Интересная статья для тех кто худеет

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Some ladies feel motivated to get healthy and some lbs. and then end up feeling like failures the first time they eat something they know they shouldn’t have… but did anyway.
If you ever want to be a weight loss success story there are 3 things you absolutely have to stop doing.
Everyone has an inner fit girl (picture an angel on your shoulder) and an inner fat girl (picture a little devil on the other shoulder). Just because you want to be a fit girl doesn’t mean you inner fat girl goes away.
Your inner fat girl isn’t bad! She likes to hit the easy button. She’d rather be comfortable and avoid work. Who doesn’t?? Your inner fat girl is FLUENT in the language of excuses and she’ll sabotage your weight loss efforts if you let her. (Let’s skip the gym. Let’s get pizza. Let’s go to happy hour!!! We deserve it! We’ve been good! We can start Monday!)
Your inner fat girl is a very real part of you. EMBRACE HER. She isn’t going anywhere and she’ll fight you every step of the way if you give her power. When you start feeling the need to make excuses… tell her the truth.
Honor and acknowledge her excuses and shoot them down with a blast of truth. Identify how she’s trying to sabotage you. Then use honesty to expose why her excuse is a lie… then compete with the excuse by doing the opposite of what she’d have you do.
Let’s skip the gym.You know we have to go. It’s good for us and we’ll feel better for going. We’re going. *then grab your sneakers and go!
Let’s get pizza. You know we’re avoiding unhealthy, trigger foods, right now. What’s a healthier alternative? Am I even hungry right now?? *If not, don’t eat… do something else.
Let’s go to happy hour. You know one drink will turn into 3 drinks and an order of loaded nachos. You know that’s not a good idea. What other fun, healthy things could you do instead? Hit the gym? Watch a funny movie? Have some tea or lemon water instead?
You will never be 100% motivated. You have to learn how to be disciplined. Shooting down your inner fat girl will help you master discipline and make healthy choices. No matter what.
Why? This gives your inner fat girl power. Any kind of negative self-talk gives your inner fat girl a megaphone and a case of red bull.
When you try to be perfect you’ll automatically focus on what isn’t perfect. When you compare your page 1 to someone else’s chapter 20, it makes it easier for your inner fat girl to say ‘what’s the point’ and tap out.
You have to lose the weight the same way you put it on. One pound at a time. When you attempt to take fat off by over-doing it (uber strict diets/overly intense workouts) you can actually shock your metabolism into fat preservation mode.
Overdoing it and adding pressure on yourself is like having too many screens open on your computer… eventually, you’re going to crash.
Plus the stress to your body (and mind) and triggers hormones to release. These hormones will turn you into a carb craving, fat storing machine. Be kind to yourself. Give yourself a break. It’ll help inspire your inner fit girl and make your journey a lot easier.
I’ve personally made all of these mistakes and can honestly say, these habits kill your chances of success.
Repeat after me “Mind Right, Body Tight.” Avoid these 3 mindset mistakes and you’ll find it easier to get healthy and lose weight.
It works, if you work it.
So work it! You are so worth it.
В оригинале, можете воспользоваться переводчиком.
Some ladies feel motivated to get healthy and some lbs. and then end up feeling like failures the first time they eat something they know they shouldn’t have… but did anyway.
If you ever want to be a weight loss success story there are 3 things you absolutely have to stop doing.
Everyone has an inner fit girl (picture an angel on your shoulder) and an inner fat girl (picture a little devil on the other shoulder). Just because you want to be a fit girl doesn’t mean you inner fat girl goes away.
Your inner fat girl isn’t bad! She likes to hit the easy button. She’d rather be comfortable and avoid work. Who doesn’t?? Your inner fat girl is FLUENT in the language of excuses and she’ll sabotage your weight loss efforts if you let her. (Let’s skip the gym. Let’s get pizza. Let’s go to happy hour!!! We deserve it! We’ve been good! We can start Monday!)
Your inner fat girl is a very real part of you. EMBRACE HER. She isn’t going anywhere and she’ll fight you every step of the way if you give her power. When you start feeling the need to make excuses… tell her the truth.
