overwhelmed by strength training

Publicaciones: 1 Member
after having to give up running due to an injury i have taken up strength training (free weights and bands). there are so many workouts that if i was to do 3 or 4 sets of them all i would have to spend over 4 hours per day.
also if i work a diffent part of the body each day when i get back to the first one the following week i feel like i its pointless leaving so many days inbetween.
so the question is how do you strength trainers workout?
do you concentrate on specific workouts? do you have an abs day? planks? or do you just work with weights?
help please.
tia 😎
after having to give up running due to an injury i have taken up strength training (free weights and bands). there are so many workouts that if i was to do 3 or 4 sets of them all i would have to spend over 4 hours per day.
also if i work a diffent part of the body each day when i get back to the first one the following week i feel like i its pointless leaving so many days inbetween.
so the question is how do you strength trainers workout?
do you concentrate on specific workouts? do you have an abs day? planks? or do you just work with weights?
help please.
tia 😎
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