Fighting against age I guess
Berichten: 1 Member
Hi everyone
Just another typical story I guess... 38, 2 kids and in 2018 I got myself very successfully to 63 kg. Now... not so Puch anymore. Let’s say that I set my goal more realistically at 65.
I started a month not drinking in January. That actually helps, I know... then I am making sure I have more muscles since my metabolisme is at a slow pace and my percentage of muscle is laughable. I can run but I really dislike it in the week so I try to push myself on sundays and if the sun will be up a bit more early then that will help my runs as well.
Anyways... wanted to say hi and see if a community could help me just a little to make my goal a reality.
Greets from Belgium. Moerbeke
Just another typical story I guess... 38, 2 kids and in 2018 I got myself very successfully to 63 kg. Now... not so Puch anymore. Let’s say that I set my goal more realistically at 65.
I started a month not drinking in January. That actually helps, I know... then I am making sure I have more muscles since my metabolisme is at a slow pace and my percentage of muscle is laughable. I can run but I really dislike it in the week so I try to push myself on sundays and if the sun will be up a bit more early then that will help my runs as well.
Anyways... wanted to say hi and see if a community could help me just a little to make my goal a reality.
Greets from Belgium. Moerbeke
Hi MsDeevy, welcome and good luck.
This community communicates in Dutch, so please post in Dutch or otherwise you try the English community
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