Hello from the forty side
Berichten: 1 Member
Hey everyone, mine third day that I am using this app. Little bit confusing, but I am doing this 💪.
My name is Ana and in two months I'll be forty 🙈😊. That's why I'm doing some changes, hope to eat more healthy food and also doing regularly exercises. If not now then when, right?
Anyway, wish you all good day.
My name is Ana and in two months I'll be forty 🙈😊. That's why I'm doing some changes, hope to eat more healthy food and also doing regularly exercises. If not now then when, right?
Anyway, wish you all good day.
You are 11 years behind me.... but i feel like 30😂😂.
Good luck and hard work pays of💪💪0 -
Hi Hemanica, welkom en veel succes
Als je vragen hebt, stel ze gerust.0 -
Hi hi..
You’re 9 years behind me😉 and also feel like 30 ( maybe 28😜😜)
Welkome and i’ll send you an invitation1
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