Am I confusing my Body?
Hi everyone. I am back on a 1300 cal diet with 50/30/20 macros. I had success a few years ago at 1200/day but long story short, gained 30 lbs since. My goal is to lose fat but at least maintain muscle if not gain. I jog/walk almost everyday, and lift 5 days/week, mostly heavy, not going over 10 reps. I lost 5 lbs so far ,…
Strength Training Spikes Blood Pressure
I have read several articles that states strength training decreases BP, but it is the opposite for me. While I jog every day, I havent been that consistent with the strength training-lift for a month, and quit for a month for the past year or so. Since I track my BP regularly, I notice spikes (about 30%) about 10 hours…
cal restriction for 6 month
and I am having trouble with last 10 lbs of belly fat. I have lower libido, and testosterone, probable reasons for no muscle or strength gains. Set to lose .5 lbs a week 1750 calories. Jog 35 min a day Weights 4 days a week. What am I doing wrong or missing?
Low Resting Pulse
Since I started this fitness/nutrition program (5 months dieting/6 weeks jogging/weights), my heart rate has gone from 85 to now low 50s in the mornings. Bradycardia is defined as less than 60 beats per minute, with dizziness, light-headeness, fainting, and fatigue being the symptoms. Athletes however often have a resting…
jogging without a rest day?
I don't feel the need for it. Partly due to the fact its only a slow jog for 30 minutes a day. The streak is 44 days so far. Admittedly fat loss is minimal, but I feel pretty good. Anybody do the same?
Beet juice for Blood Pressure
Hi everyone. Was wondering if anyone here takes or taken beet Juice to lower their blood pressure. Been reading 1 to 2 cups a day will lower it. I am currently taking Norvasc 5 mg but wanted to lower it naturally, although the medical community believes I will have to take it the rest of my life. I started yesterday and…
need some input on my diet please
Im 44, yo , 5' 8", 160 lbs, from 190 a year ago. Yes I have lost weight but I still have a lot of belly fat, and lost about half of my muscle. Lean everywhere but my belly. 20% bodyfat is my guess. Here is what I have been doing: 1500 calories a day, 75 grams of carbs, 140 grams protein and 60 grams fat. Eggs/oatmeal…
Bloat immediately after jog
After my jog my belly just swells up, and stays that way till next morning. Been drinking plenty of water (90 OZ ). I jog first thing in the morning on empty stomach. It really makes me feel fat and uncomforable. Anyone else?
Cant complain after a month but-
After losing a little weight (need to lose 30lbs), here are the changes i have noticed so far: Endurance during exercise varies greatly; somedays it is barely possible to do 20 minutes vs 40 on other days at higher level Eating a big meal (cheat day)allows for a great workout afterwards Doing a little weight training, but…
Raw or Cooked veges?
I have been eating raw veges and vege/fruit juicers made fresh for about a month now believing that it was healthier for me. I read that cooking kills the nutrients and enzymes. But is it true? I do feel better since I have started on my diet, but honestly my stools have been very loose and I often have gas. Heres what Dr…
Experiencing Decrease in Stamina
I started my diet/fitness program about 3 weeks ago, and lost 12lbs so far. It appears I have lost the intensity and stamina that I had built up the last 2 weeks. I jog every day for 2.25 miles, and in the evening I use the stairmaster for 40 minutes. I then pick a body part and perform 6 sets in the weight room. However…