My Back Hurts!!
I started mission 2 yesterday of Billy Blanks Boot Camp and my back is killing me. I was hoping maybe I could get some advice without going to the doc as far as stretches or light exercises to help with the lower back area (I'm stubborn about docs), I'm going to rest and ice it today but any stretching ideas to loosen them…
I want to be a QUITTER!!!
Alright, I'm at the point where I am ready to quit smoking! Not the topic you expected probably, but if there are any people out there that have been successful in this area I could use some advice. But to inform many I do not take prescriptions, I am looking for the alternative, I know there are a lot of drugs that can…
I'm a little peeved today becuase my friend and I started going to the gym on the 8th (restarted my nutrition journey) and she cancels a lot. I told her yesterday that after my membership for the month was up I wasn't going to renew it cuz I can just exercise at home (only 1 vehicle til Sat.), plus, I burn more cals doing…
Burn calories for strength training
I was wondering if we are suppose to put our strength training into our cardio so that it factors that in for burn calories or do I just leave it in the strength training section and that's it. Since it is a form of exercise and you are burning calories I think you should but I'm not sure. I've used this website a few…
Calling All Vegetarians!
I recently decided to become a vegetarian after reading a book called "Skinny B@#$*". It is a very eye opening book. Anyway, my question to all of you vegetarians or vegans is how do you stay on track and not eat junk. I'm the only one in my house dedicated to this change and catch a lot of jokes from family about it. Not…
How do I get my ticker to show up on the message board like all of u I feel so left out :( Please help me!
Hello peolple, I've actually been on here for about a week now but wanted to make sure I was able to stay commited. I was a stay at home mom for 3 yrs. and just recently jumped back on the work wagon. I'm working second shift and was finding hard not to eat after I got home but so far so good. I really like this site so…
Too much water???
I live in TX and with almost 2 hours of exercise daily is it bad to drink more than the standard 64oz. of water? I'm sweating most of it out right? I'll drink about 84oz. in a day. How much is too much?
Pain Question???
Hey, I started doing Tae Bo Bootcamp Elite last week and not feeling to shabby during my workout, but then the next day when I walk the area by my achilles tendon hurts when I walk. I stretch before and after my workouts and was just wondering if anyone has any solutions or advice for relieving the pain. Thanks in advance!!