Honor and acknowledge her excuses and shoot them down with a blast of truth. Identify how she’s trying to sabotage you. Then use honesty to expose why her excuse is a lie… then compete with the excuse by doing the opposite of what she’d have you do.
Let’s skip the gym.You know we have to go. It’s good for us and we’ll feel better for going. We’re going. *then grab your sneakers and go!
Let’s get pizza. You know we’re avoiding unhealthy, trigger foods, right now. What’s a healthier alternative? Am I even hungry right now?? *If not, don’t eat… do something else.
Let’s go to happy hour. You know one drink will turn into 3 drinks and an order of loaded nachos. You know that’s not a good idea. What other fun, healthy things could you do instead? Hit the gym? Watch a funny movie? Have some tea or lemon water instead?
You will never be 100% motivated. You have to learn how to be disciplined. Shooting down your inner fat girl will help you master discipline and make healthy choices. No matter what.
Why? This gives your inner fat girl power. Any kind of negative self-talk gives your inner fat girl a megaphone and a case of red bull.
When you try to be perfect you’ll automatically focus on what isn’t perfect. When you compare your page 1 to someone else’s chapter 20, it makes it easier for your inner fat girl to say ‘what’s the point’ and tap out.
You have to lose the weight the same way you put it on. One pound at a time. When you attempt to take fat off by over-doing it (uber strict diets/overly intense workouts) you can actually shock your metabolism into fat preservation mode.
Overdoing it and adding pressure on yourself is like having too many screens open on your computer… eventually, you’re going to crash.
Plus the stress to your body (and mind) and triggers hormones to release. These hormones will turn you into a carb craving, fat storing machine. Be kind to yourself. Give yourself a break. It’ll help inspire your inner fit girl and make your journey a lot easier.
I’ve personally made all of these mistakes and can honestly say, these habits kill your chances of success.
Repeat after me “Mind Right, Body Tight.” Avoid these 3 mindset mistakes and you’ll find it easier to get healthy and lose weight.
It works, if you work it.
So work it! You are so worth it.
Ох уж эта западная психология
Раньше все носились со своим inner child, теперь, значит, надо беседовать с какой-то inner fat girl. Я вообще против того, чтобы плодить этот inner зоопарк. Я за интегрированную зрелую личность. Пусть жрущую, но все-таки единую. А то все эти концепции позволяют назначить виноватого: это вот не я, а моя внутренняя толстуха наела, я вообще не при делах.
1 -
Ну не знаю)) мой внутренний лентяйчик сегодня уже пытался завести песню: результатов нет, зачем все нужно... пока был послан)
Но с каждым днём все труднее, возникают мысли, что результата не будет, а что бы был нужно есть морковку и вареную грудку... две недели прошло, лицо схуднуло, но вещи пока все так же сидят... вес решила месяц не измерять. 15 февраля как встану на весы... но ведь мышцы ( какие к черту мышцы, Света?! ) могут почти не изменить вес или совсем немного.0 -
> @svettim написал:
> Ну не знаю)) мой внутренний лентяйчик сегодня уже пытался завести песню: результатов нет, зачем все нужно... пока был послан)
> Но с каждым днём все труднее, возникают мысли, что результата не будет, а что бы был нужно есть морковку и вареную грудку... две недели прошло, лицо схуднуло, но вещи пока все так же сидят... вес решила месяц не измерять. 15 февраля как встану на весы... но ведь мышцы ( какие к черту мышцы, Света?! ) могут почти не изменить вес или совсем немного.
Ха-ха, про мышцы за две недели это особенно смешнону, как бы все худеющие, это как беременная женщина, которая хочет родить на 2м месяце, или вообще тогда не надо этого ребенка, я стараюсь, а результат ноль. Даже живот не видно. Вот первый видимый окружающим результат может быть не ранее хотя бы! 7 мес. А в идеале 9. Но и тогда это не конец, а самое начало. Начало новой жизни, которую надо вести ВСЮ жизнь. И да, морковь и курогрудь в ней неплохо бы полюбить, вообще не понимаю сути претензий к ним, вкусные же продукты. Наели вы это богатство за годы, а убрать хотите за месяц. Липосакция тогда. Или волшебные укольчики запрещенной фармы помогут. Вроде ж все взрослые люди, а в сказку все хотим верить, эээх!
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