Please help
I need a detailed weight loss programme and diet programme. Can anyone be kind and generous to give me a detailed programme as i can not afford to buy it. Or maybe a website where i can find what i need..
I have been trying to lose weight for the last 3 years now with little success or even setback. I am really disgusted with myself...
Instead of water can i have tea
Hi. This is Nutty here. I cant drink water somehow... can i substitute tea for water and make adjustments for the calories?
what are servings. how do i take ten servings
how much do i need to eat when they say take 5 servings of fruit and 5 servings of veggies..does that mean i have to eat 5 bananas of 5 apples everyday. how much is a serving size? also can anyone tel me if i can eat my servings together coz eating 10 servings everyday would tale up a lot of my time
Dear Tam
hI Tam Tastic. its a cry for help. i want to be like you. motivated and strong. but somehow i keep on losing my focus and have lost only 2 pounds since i joined in Sept 2-008. i want yoyu to give me a diet and exercise programme
i dont know what cheese cream is
can i substitute cheese cream with something else in recipes
plz help
i am taking a 1200 cal diet. but everyday when i log off i see i am taking more of carbs and bvery less proteins. i take mostly fruits and veggies. how do i improve my protein intake. (even if i eat chicken it still does not come to the recommended 44 gms) plz help
what works for you..meals immediately after exercise or wait
hey my question is how much time can we give after exercise and meal..coz there are conflicting reports. some studies say dont eat for 2 hours after exercise and some believe ,: eat immediately afer exercise. which one works out for you .
y kids dont listed
my 3 year old daughter has started back answering for everything. if i tell her not to do a particular thing she says:"you also stop doing this and that". i never scolded her but tried to council her but she seems to be taking advantage..now if i scold her she starts scolding back..dont know how to handle
please help..i am really desperate
i am 36 years old and in love with a guy 11 years my junior. both of us are doctors working in the same hospital..now the guy wants to marry me but i am not sure because of the age difference and because i have been married previously and have gone through lot of physical violence there.so its kindda once bitten twice shy.…
cant seem to exercise
i hate to exercise..and consequently am noe losing any weight..can anyone help plzzzzzzzzzz..:laugh: