SleepingTrouble - Insomnia

MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
So, I suffer from insomnia really really bad, ever since being a child.. my active exercise has made it where I can fall asleep within 2 hours of getting into bed.. but its bad..2 hours still seems way too long..

Recently read in a mens fitness mag that sleeping is one of the most important times for muscles to grow back together and strengthen and if you are robbing yourself of sleep your not maximizing on your potential gains...

Yoga meditation before bed helps big time.. reading before bed helps big time...

I consume only one caffeinated drink a day...typically between 9-10am.

its rest in bed physically exhausted and then your mind just races...

Anyone with a similar problem find some solutions?


  • lemon629
    lemon629 Posts: 501 Member
    I suffered from insomnia for over a decade. I eventually got cognitive therapy for it which helped tremendously. Lots of psychological issues with sleep.

    Make sure you have good sleep hygiene-- regular wake/sleep times, cool temperature, dark room (turn off all those electronics or cover the lights). Exercise helps sleep, but best to avoid within two hours of bed time. Don't eat a large meal within a few hours of going to bed, but a small snack can be helpful for some people. If you don't fall asleep within approximately 15 minutes, you should get back up. You need to associate your bed with sleep, not lying awake. Google sleep hygiene for more.

    Just learning to be OK with not sleeping is surprisingly helpful. Most of the time if I think to myself, "If I don't fall asleep soon I am just going to get up," I end up falling asleep! I think because I have relaxed about it.
  • becky10rp
    becky10rp Posts: 573 Member
    I suffer as well - I drink about 3 cups of coffee - nothing after 10:00 am

    Although I think my 'issues' are hormonal -

    But I'd love to hear what others have to say - suggestions welcome!

    I workout daily - about 60 - 90 minutes a day -

    I often average 4 hours a sleep...........usually do my workouts around 5:30 pm so it's not right before I go to bed.......

    Tired of being tired..............!
  • elbaldwin0525
    elbaldwin0525 Posts: 159 Member
    Try GABA really helped be able to fall asleep faster and stay asleep
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    Glad you posted this! I suffered from insomnia since early teens to late 20s. I tried every prescription sleeping pill under the sun (and of course all of the OTC stuff too) and they either didn't work or made me feel like I was hungover the next day...without any of the fun the night before. Two years ago, my doctor took away my prescription (boo) and PROMISED me that if I exercised reguarly, I would sleep better. She said to give it two weeks. I haven't touched a rx pill since. Sometimes it still takes me a while to fall asleep. On those nights I'll take 5mg of melatonin and it works now.
  • sweetcurlz67
    sweetcurlz67 Posts: 1,168 Member
    have you had a sleep study done?

    could be something else going on.
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    Try GABA really helped be able to fall asleep faster and stay asleep

    tried it...

    I really would like to be as natural as possible.. Kava Root worked better.. but its treating a symptom not the culprit.
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    have you had a sleep study done?

    could be something else going on.

    My grandfather suffers from Sleep Apnea.. but I got tested and don't have it.

    ...even when I finally do go to bed I typically wake up about 3-5 times a night... maybe have to use the restroom once.. but typically I just lay there and think...

    ...I really don't get it at all.. I have a dream job, dream apartment, designer clothes, great friends, dream Brazilian girl I'm dating, dream body, decent car.... 2 years old now.. but I have no idea why I just can't sleep like the average Joe.. literally my mind just races so fast and is at its most alert... and its when my body is at its most exhausted.

    Strangely enough I do almost always wake up though really refreshed.. thats why when I finally can sleep through a whole night I bet it will be amazing to wake up...
  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    I've also suffered from insomnia my entire life. I've tried melatonin, magnesium, warm milk, tylenol pm, benodryl, etc. Only one thing gets me to sleep fast--sex. Do it, roll over, close eyes, fast asleep.
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    I've also suffered from insomnia my entire life. I've tried melatonin, magnesium, warm milk, tylenol pm, benodryl, etc. Only one thing gets me to sleep fast--sex. Do it, roll over, close eyes, fast asleep.

