Food Diary / hitting protein goal - without protein shake
Hey there, I only just started back with logging, but I thought instead of logging for weeks without hitting my protein goal that I would see if anyone has any suggestions based off of yesterday's diary (Aug 24th). Ideally, I would like to tweak things to add protein without using protein powder, I will add powder if I…
Legs Swell after eating...why?
I ate breakfast - tea with milk, yogurt, granola and blueberries. Why on earth do my jeans feel tighter now? Uncomfortably tighter. It's wasn't a high sodium meal. This is a common thing with me. I eat, and then my clothes feel tighter than they did when I first put them on. Mostly around my thighs. It's seems so…
1/2 marathon - long runs - exhaustion?
I am currently training for my first half marathon. I'm using the beginner Hal-Higdon plan, even though I am not a novice runner or new to fitness. I just figured since it was my first Half this is the way I'd approach it. I am not following it to a "T". Some weeks I get both short runs in and some weeks I don't. I always…
Anyone start running in their 50's???
So, I told my mom that I was going to run the Falmouth Road Race this summer and she said, "Maybe, I will too!" I am super excited, because I love running, but usually when I mention it to her she usually says she hates it and has no interest. Of course, I want to gently fan this flame and encourage her....So far I only…
Squats are a terrible exercise!!!
10 Reasons Squats Are A Terrible ExerciseYou know what day it is, right? Step back from the rack and save your knees and spine from the dreaded squat! If you can go to the link, do so, the pictures really illustrate why they are so bad for you!…
Workouts & muscle soreness and Adding Pull ups in?
(I'm on week 2, but not new to weight training etc) I was so sore yesterday that I skipped my workout. I lifted on Sunday night and then ran and did pull ups on Monday. I think it might have been a bad idea to do the pull ups, but they are a goal of mine. I've read that some people add them onto their SL workout days, but…
If you need motivation to get to gym, check out GymPack!
I just heard about this the other day. It's pretty interesting. You pledge your amount and if you miss - you pay. If you go - you earn. Check out the article below about it! http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/business/2012/01/gympact-app-makes-workout-skippers-pay-up/ http://www.gym-pact.com/
Double check scanning barcodes!!!
So, last night when I used my phone to scan in the ice cream I ate, it came up with chicken breast! Now, that was a glaring contradiction and easy to notice. However, this morning I scanned the barcode on the English Muffin package and it came up with low fat multigrain English muffins. That's not what they are; they're…
Does my friend need help/support?
First...where I'm coming from: My mother grew up in an abusive, very abusive home. When she got married it was "out of the frying pan and into the fire" so to speak. There were people who knewthat the children in her home were being abused, they even said so years later, but at the time did nothing to help. Then when she…
I think I look more fit...what do you think? {pics}
The pictures on the left were taken last October when I went to visit my sister. They were the pictures that made me realize it was time to stop stuffing my pie hole and exercise! Left: October 2011 Right: June 2012
Runners - Camelback vs Hydration Belt???!
It's time to add water to my running ensemble as I was really thirsty out there today. So, tell me, which one do you use: The Camelback or The Hydration Belt and why, let's hear the Pros & Cons?
Off to the Sheriff's Academy, what to pack for food???
My husband starts the Sheriffs academy this Monday. So excited!!!!!!!!! He's gonna be burning piles of calories. He's a healthy eater at home already, but now everything has to be "grab & go" type stuff. We're looking for a few ideas for healthy, protein packed snacks to sustain him throughout the day, that aren't…
Lazy Mama to Tough Mudder!!!
So, about a year ago, I got a little more serious about taking care of myself. Most of my life I had been in pretty decent shape. I played sports in High School and College. I took up martial arts post-gradutation, but somehow the whole happily-ever-after with kids included turned me into a Lazy Mama. Weekends with too…
Have you ever wanted to...
So, this morning when I was driving to work I saw this woman out jogging/walking. It was clearly day one or so for her. Anyway, I thought about MFP and how we are always encourging others and all....I totally wanted to roll down my window and give her a shout out, like "Way to Go" or "You've Got This!!!" coupled with a…
Healthy Meals Your Kids Love???
I have the pickiest eaters in the world, or at least I think so. When they were younger, they ate everything, but it seems the older they get { age 9 & 6 } the pickier they become. I was a picky eater as a child and I know that they will outgrow it, but in the meantime....I would love to try some out new options that will…
I'm on the verge of going AWOL...
I don't know how this happens or why I do this, but here I am....ready to just lounge around in pajamas and pig out!!! { not literally, because, actually I'm at work, but I really just want to step off the workout train for a while } About one year ago I started with my boot camp circuit training classes once a week. Then…
You know you've got a problem when...
You go for a 4.5 mile run on your lunchbreak, knowing full well, that there will be no chance of taking a shower until you get home...hours from now. What have you done in the name of exercise or eating healthy with total disregard for the consequences?
Fitness Class Dilema...
So, I bought a punch pass for Zumba with "So~and~so". The class is awesome. I love it. The thing is, business is going so well that So~and~so is teaching at two places now. Recently, she started having someone else start taking over 50% of the class that I attend. I'm not so crazy about the new instructor. Very different…
123 days until Tough Mudder!
Hi, With just 123 days until the Vermont Tough Mudder, I'm ready to really get serious! I'm a 37 year old mom of two who currently weighs as much I as I did when I was 9 months pregnant! Ugh! My youngest is 6...and it's time to stop gaining fat and start gaining muscle!!! SIgning up for Tough Mudder seemed like a great…