Stappen teller koppelen — Dutch (Netherlands)

Stappen teller koppelen

Waarom wil het systeem niet koppelen met Samsung health app.. stappenteller. Hij is gekoppeld aan Maar als hij de stappen moet ophalen geeft hij een serverfout aan?
Iemand enig idee hoe dit kan of hoe dit verholpen kan worden..


  • DeManKookt
    DeManKookt Berichten: 84 Member
    Heb ik ook last van
  • us73
    us73 Berichten: 2 Member
    Kan iemand van de helpdesk hier geen antwoord voor ons op geven.
  • LaurensE1
    LaurensE1 Berichten: 1,481 MFP Moderator
    Doorgespeeld aan de staff, als ik meer weet horen jullie het.
  • tessabecks1978
    tessabecks1978 Berichten: 1 Member
    Hier zelfde probleem
  • jennnblonde
    jennnblonde Berichten: 2 Member
    ik hier ook!
  • rs_b
    rs_b Berichten: 76 Member
    Hoi allemaal! Mijn s health synchroniseert wel de fitnesstrainingem maar niet de stappen...
    Wat ik wel weet is dat je in de health app de functie 'delen met derden' moet aanzetten...
    Verder hoop ik ook dat de stappenteller op mfp komt want anders klopt het toch weer net niet allemaal
  • LaurensE1
    LaurensE1 Berichten: 1,481 MFP Moderator
    Er waren wat problemen mee blijkbaar, wellicht dat niet alles is opgelost. Kunnen jullie een mail sturen naar
  • rs_b
    rs_b Berichten: 76 Member
    Dankje! Ga ik doen :)
  • DeManKookt
    DeManKookt Berichten: 84 Member
  • DeManKookt
    DeManKookt Berichten: 84 Member
    Hij werkt inmiddels met healt s
  • rs_b
    rs_b Berichten: 76 Member
    Oh bij mij nog niet helaas
  • DeManKookt
    DeManKookt Berichten: 84 Member
    Ik heb gemailt en kreeg dit terug. Misschien lukt het jou dan ook. ;-)

    Hi there,

    Thank you for taking the time to contact us. Our apologies for any problems you are having with one of our integration partners. Once an integration is properly connected, it should be an automatic sync between the two when the app partner has been properly synced. If this is not happening, here are some initial things you can try for troubleshooting. First, make sure the connection has been made. You can do this online at (if using an app sign in with the same username and password as the app).

    Once online, go to the main "apps" tab. Mid right of that page, you should see a list of your connected partners. If you are not finding any connections mid right on that page, then please visit the main gallery, find the partner once more, and try connecting again.

    If you do find your partner as being connected, but are not seeing any activity sync between the two, please first check to make sure your profile information, along with your time zone is exactly the same on both accounts. If this information is matching, as well as you are seeing information load to your partner dashboard, but not to MyFitnessPal, can you try revoking access between the two and try reestablishing the connection again.

    You can revoke access by clicking on the link of your current app partners via the mid right of the "Apps" page, and then after they have been disconnected, you can try establishing them again via the App Gallery.

    Most the time, if there is a problem, it is most effective to try removing the connection and then relinking on our website page, and not within the apps. However, some of our app partners require you first make an account with them, even sync an activity before you can connect with our program.

    If unlinking and relinking the connection on our website, still proves to be unsuccessful, then you may want to try unlinking and then relinking on the app partner page. Once you have verified the connection has been established again, please try performing a new function on the partner app, and then make sure that syncs within that program, and then check back on MyFitnessPal to see if the information now transfers.

    Please note, it may take up to 30 minutes to see the transfer of data between the two. Please also note, once the accounts are linked, then only new information will sync over, past information will not. Also please note, certain partners may transfer information in a lump sum, not individually. Most of the time, your partner, or exercise from that partner should show up in the "cardiovascular" section.

    If you are still unable to see any information on MyFitnessPal, but you are able to recent activity on your partner page, as well as you have verified the connection between the two have been made, can you please let us know your MyFitnessPal username, as well as the email address you used to establish your partner account. If at all possible, can you also send us in a screen shot of your current synced information on your partner page. We will then further troubleshoot what may be causing the problem.

    However, if you are not seeing any information load on your partner page, we would recommend contacting them for support, as MyFitnessPal will be more than happy to troubleshoot the problem with the connection to our site, but for any problems with that partner, or question about their device or merchandise, you would need to contact them directly.

    Hope this helps. Please let us know if you have any other problems or questions. We wish you all the success in reaching and maintaining all of your diet and fitness goals.

    Warm Regards,
  • rs_b
    rs_b Berichten: 76 Member
    Hey dankjewel ! Ik ga ze nog een keer loskoppelen en weer connecten
  • rs_b
    rs_b Berichten: 76 Member
    Hoi allen,
    Loskoppelen en opnieuw koppelen heeft geholpen.alles werkt weer.
  • LaurensE1
    LaurensE1 Berichten: 1,481 MFP Moderator
    Goed om te horen dat het opgelost is!
  • rs_b
    rs_b Berichten: 76 Member
    > @LaurensE1 zei:
    > Goed om te horen dat het opgelost is!

    Toch wel beetje te snel gejuicht hoor... sochtends doet ie t prima maar dan springt ie weer op 0.
    Kan het te maken hebben met wisselen van Wi-Fi?
    Groetjes Roos