    ..typically after sex though I like to shower again to maintain my complexion because I get sweaty during intercourse... by the time I get back into bed my insomnia is still bad...

    maybe I'll start doing the cuddle thing and try falling right asleep...
  • bravid98
    bravid98 Posts: 80 Member
    Have you tried keeping a journal? Writing everything down before bed may help calm your brain down enough so that it's not going a million miles a minute when you're trying to sleep.
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    Have you tried keeping a journal? Writing everything down before bed may help calm your brain down enough so that it's not going a million miles a minute when you're trying to sleep.

    no... but being the second person in two days to recommend I keep a journal... I will certainly try this.

    - from personal experience this worked well for you?

    ..I'm liking this idea... usually my thoughts are revolving around mild problems and ways to rectify them.. a journal could certainly aid my anxiety and tension prob..
  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    I've also suffered from insomnia my entire life. I've tried melatonin, magnesium, warm milk, tylenol pm, benodryl, etc. Only one thing gets me to sleep fast--sex. Do it, roll over, close eyes, fast asleep.

    ..typically after sex though I like to shower again to maintain my complexion because I get sweaty during intercourse... by the time I get back into bed my insomnia is still bad...

    maybe I'll start doing the cuddle thing and try falling right asleep...

    Showering is overrated LOL
  • bravid98
    bravid98 Posts: 80 Member
    Have you tried keeping a journal? Writing everything down before bed may help calm your brain down enough so that it's not going a million miles a minute when you're trying to sleep.

    no... but being the second person in two days to recommend I keep a journal... I will certainly try this.

    - from personal experience this worked well for you?

    ..I'm liking this idea... usually my thoughts are revolving around mild problems and ways to rectify them.. a journal could certainly aid my anxiety and tension prob..

    I haven't suffered from prolonged insomnia as you do, but I've had stretches of it. I found that if I wrote things down (paper and pen) it would help clear my head. I purposely didn't use a phone or PC so I wouldn't be tempted to do anything else.
  • iorahkwano
    iorahkwano Posts: 709 Member
    I've been having trouble sleeping since November 2013. Falling asleep AND staying asleep. I go through phases where it's not so bad, and phases where it's terrible. Twice last month I was up 38-40hrs straight. Lately I've been able to fall asleep, but then I wake up every 2 or 3hrs.

    The only thing that helped me sleep was taking 2.5 codeine pills (that I was originally given for back pain), but even that hasn't really worked for a while. It makes me feel relaxed, like I'm ALMOST asleep, but not real sleep. I wouldn't recommend using powerful painkillers to sleep though, dangerous road I'm told & I try to seriously limit it to only when it's very bad.

    On June 5th, I have an appointment with a sleep apnea clinic. My doctor & I don't think I have it, but we need to rule it out before we consult a sleep lab & do a sleep study. I never wake up gasping for air or snoring like my mom does, and I am not overweight (which sometimes leads to sleep apnea). I missed 2 days of school this week because of my insomnia and I was so exasperated, I cried this morning.

    As for the list of what DIDN'T work or have results...

    - kicking the cat out of the room
    - blood tests (Thyroid, anemia, mono)
    - multivitamin
    - shutting all lights & LCD screens off 2hrs before bed
    - nixing the 1 cup of instant coffee I'd have at 9am
    - melatonin pills
    - chamomile & jasmine tea
    - drinking more water
    - drinking less water before bed
    - changing bedrooms
    - leaving my phone upstairs & sleeping in a part of the house where wifi signal doesn't reach
    - sleeping on the floor
    - testing to see if there was a gas leak in the house
    - opening more windows for fresh air
    - changing the temperature
    - using a humidifier
    - leaving tv on for white noise (drives me nuts, can't stand it)
    - less exercise before bed
    - more exercise during the day
    - a tropical disease clinic to see if I had a parasite or virus (Since I recently went to 2 third world countries)

    Other suggestions I have yet to try:
    - valerian (Not sure what that is)
    - lavender oil
    - cough syrup
    - warm milk with banana & cinnamon
    - hemp seed oil
    - sleepy time pills from Walmart
    - yoga
    - smoking weed
    - rubbing cucumber peels on my feet
    - rubbing other weird things on my feet
    - a tablespoon of nutmeg
    - seeing a medicine man
    - walking at night
  • iorahkwano
    iorahkwano Posts: 709 Member
    lol It's so frustrating when you mention to someone that you can't sleep and they go straight for "Have you tried cutting out caffeine?"

