Women's Hiking Gear
My family has decided to start hiking more often -- nothing extreme and not overnight (yet). We'll be doing some day hiking in the wilderness areas (no services, carry in what you need for the day) and much of the year will be hiking in hot, dry Arizona conditions. If you do a lot of hiking, what kind of gear do you like…
How about the Samsung Gear Fit?
I was considering buying an Amiigo fitness tracker, as my name is up on their wait list, but I'm having second thoughts. Does anyone have a Samsung Gear Fit? How do you like it? Anyone want to provide pros and cons or comparisons to other devices?
Amiigo Fitness Tracker?
Was anyone in on the first round of production for the Amiigo Fitness Tracker? My name came up for the second round, and I actually have the money to spend on it right now. I am wondering if it is as great as it sounds or if there are bugs that need to be worked out in further production runs. The idea behind it is great,…
Favorite Camping Foods, Healthy & Unhealthy?
As a spin-off of the camping thread, what are your favorite foods when camping? My husband likes to cook on the camp stove and grill, I love to cook on the campfire. What are your favorite breakfasts, lunches, dinners and snacks to take and make while camping?
Has anyone bought or tried the New Rules of Lifting Supercharged program yet? It's on my amazon wish list and I'll probably order it soon. I have 4 more Stage 7 workouts left if I don't decide to repeat. I'm not sure if I want to do Stronglifts or Supercharged, or more likely a hybrid between the two combined with running.…
Sweeteners and Eating Clean?
I have the non-research-based urge to start eating clean and limiting my processed foods. A big problem for me is that I like certain things like oatmeal and tea sweetened. I use a variety of the artificial stuff now, and am not above using real sugar if there's nothing else available. I don't really want to add a lot of…
Have to Share New PRs
After doing NROL for a little more than a year, and really spending some time reading up on good lifting form this week, I set 2 new PRs today! I squatted 145 and deadlifted 175 (3 pounds more than my body weight). NROL really does work if you stick with it! My new goals are to squat my body weight and DL 205.
Getting Respect in the Weight Room
When I first started venturing into the weight room at the beginning of Stage 1, I felt very out of place and just tried to stay out of everyone's way and not draw attention to myself. As the stages have progressed, I've become much more comfortable and feel like I have a sense of purpose. I go at the same times and see a…
Barbell Romanian Deadlift/Bent-over Row
I am getting ready to start Stage 3 on Tuesday, and instead of resting today, I decided to take my book to the gym and do the new Stage 3 exercises so I could get the form down and figure out the weights I will use. Everything seemed to flow pretty well for me, but I do have a question about the Barbell Romanian…
Barbell Romanian Deadlift/Bent-over Row
Double post -- sorry about that!
Progress Report Finishing Stage 1
I'm almost done with Stage 1. I had one little deviation from plan because I hurt my back deadlifting and had to take a few weeks off and do cardio instead of weights. I am going to keep doing Stage 1 until the end of the month because I like increasing my weight on squats and deadlifts. Anyway, when I weighed in on the…