way too long.. Recently read in a mens fitness mag that sleeping is one of the most important times for muscles to grow back…
Getting back on track
Embarrassing confession!! Yesterday I ate a 410 calorie pastry from Panera a coworker purchased for me... and then proceeded to have a 510calorie cheesesteak for dinner. Some guilt is with me this morning.. this undoes days of work... (X_X) What gets you guys motivated and back on track the quickest when the occasional…
Eggs and something special please!!!
So I am a newbie to cooking, and scrambled eggs is becoming my staple 'go to' meal. What are some interesting ways you make your scrambled eggs? As for now I've been adding a quarter teaspoon of olive oil per two eggs and half a teaspoon of all natural honey. What are you doing to make those taste buds happy?!
Chest Hair.. to shave or not to shave? - female preference
So at fancy pants dinner with friends, and my Russian friends-boy friend mentions that all though he gets his nails done, and drops obscene amounts on hair cuts like me, at least he doesn't shave his chest! :noway: - and everyone around burst into laughter... :embarassed: And I was thinking... literally had shaved my chest…
Not calling her back
Ok!!! This is not to sound like a jerk, I ask because I want to be as polite as possible regarding this. Got a bunch of numbers before being confronted and going exclusive with a dream lady -one can't plan these things out, so I did not purposely plan on bumming out a few girls. Of course I'm not reaching out to any of…
Germ Freak
Go to the gym today, pumped and amped, DaftPunk is in the ear buds, my smile is contagious - its a good morning... and everything is sticky with sweat and grime as usual the second I sit down ready to get to the real work. terribly disgusting - I swear I am the only one at the entire gym that cleans the equipment after…
upload a pic
how do you upload a pic on a post like this?
Reading PA
Anyone near the Reading PA area? Looking for more hiking trail recommendations, and additional friends! :D
Maintaining Weight while Lowering Body Fat %
I want to start by advising, I am well aware that the body fat % provided on the scale has a margin of error of 2.5-3%. However, I use the same scale repeatedly and have been using that as a gauge for months on lowering my body fat percentage. My stats: Current Weight: 147 lbs 24 Years old 11.4% Body fat 35-45% daily…
12.9 BMI inquiry
I have a question: 21.4 BMI 12.9 body fat percentage 5' 10" 150 lbs male 24 years old I am attempting to get my body fat percentage down to 10.5-11.4% for my six pack, and my calorie consumption is currently 1850 daily with a 38-42% daily protein intake. Eating 100% organic, lots of fruits, veggies, eggs and protein shakes…