    NO! I actually INCREASED my caffeine to see what would happen! (/Sarcasm)
    OF COURSE, I've tried that! -___-

    Mini rant...
  • aqualeo1
    aqualeo1 Posts: 331 Member
    I can't stay asleep for s***! I tried valerian root someone recommended - did nothing. Neither did prescription sleeping pills. I fall asleep ok but I'm up in 45 min and then every two hours like clockwork. So frustrating!

    Oh and I tried banana tea. You boil banana peels and drink the water. Yeah that doesn't work either.
  • Ilikelamps
    Ilikelamps Posts: 482 Member
    I've been having trouble sleeping since November 2013. Falling asleep AND staying asleep. I go through phases where it's not so bad, and phases where it's terrible. Twice last month I was up 38-40hrs straight. Lately I've been able to fall asleep, but then I wake up every 2 or 3hrs.

    The only thing that helped me sleep was taking 2.5 codeine pills (that I was originally given for back pain), but even that hasn't really worked for a while. It makes me feel relaxed, like I'm ALMOST asleep, but not real sleep. I wouldn't recommend using powerful painkillers to sleep though, dangerous road I'm told & I try to seriously limit it to only when it's very bad.

    On June 5th, I have an appointment with a sleep apnea clinic. My doctor & I don't think I have it, but we need to rule it out before we consult a sleep lab & do a sleep study. I never wake up gasping for air or snoring like my mom does, and I am not overweight (which sometimes leads to sleep apnea). I missed 2 days of school this week because of my insomnia and I was so exasperated, I cried this morning.

    As for the list of what DIDN'T work or have results...

    - kicking the cat out of the room
    - blood tests (Thyroid, anemia, mono)
    - multivitamin
    - shutting all lights & LCD screens off 2hrs before bed
    - nixing the 1 cup of instant coffee I'd have at 9am
    - melatonin pills
    - chamomile & jasmine tea
    - drinking more water
    - drinking less water before bed
    - changing bedrooms
    - leaving my phone upstairs & sleeping in a part of the house where wifi signal doesn't reach
    - sleeping on the floor
    - testing to see if there was a gas leak in the house
    - opening more windows for fresh air
    - changing the temperature
    - using a humidifier
    - leaving tv on for white noise (drives me nuts, can't stand it)
    - less exercise before bed
    - more exercise during the day
    - a tropical disease clinic to see if I had a parasite or virus (Since I recently went to 2 third world countries)

    Other suggestions I have yet to try:
    - valerian (Not sure what that is)
    - lavender oil
    - cough syrup
    - warm milk with banana & cinnamon
    - hemp seed oil
    - sleepy time pills from Walmart
    - yoga
    - smoking weed
    - rubbing cucumber peels on my feet
    - rubbing other weird things on my feet
    - a tablespoon of nutmeg
    - seeing a medicine man
    - walking at night

    I see you havent really thought this one through.
  • Ilikelamps
    Ilikelamps Posts: 482 Member

    ...I really don't get it at all.. I have a dream job, dream apartment, designer clothes, great friends, dream Brazilian girl I'm dating, dream body, decent car...

    LOL so everything is absolutely perfect and youre the greatest, but your car is just decent? What do you drive?
  • Evelynnn2014
    I don't have insomnia, but when I do have a little trouble relaxing enough to fall asleep, I take one of my husband's prescription Clonazepams. They're just .5 mg tablets for him to take as needed for anxiety/sleep. You might ask your doctor about this. They help my husband, too, and he suffers from PTSD.
  • Evelynnn2014

    ...I really don't get it at all.. I have a dream job, dream apartment, designer clothes, great friends, dream Brazilian girl I'm dating, dream body, decent car...

    LOL so everything is absolutely perfect and youre the greatest, but your car is just decent? What do you drive?

    Yep, I thought the same thing! Lol! : )