Connection MyFitnessPal and Garmin Connect doesn’t work
Berichten: 1 Member
Off and on I use Garmin Connect and MyFitnessPal to measure my calories and activities.
When I tried to re-establish their connection and sync abilities a couple of days ago, it won’t work anymore. How come?
Thru MFP=> apps tab then GC icon then push connect button. I get redirected to GC-page calories but no connection. When I give permission to use mfp date, it seems to connect. But stops in the proces.
Thru GC=> heath statistics => calories => I get redirected to mfp but no further activity.
I tried both on phone and pc, for days now, so help is appreciated.
Greets Joris
Off and on I use Garmin Connect and MyFitnessPal to measure my calories and activities.
When I tried to re-establish their connection and sync abilities a couple of days ago, it won’t work anymore. How come?
Thru MFP=> apps tab then GC icon then push connect button. I get redirected to GC-page calories but no connection. When I give permission to use mfp date, it seems to connect. But stops in the proces.
Thru GC=> heath statistics => calories => I get redirected to mfp but no further activity.
I tried both on phone and pc, for days now, so help is appreciated.
Greets Joris
Re install Garmin connect0
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