Challenge Accepted!
Life has challenged me this week. And like Barney in HIMYM, I have accepted it's challenge with (less than) gleeful, enthusiastic optimism. Let me recap what has led to this week's challenge. (Please feel free to imagine these scenarios in an old-timey silent movie style with the reel sped up and overly dramatic hand…
Vitality and Map my Run
Does anyone else use Vitality? We just got it at work and I would like to sync it with Map My Run. I thought it was doable, but I cannot figure out how.
Hip Injury Running
I made a mistake. I didn't stretch. I ran 3 miles. I now have "old lady hip." I'm limping like a lame horse on the way to the glue factory. It's really not that painful but it is there. Should I stay off of it? Stretch? Walk it out? I don't think it is serious enough for a dr. visit, however the initial injury occured a…
Any vegetarians eating low carb out there?
"When's your little one due?" asked one of my co-workers...After about 15 seconds of blankly staring at her I finally understood she was asking me when my baby was due. I'm not pregnant. In fact, I haven't had sex in over six months. I am a single mother, recently, by choice. I'm overweight (but not obese by bmi…
I heard the pop top of a soda can open
And my body instantly went into crave mode. Darn the cubical resident next to me. I've been soda clean for two weeks and this experience makes me feel as though soda addiction is a real thing. Any suggestions on fulfilling that carbonation craving?
Has anyone heard of this? I ran across it on a website and while I've never been a fan of "diet pills" I thought it sounded interesting. They say they are all-natural and organic (too good to be true?). Anyways, just wondering if anyone knew anything about it!
Green Monster!
Recently it has caught my attention that 100% of my support group of friends/family losing weight with me is doing so with the help of prescription drugs (and not the kind the Dr prescribes). I have no morals against this, although I think it is a poor way of acheiving weight loss. My issue is that I'm so bummed out that…
Where do I go from here?
Three years ago I was running 6 miles at a time. It took forever to get there and then I had a kid and stopped. I've been back up to three miles for the past week and yesterday I noticed at the end of my run that although I felt a little exhausted and ready to quit that I was neither out of breathe or breathing hard. I…
Biking with Baby on Board!
So I'm trying to get as close as possible to how many calories I'm burning while biking with my one year old on the back. Any suggestions how I can figure out how many more calories I'm burning with the extra weight added?